[Opinions] Dario
I'm in love with the name Dario. It's so dark and romantic, like Mario's dangerous cousin.WDYT of it?
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All I think of is Franchitti when I hear the name Dario.
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I would think of someone who is Italian (because of similarity to Mario) or African American (because of the similarity to names like Darryl, Darius, etc).
It does seem dark & mysterious though. It would be a good vampire name.
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It's ok, I'm a bit tired of it to tell you the truth. It was very popular in my generation here (along with Mario) and I've always had at least one in every class.
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lol... he IS like Mario's dangerous cousin!!
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Hmmm, it does seem dark and romantic. While it's not my favorite, I think I like it. I like it more than Mario.
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Dario is kind of dark. I think I enjoy this name. I do not think I would use it, but it is nice. It is handsome, unique and not in a bad way, and, as you have aid, dark and dangerous. I might name a pet this because I like human names for pets. On a geeky name note, Dario is form of Dareious and means maintain well in Persian, Greek and Italian.
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After reading this I realized I like Darius better and that Dario is easy fodder for the kidergarten class calling him Diarrhea... not so hot...edit: Ilario is good too

This message was edited 11/13/2010, 10:28 AM

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