[Opinions] Sallyanne?
Sally was my late grandmother's name and over the past few days I've become quite fond of it. I know it seems rather dull, boring and old-ladyish but I've attempted to liven it up by making a nice combination of Sally and Anne or Anna. So please tell me what you think of these:
Sallyanne Grace - I'm really liking this one
Sallyanna / Sallyana Grace - which spelling do you prefer?
I can't think of any other middle names, everything seems to be too long: Sallyanne Elizabeth, Sallyanne Katherine
Do you have any other suggestins for middle names?
I've also thought of using Sallyanne as a middle name but I can't decide what it would sound nice with.

"Love me, that's all I ask of you."
Sallyanne Grace - I'm really liking this one
Sallyanna / Sallyana Grace - which spelling do you prefer?
I can't think of any other middle names, everything seems to be too long: Sallyanne Elizabeth, Sallyanne Katherine
Do you have any other suggestins for middle names?
I've also thought of using Sallyanne as a middle name but I can't decide what it would sound nice with.

"Love me, that's all I ask of you."
This message was edited 12/31/2005, 11:15 AM
Sallyanne is alright, But I think that Sally Anne or Sally-Anne would do just fine.
Sally Anne Grace is nice.
Sally Ana Grace is also quite pretty, but Ana should be pronounced ah-na.
Sally Anne Elizabeth and Sally Anne Katherine are both lovely. Other suggestions inlude:
(Sally Ana) Isabella/ Isabel
Therese/ Theresa/ Teresa
I don't like Sally Anne as a mn.
Hope this helps!
Proud User Since March 23, 2005
"To a brave man, good luck and bad luck are like his right and left hands. He uses both."
~St. Catherine of Siena
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."
~St. Thomas Aquinas
Sally Anne Grace is nice.
Sally Ana Grace is also quite pretty, but Ana should be pronounced ah-na.
Sally Anne Elizabeth and Sally Anne Katherine are both lovely. Other suggestions inlude:
(Sally Ana) Isabella/ Isabel
Therese/ Theresa/ Teresa
I don't like Sally Anne as a mn.
Hope this helps!
Proud User Since March 23, 2005
"To a brave man, good luck and bad luck are like his right and left hands. He uses both."
~St. Catherine of Siena
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."
~St. Thomas Aquinas
I really dislike Sally. I picture a plain, overweight girl. And Anne is nothing to write home about - it's so generic. Sorry.
Sallyanna is quite a lot nicer.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
Sallyanna is quite a lot nicer.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
Why not simply Sally Anne?
Sally Anne in two words but using both names.
Anna/Anne means "grace" so I find Grace as mn a bit redundant.
Sallyanne Elise flows well. Or Elise Sallyanne.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Sally Anne in two words but using both names.
Anna/Anne means "grace" so I find Grace as mn a bit redundant.
Sallyanne Elise flows well. Or Elise Sallyanne.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Thanks you!

I've never cared for Sally but I can understand wanting to honor a family member. What about using Sallyanne as a mn?
ETA: You could name her Sarah Anne or Sarah Grace and call her Sally, since Sally is another form of Sarah, right? And Anne basically means 'grace' so you could use either/or.

ETA: You could name her Sarah Anne or Sarah Grace and call her Sally, since Sally is another form of Sarah, right? And Anne basically means 'grace' so you could use either/or.

This message was edited 12/31/2005, 1:28 PM
Yes, I do like Sallyanne better than just Sally, it just seems to give a sweeter egde to it for me. I'm thinking Sally-Anne which would work because it's hyphanaded and therefore the two will stay pretty much together. Sallyanne is looks so made up and smushed together to me now.
I love than name Julianne, but my best friend's name is Julie so I think it's really pretty. :)

I love than name Julianne, but my best friend's name is Julie so I think it's really pretty. :)

