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[Opinions] Re: Cosette?
I like the idea of Cosette because of its literary and theatrical ties, but Cozy I think is on par with something like Princess or Precious or Lamb - ok as a family name, but not for everyday use. It's way too cutesy. I like the zappier, stronger Zettie or Zette.I'd pair Cosette with something more serious and mature, likeCosette Miriam
Cosette Lucille
Cosette Agatha, Cosette Agnes (though they sound nicer as Agatha Cosette and Agnes Cosette imo)
Cosette Martha
Cosette Blanche
Cosette Frederica
Cosette Barbara
Cosette Henrietta
Cosette Marjorie
Cosette Rebecca
Rose Cosette
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Ooh, I like Cosette "Zette". Awesome!
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