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[Opinions] What do you think about twins with names that begin with the same letter?

If everything goes my way I will have a male/female set of twins when I'm ready. If this miraculously happens, I have the names I Want to use picked out. They are Ellia and Ephraim. Is it tacky to name them with the same letter? I don't think so, because they don't rhyme or anything. I think its' cute.Thoughts?
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I think that those names sound great together! Both names are a bit unusual, which is something that I appreciate. I know a set of twins named Veronica and Victoria, they are called Nica (Nee-cah) and Tori. To me, the full names were too similar to not have very different nicknames. :)
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I don't mind when twin names start with the same letter, so long as the parents don't go out of their way to find 2 names beginning with the same letter in order to accommodate this. I think you should name twins whatever 2 names you have to like best. If they happen to start with the same letter, fine. If not, fine as well. I have met some twins with horribly matchy names, however. Patrick and Patricia. Jade and Jada. Brianna and Brianna (one pronounced bree-AHN-uh, one bree-AN-uh; and yes, spelled the same!). Etc. Matched names like that make me sad.
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Brianna and Brianna? That's the height of laziness, isn't it? It's actually worse than twin girls born in my area, get ready for it ... Vicky and Victoria!What's wrong with people?
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Brianna & BriannaWait, really? Brianna and Brianna just pronounced differently? That is just the worst. All of their school and medical files and... everything... would get messed up. Same name and date of birth is dangerous. I can only hope they were fraternal.
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I don't see anything wrong with it. It's not like they both start with the same syllable. I know identical twin girls who both have names starting with the "pay" sound. Cute kids, but I wouldn't have picked such matchy names, personally.I like Ellia and Ephraim together, it's a cute set, but not too cute.
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Thanks, I agree lol
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Tacky? No. But if you chose the names because they are names for twins and not your two favorite names then I don't really like it. I hate the fact that people think that twins need special names because, OMG they're TWINS! Why don't people just use their favorite names? When I was in high school there was a girl in my class named Cornelia with the same last name as me and my sister and before the teachers got to know us, everyone just assumed that Caroline and Cornelia were our names because twin names have to match. *rolls eyes*