Sally-Anne works great!
I think that Sally-Anne or Sally Anne would look better. Smushed together, it takes away from the charm of both names--rather like, say, Arcadiarose isn't half so fine as Arcadia Rose or Arcadia-Rose would be. Sally-Anne seems very sweet, though; I think that it's nice of you to use Sally (which I LOVE and which definitely has a modern edge, thanks to Jack and Sally) in honour of your grandmother.
I would pair Sally-Anne with something a bit less common than Grace, personally, but then, I simply don't like Grace. Combos that I'd go for:
Sally-Anne Mercy
Sally-Anne Mireia
Sally-Anne Joy / Sally-Anne Joyce
Sally-Anne Maura
Sally-Anne Virginia
Sally-Anne Tuesday
Sally-Anne Pamela
Sally-Anne Bernadette
Sally-Anne Josepha
Sally-Anne Melinda
Sally-Anne Violet
Sally-Anne Lydia
Sally-Anne Mariam / Miriam
Sally-Anne Calliope
Sally-Anne Heloise
My favourites are Sally-Anne Mercy, Sally-Anne Joyce, and Sally-Anne Tuesday. :)
"Phineas. That's an interesting name."
"Yeah. It's Latin for 'kick me'."
I would pair Sally-Anne with something a bit less common than Grace, personally, but then, I simply don't like Grace. Combos that I'd go for:
Sally-Anne Mercy
Sally-Anne Mireia
Sally-Anne Joy / Sally-Anne Joyce
Sally-Anne Maura
Sally-Anne Virginia
Sally-Anne Tuesday
Sally-Anne Pamela
Sally-Anne Bernadette
Sally-Anne Josepha
Sally-Anne Melinda
Sally-Anne Violet
Sally-Anne Lydia
Sally-Anne Mariam / Miriam
Sally-Anne Calliope
Sally-Anne Heloise
My favourites are Sally-Anne Mercy, Sally-Anne Joyce, and Sally-Anne Tuesday. :)
"Yeah. It's Latin for 'kick me'."
Thank you Array! I did consider Sally-Anne and I think I really do like it better than all smashed together.
Sally-Anne Mercy is really pretty! But it there too much of the S and EE sound with Sally and Mercy? I still like it.
Sally-Anne Joyce is nice too. I love Lydia but I don't think it goes as nicely with Sally-Anne.
Thanks Array! :) Sally-Anne Mercy is perfect! I think it's going on my list! :)

Sally-Anne Mercy is really pretty! But it there too much of the S and EE sound with Sally and Mercy? I still like it.
Sally-Anne Joyce is nice too. I love Lydia but I don't think it goes as nicely with Sally-Anne.
Thanks Array! :) Sally-Anne Mercy is perfect! I think it's going on my list! :)

I like Sallyanne Grace.
I don't like either of the Sallyanna's. I think it's just a bit too much.
Elizabeth and Katherine are nice but with a long first name like Sallyanne I think you should just find a one syllable name of the mn...like Grace or:
Leigh (Sallyanne Leigh)
Dawn (Sallyanne Dawn)
Jade (Sallyanne Jade)
Rose (Sallyanne Rose)
Jayne (Sallyanne Jayne)
May (Sallyanne May)
Kate (Sallyanne Kate)
Or maybe a simple two syllable name
Elise (Sallyanne Elise)
Maia (Sallyanne Maia)
Tayla (Sallyanne Tayla)

and I wonder
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again
I don't like either of the Sallyanna's. I think it's just a bit too much.
Elizabeth and Katherine are nice but with a long first name like Sallyanne I think you should just find a one syllable name of the mn...like Grace or:
Leigh (Sallyanne Leigh)
Dawn (Sallyanne Dawn)
Jade (Sallyanne Jade)
Rose (Sallyanne Rose)
Jayne (Sallyanne Jayne)
May (Sallyanne May)
Kate (Sallyanne Kate)
Or maybe a simple two syllable name
Elise (Sallyanne Elise)
Maia (Sallyanne Maia)
Tayla (Sallyanne Tayla)
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again
This message was edited 12/31/2005, 11:21 AM
No problem
Glad I could help =)...And oh my gosh it's Johnny Depp! Lol I so love your sig! This year is going so awesomely so far!

and I wonder
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again
Glad I could help =)...And oh my gosh it's Johnny Depp! Lol I so love your sig! This year is going so awesomely so far!
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again