[Opinions] Birth announcements and other notable names...WDYT?
Below are the names of babies born recently at the hospital where I work. MN's and siblings' names given when known.
Hope (sister – Macharne)
Naomi Patricia Ann (brother – Jamareen)
Madalyn Grace
Kenisa (dad – Ken)
Phallon Shea (brother – Jade)
Arianna Lashay
Rachel (sister – Sarah)
Karrina Alissa
Aaron William
Ayas Arif (sister – Aveen; Iraqi family)
Logan Patrick (brothers – Colby, Aaron & Austin)
David Avon III
Jordan Dunn (siblings – Ethan, Brandon & Katlyn)
Noah Del
Stephen Wilson
Ethan (siblings – Caleb & Grace)
Xavier Todd (siblings – Calvin, Kamia, Richelle)
Dominic Vincent (sibs – Jenna & Matthew)
(b/g twins) Noah Michael & Layla (sisters – Faith & Deziree “Dezi”)
(b/b twins) Aaron Matthew & Joseph Patrick
Below are names I've encountered lately, when out & about, on tv, etc...
Hiedi - A variant of Heidi? (saw on a sign for a store
called "Hiedi's Place")
Janu (f) - was on "Survivor" (a fellow Survivor-ite named his baby daughter after her as well...I don't watch Survivor so this is probably old news, lol)
Breeze (f) - a character in a book
Lydon (m) - LYE-don (sounds almost like 'lie down'!)
Jedryan – African-American man working at movie theater; no clue on pronunciation (jeh-dree-EN or Jed + Ryan?)
Saxon (f) - woman on the news
Caulin (m) – brothers Brandon & Sean (saw on a front car license plate)
McKay - a male doctor that was on Oprah, and his ln was McKinnon!
Mennt (m) – Jewish child
Orly (f) – Jewish child
Tabether - a mother on "Maury"
Carish & Leaira - Mother/daughter on "Maury"
Hope (sister – Macharne)
Naomi Patricia Ann (brother – Jamareen)
Madalyn Grace
Kenisa (dad – Ken)
Phallon Shea (brother – Jade)
Arianna Lashay
Rachel (sister – Sarah)
Karrina Alissa
Aaron William
Ayas Arif (sister – Aveen; Iraqi family)
Logan Patrick (brothers – Colby, Aaron & Austin)
David Avon III
Jordan Dunn (siblings – Ethan, Brandon & Katlyn)
Noah Del
Stephen Wilson
Ethan (siblings – Caleb & Grace)
Xavier Todd (siblings – Calvin, Kamia, Richelle)
Dominic Vincent (sibs – Jenna & Matthew)
(b/g twins) Noah Michael & Layla (sisters – Faith & Deziree “Dezi”)
(b/b twins) Aaron Matthew & Joseph Patrick
Below are names I've encountered lately, when out & about, on tv, etc...
Hiedi - A variant of Heidi? (saw on a sign for a store
called "Hiedi's Place")
Janu (f) - was on "Survivor" (a fellow Survivor-ite named his baby daughter after her as well...I don't watch Survivor so this is probably old news, lol)
Breeze (f) - a character in a book
Lydon (m) - LYE-don (sounds almost like 'lie down'!)
Jedryan – African-American man working at movie theater; no clue on pronunciation (jeh-dree-EN or Jed + Ryan?)
Saxon (f) - woman on the news
Caulin (m) – brothers Brandon & Sean (saw on a front car license plate)
McKay - a male doctor that was on Oprah, and his ln was McKinnon!
Mennt (m) – Jewish child
Orly (f) – Jewish child
Tabether - a mother on "Maury"
Carish & Leaira - Mother/daughter on "Maury"

LOVE Dominic Vincent! It's my favorite boys combo : ) I also really like Xavier, but I dislike Todd.
I saw McKay McKinnon on Oprah too, horrible horrible name : (
CIARDA"Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Loving the names: Mira, Lilia, Dominic, Asher
Proud Aunt to Everett & Ella
I saw McKay McKinnon on Oprah too, horrible horrible name : (
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Loving the names: Mira, Lilia, Dominic, Asher
Proud Aunt to Everett & Ella
Hope - nms sister – Macharne - what is that?!
Naomi Patricia Ann- nice combo brother – Jamareen - don't like
Madalyn Grace - LOVELY!
Kenisa (dad – Ken)- nononono, was there no better way of honoring dad?
Phallon Shea - NO! Makes me think of "phallos", sorry. Fallon is better. Shea is nms, makes me think of Shea Stadium.
Arianna Lashay - really, really nms. Isn't Lashay male?
Christa - nope!
Rachel (sister – Sarah) - nice, and goes well with sister.
Karrina Alissa - dislike both, and Karrina is way to made up for me.
Can't cope with the boys right now. Too many names.
Naomi Patricia Ann- nice combo brother – Jamareen - don't like
Madalyn Grace - LOVELY!
Kenisa (dad – Ken)- nononono, was there no better way of honoring dad?
Phallon Shea - NO! Makes me think of "phallos", sorry. Fallon is better. Shea is nms, makes me think of Shea Stadium.
Arianna Lashay - really, really nms. Isn't Lashay male?
Christa - nope!
Rachel (sister – Sarah) - nice, and goes well with sister.
Karrina Alissa - dislike both, and Karrina is way to made up for me.
Can't cope with the boys right now. Too many names.