[Opinions] Nuria & Beata
I'm just looking for opinions on these two names that I've been thinking about lately:Nuria (would go on my "Spanish child" list, which is essentially my short list)
Beata (would go on my "Other/ Just like it, don't intend to use it" list because it's a word in Spanish *sigh*, and I don't think many English-speakers would get this right) Thanks!
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I love Nuria! It's a little religious, but I still think it sounds and looks great. I don't really like Beata, but it's okay.
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It is pretty religious, but I also have Amparo in my top 4 which is super religious as well (except I've lived in the Valencian Community, so I don't feel quite as strange about that). It's weird, because in English I tend to avoid religious names.
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I'm surprised to see people aren't fond of Nuria--I think it's a great name! I'm curious to know what medicine it reminds people of. I'm not aware.I don't get the appeal for Beata. Even with the correct pronunciation it sounds awkward.
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I love Beata! It's one of my top names for a girl. I would love to use it some day (even though I'm an American and will have to train everyone to pronounce it properly.) I figure that if Americans can learn that Sean is said like Shawn they can figure out Beata is like the first part of Beatrice with an A on the end.Nuria sounds like the name of a nerve medicine to me...or like a mis-type of nutria.
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Beata isn't pronounced like the first part of Beatrice though. It's beh-AH-tah not BEE-ə-tah (like Beatrice is pronounced in English). (Ignore everything if you were referring to the Italian pronunciation of Beatrice).

This message was edited 11/14/2010, 5:12 PM

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love Beata - I know a Norwegian woman with this name and it's lovely. but think English speakers would murder it. don't like Nuria - looks like a medicine's name.
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I just see "beat" in Beata. It also reminds me of the Latin for "blessed," which I suppose is a nice association, but it's a little weird to me as a name.Nuria is nice. It could definitely grow on me.
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Ooooooooo, I ADORE Beata!!! (hope my love of it is coming through, lol)
It's such a gem and no one here mentions it (I guess because they aren't sure how to pronounce it?) and it work marvelously as a middle name.Nuria is nice, but I'm just not wowed by it.
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