[Opinions] Marina and Carolina
I am 7 months pregnant with my 4th child, which is a girl. We had chosen Julian Philippe for a boy, but we found out Tuesday that it's a girl! We both like and have agreed on Carolina Yadeli (Car-o-lee-na Ya-day-lee), but our 9 month old daughter is named Marina Araceli;
do you think Marina and Carolina are too similar? They are only going to be 10-11 months apart, and I am afraid people will think they are twins as they age! My older two are Ava Elizabeth and Isaac Sebastian, who are 5 and 4. WDYT???? The surname is Vazquez.
do you think Marina and Carolina are too similar? They are only going to be 10-11 months apart, and I am afraid people will think they are twins as they age! My older two are Ava Elizabeth and Isaac Sebastian, who are 5 and 4. WDYT???? The surname is Vazquez.
I think Marina Araceli (which is gorgeous by the way) and Carolina Yadeli are too close in sound because both names have the same endings. I would agree to bump Carolina to the mn position and choose something else for the fn, but I also love this name so I understand your dilemma! Besides I have a very sweet, close friend named Carolina so I have a great association with the name.
Carolina Yadeli, while beautiful, does seem to be a re-tread of Marina Araceli.
An anecdote to ponder:
My sister is Hilary and I was almost named Valerie. (C'mon Mom and Dad, enough with the "-erie" names.) Fortunately, on the way to the hospital my father put his foot down and I ended up being named after my mother. There's nothing wrong with the name Valerie. But growing up with an older sister Hilary, I would have felt like an after-thought of her.
You have such beautiful taste in names, I'm sure you can come up with another gorgeous combination.
An anecdote to ponder:
My sister is Hilary and I was almost named Valerie. (C'mon Mom and Dad, enough with the "-erie" names.) Fortunately, on the way to the hospital my father put his foot down and I ended up being named after my mother. There's nothing wrong with the name Valerie. But growing up with an older sister Hilary, I would have felt like an after-thought of her.
You have such beautiful taste in names, I'm sure you can come up with another gorgeous combination.
Beautiful names that are too close, imo, especially with the rhyming middle names.
Though both are lovely names, I think that because the first and middle names rhyme with each other, they would be too similar as names for sisters no matter what the age difference is, twin or no twin. Have you thought of using another first name and using Carolina or Yadeli as the middle name?


I agree, but it pains me to do so since I love both Marina and Carolina so much.
Well, they will be "pseudo twins" but does it really matter if people think they are twins? The names are a bit rhyming but will you use nn? If the nn are different, it does not matter that the formal names sound similar.
You could avoid this by calling her Caroline, Carolyn, Carola, Cara, Carys or Charlotte.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
You could avoid this by calling her Caroline, Carolyn, Carola, Cara, Carys or Charlotte.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Yes I do think that Marina and Carolina are too similar. What about Caroline or Carolanne? I love Julian with Ava, Isaac and Marina. Its a great sibset.