[Opinions] Clarisse
I've fallen for Clarisse lately, and it's now one of my favorites. It just sounds so lovely to me. Clarice doesn't appeal to me as much because of the way it looks. I'm not too keen on the -rice part. The Silence of the Lambs association doesn't bother me though.WDYTO Clarisse and what middle names would you pair with it?Thanks in advance.
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I'd far prefer Clarissa. I tend to prefer the Latin over the French versions of names like Clarissa, Lucilla etc.
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Love Clarisse and ClariceMy fave is Clarice, but they sound the same so I love them both. Clarice Lilliana is the combo I have for now. You might likeClarisse Morgan
Clarisse Philomene
Clarisse Jacqueline
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Clarice Lilliana is pretty.Out of your other combos, Clarisse Philomene is my favorite. I prefer Morgan for a boy, but I don't mind it for a girl. Your combo made me think of Clarisse Morrigan, which I hadn't come up with yet. I'm liking it. Thank you.
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Clarisse Silvia
Clarisse Bella
Clarisse Eponine
Clarisse Helene
Clarisse Fiona
Clarisse Siobhan
Clarisse Winifred
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Clarisse Eponine is stunning. Clarisse Fiona has a great flow as well. Thanks!

This message was edited 11/20/2010, 8:14 PM

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I much prefer Clarisse as a middle name--but yes, I also prefer this variant.
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It's never appealed to me. I think it was the name of a horrible step-mother in a film I saw as a child.Clarisse Jeanette
Clarisse Antonella
Clarisse Henriette
Clarisse Gabriella
Clarisse Rosabella
Clarisse Violet
Clarisse Amanda
Clarisse Leonora
Clarisse Lucienne
Clarisse Gena
Clarisse Daniela
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Clarisse Leonora is beautiful. I prefer -elle to -ella, so I'd change Gabriella and Rosabella to Gabrielle and Rosabelle. Thanks for the ideas!
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"Are the lambs still screaming?"Yeah, it doesn't appeal to me because of the movie. It's nice enough, but I can't help but think of cannibalistic serial murderers when I hear it.Suggestions:Clarisse Anne
Clarisse Annabel
Clarisse Margaret
Clarisse Pearl
Clarisse RuthMan, this is a hard one to combo with...
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Clarisse Annabel is a beauty. I like Clarisse Pearl too. Thanks!
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