[Facts] Is ELINA Sanskrit word?
Hi,I have been looking for a name and found out in web site that name ELINA has also Sanskrit meaning, is this true? It has also origin with Greek and swedish origin. However, I have a doubt that it is also a Sanskrit word.Please help me on this.Many thanks
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I doubt it. But, since the mapping from the roman script to devnagari is imperfect at best, I can't be absolutely sure.On the internet somebody claimed that it is Gandhi's book as an Indian name meaning 'woman of intelligence'. I have no idea where she got that from.The closest I can find, either as a word or as a mythological figure in Sanskrit, is ilinA (both i's short as in English hit) and ilinI (the last -I long as in heat), both of which are used as names in myhtology. These probably come from a ilA (originally probably with a r, retroflex l or D), with the originally Indoeuropean root associated with progress or motion, and meaning a refreshing drink, but soon associated with speech.
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Thanks. Is it possible to provide me any script of name IlinA that is written in devnagari?

This message was edited 2/23/2011, 8:02 AM

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If you have unicode Devnagari fonts, and your font display engine has the reordering support needed for Brahmi origin scripts (Windows calls them Thai like scripts) then you should correctly see this: इलिना
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