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[Facts] that name selah
what does selah mean. I have an aunt named selah, and i have no clue what backround it is from and i really would like 2 know. i don't know why her name is selah and i want to help her out, i tried to look it up on the namesake thing, but no dice.thanks if you respond,
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that is some interesting meaning. i am glad to know now what my name means. thank you.
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thw meaning of Selah is Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Pause and reflect . my husband and i just named our daughter Selah can find it many times under psalms in the bible. it is also said that it means musical interlude. or a pause in the music.
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Selah is used throughout Psalms (in the Bible) with the meaning "pause and reflect". I think it's a beautiful name.-Seda*
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Of course SELAH has only two syllables, so in fact it could be any language.
Let's say it is Hebrew. There is a vocabulary word "sela" meaning "rock" which has been used as a given name. But in Hebrew the word doesn't have an H in the end, so maybe this is not the right clue.
There is another Hebrew word "selah", which appears in the book of Psalms. It probably marks the end of a paragraph, but its original meaning is not clear. One interpretation derives it from a word meaning "lift up"; this could refer either to the voices of the singers or else to their eyes. In the latter case it may ask the person or persons praying to lift up their eyes and repeat the last verses.
According to another interpretation SELAH is derived from a word for "bow" or "pray", so maybe you were supposed to bow down in prayer at the end of the paragraph.
But as I said all this may be wrong as far as your anúnt's name is concerned. ;—)Andy
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I think Selah's a variant of Sela. Click the hyperlink for more info.Miranda
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