This message was edited 2/17/2011, 7:02 AM

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I see your point. I have four favorite names: Ellia, Aaron, Ephraim and Diana. If I am lucky enough to have m/f twins, I don't see any reason that Ellia and Ephraim shouldn't be twins. They are the names I'd use anyway, and I kind of like the alliteration.
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I think I don't mind! But I also think I'd prefer it if the names didn't start with the same sound.Celia and Conrad. Chloe and Charles. Alice and Adrian. But then I'd use very different mn initials, in common humanity.
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I think if BOTH name are actually top picks - as in not just chosen because of its beginning letter - then it's perfectly fine. I do think Ellia and Ephraim sound nice together. They have the same vibe but don't seem at all "matchy"
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Thanks, they are both favorites, and that is what I'm going for = )
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It doesn't bother me unless the names also rhyme or sound extremely similar. In that case, it's silly and tacky. Your two names are fine though. They don't sound too close to each other. It doesn't even bother me when parents name their children using all one letter. If they really like names with that letter, then why not? Again, so long as the names aren't all too similar sounding or rhyme.
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Ellia and Ephraim are spectacular names! And even though they have the same beginning letter, it isn't the same beginning sound....
When names are very matchy, in theme, sound or origin, I think it's a bit tacky. But these two just happen to share a begining letter. Or at least it seems that way.
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Thanks! I'm so glad you like them = )
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I think it doesn't really matter, just as long as the parents aren't choosing names that begin with the same letter just so they could match
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I see nothing whatsoever wrong with it. Some people end up with children whose names start with the same letter simply because the parents like that letter. I could see myself with two or three daughters whose names all start with a V because I tend to like girls' names that start with a V. My two sisters are name Patricia and Pamela, nn Patty and Pam, nn as children Patty and Pammy, and they're not even twins. No biggie.
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That reminds me of the tv show Charmed. There were four sisters named Prudence ''Prue", Piper, Phoebe and Paige, daughters to Patti and granddaughters to Penny lol.Also my friend is Pierre and his sister is Petra.
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I generally hate matchy twin names. However, your choices don't seem that bad to me for some reason. I would never do it myself but if I met twins Ellia and Ephriam I wouldn;t be as put off as I usually would by say Taylor and Tiffany
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Thanks! I hope they are rare enough to not be too annoying.
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I don't love it as a general rule, but it's certainly not terrible. Especially the names you've picked. They are different enough that it doesn't feel ridiculous.I'm trying to think of twins I have known.
Leanne & Michelle
Karina & Krista
Richard & Rodger
David & Daniel
Joshua & Jenna (however, their older sister is also a J name)
Loreena & Larisa (these were too close because they pronounce Larisa lah-REES-uh)
Shannon & Dana
Ruth & Esther (matchy, but not alliterative)
Hmm, I never noticed how many of them were alliterative. So, clearly then, it's not a big deal if I never noticed it till now.
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I especially hate sibsets with all J names... yikes. My best friend growing up was one of four, and they all had J names, so I can't handle it anymore lol.
I like Leanne and Michelle! I also like Shannon and Dana.
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Like others, I don't mind it if the names are not too similar otherwise. Twins I've known:
Matthew & Kevin
David & Dana (m)
David & Jesse
Ryan & Sean
Michael & Samuel
Lena & Lucy
Brandy & Brittany
Madeline & Emmeline
Penelope & Margaret (Penny & Peggy)I can't think of any m/f twins I've known.
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My best friends are a m/f twin set. They are Blake (m) and Mackenzie (f). I've always wanted m/f twins. I think that's the best kind, because they don't compete as much, but they are still really close.
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I would avoid it, but if my top two names just happened to begin with the same letter, than I certainly wouldn't automatically rule one of them out.
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I don't mind it much with twins. I like Alice and Asa, for example, or Isaac and Isabel. More than two children with the same letter DOES bother me.
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I agree completely.
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I don't like it. It looks silly and can lead to confusion. My dad is a twin, and he and his brother both have names that start with R. Even today, they get confused, although they don't even look alike at all.
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The same letter doesn't really bother me so much, just because it could be a coincidence. If it was done on purpose, it is a bit whatever. Not my style, but as long as it isn't too matchy it is to each their own. I would just use whatever two names I loved the most, regardless of what letter they start with. I couldn't stand the thought of missing out on using a favorite name because I had wanted my twins to be matching.For example, for a long time my favorite boy and girl names were Connor and Caoimhe. I would have used that for twins had I had them at the time.
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I think using the same first initial is okay. The only thing I don't like is rhyming names or names that are way too similar. The same initial does not bother me at all. I like those names by the way!Twins I've known:
Krissa and Kindra
Melissa and Alyssa
Ryan and Aaron
Charly and Dulcie
Lenae and Renae
Heather and Haley
Jamie and Jon
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Thank you!They're my top choices, but I have a few others if I'm lucky enough to have more kids. I also want to use Aaron and Diana.
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I think it's fine.
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me too {nt}:)
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I don't think a matching letter is overly tacky. I'd avoid doing it on purpose, but if it happened coincidently, oh well. As long as the names themselves don't sound matchy or aren't themey.I feel the same way about all siblings with matching letters. If someone has 2 kids that begin with the same letter, I'd be suspicious, but it could be a coincidence. But if they have 3 or more... tacky.
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Agreed about the three or more thing.
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I would try not to do it,however, if I loved both names that happened to begin with the same letter, so be it. What I really despise are cutesy themes or names that rhyme (Andy, Candy, Mandy, Randy). Ugh!In your situation, Ellia and Ephraim are different enough in sound not to sound contrived and twinny.
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No, it's not really really a problem as the sound is quite different.
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It doesn't bug me.Like Mirfak says, it's no big deal unless the names are very, very matchy.I personally adore the names Margaret and Miriam. If I were to have twins - or even just two daughters - I'd use them. The argument about initials and what-not is irrelevant to me.
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OMG, I just realized how adorable Margaret and Miriam (Meg and Mim) would be! It's the best of both worlds (beautifully classic and mature names with cute nns).
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Hate it.Don't know why but I really do. I think parents do it to be "cute" and matchy.. I really really dislike it. I also hate twins or siblings that dress the same/similar.
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Well it wasn't my intention to be cute and matchy, but I have four favorite names, and two start with E. So if I have four kids, like I want, I figure it just makes sense for the two E names to be the twins (if I have them).
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DittoIt's one thing of the names share the same letter because the parents just happen to like both names and their alliteration is a coincidence. However, I suspect most parents who give their twins alliterative names do so because they want to match the kids in a cutesy way, and that just makes me want to barf.
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I just happen to like both names, but I do like the alliteration
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I don't think it's tacky. If it was Ellia and Elliot, it'd be tacky-ish. It bugs me if the names have too-literally matchy meanings like River and Laken, or even Dawn and Aurora. And it bugs me a little bit if the names have the same origin, like Sean and Joanna. But Ellia and Ephraim sound nice. I like twin names to relate to each other in small ways, just usually not in big obvious ways.
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Ditto to allyeah pretty much
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No normal person would even know Sean and Joanna were connected. only name-nerds! LOL
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Yeah. Bummer.My niece and nephew (brother and sister) are John and Joanna. I'll never say anything, but it makes me groan inside. They're both honoring people in separate lines, though, so at least they have a more important meaning.
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Actually, my late brother and I had esentially the same name, Jean(me) and John.However, both are family names, and I doubt my parents realized they had the same root, nor, probably, cared!
And Jean is in fact my middle name, but it's what I'm always called.
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I agree on all of this. Funnily enough though, the only pair of twins I've met who's names were completely different and not at all matchy, are my aunts - they're Katelyn and Kara. And I've met a lot of twins. Come to think of it, I'd always kind of thought it was common for twins to have matchy names, not even thinking of the twins I've met irl. I wonder how common it really is.Anyway, twins run in my family and if I end up with twins, I'll likely give them kind of matching names too :)
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My sister and I don't have matchy names (Caroline and Terése) and my best friend Per has a twin sister named Christina. I went to school with two twin sets: Jesper and Joel and Oscar and Gustav. None are matchy in my opinion. Actually, I don't think I've ever met a supermatchy twin set.
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I've only know a few sets of twins personally and none of them have been matchy! haha. There was...Mimi & Belle
Ronald & Zackary (Ron & Zack)
Leanne & Hillary
Kevin & Ashley
April & Crystal
James & Joseph (Jamie & Joey) --> this ones a bit matchy
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Wrong spotIgnore

This message was edited 2/17/2011, 1:51 PM

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From my experience, not very.Twins that I've known - off the top of my head:Rebecca & Sarah
Kristin & Natalie
Kimberly & Meredith
Jay & Jeff - sorta of matchy, I supposeIn fact I know of only one matchy set and it's terrible - Ned & Ted. Full names.
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This from a long time mother knew twins named Horrace and Doris. True!
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My grandma and her twin brother are Joyce and Boyce!
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