[Facts] 10 years!
As of today, this website is 10 years old! It sounds stale, but I have to say that I can't believe it's been that long!
To mark the occasion I've done a bunch of updates:
-added lots of new names, getting through my email to May, 2005
-added Arabic transcriptions to most Arabic names
-fixed the spellings of Czech, Slovak, Polish and Turkish names by adding diacritics that were previously unsupported
-added a list of Estonian name days
-added Slovenia popularity lists, and updates to the Hungarian and English/Welsh lists
-added lists of hurricane names and Hungarian monarchs to the namesakes section
To mark the occasion I've done a bunch of updates:
-added lots of new names, getting through my email to May, 2005
-added Arabic transcriptions to most Arabic names
-fixed the spellings of Czech, Slovak, Polish and Turkish names by adding diacritics that were previously unsupported
-added a list of Estonian name days
-added Slovenia popularity lists, and updates to the Hungarian and English/Welsh lists
-added lists of hurricane names and Hungarian monarchs to the namesakes section
Kudos, Mike :)
Its been a thrill being on board for well over 5 years, watching the site grow and mature, and making wonderful friends thoughout the world :)
Its been a thrill being on board for well over 5 years, watching the site grow and mature, and making wonderful friends thoughout the world :)
This is the best name site I have seen. I hope it will go on another decade at least. :-)
This is the best name site I have seen. I hope it will go on another decade at least. :-)
Congrats BtN!
Here's to many more years of the best name site out there! :)

Here's to many more years of the best name site out there! :)

Congratulations, Mike!
Admittedly, I have only been a true member of BtN for the past four years, lurking for one, and posting for 3 others, and I am honored to be apart of the history of the most amazing name site on the internet. Its amazing how far you've come in ten years (What was the internet *like* ten years ago? o_0)
Bravo, Mike!

Admittedly, I have only been a true member of BtN for the past four years, lurking for one, and posting for 3 others, and I am honored to be apart of the history of the most amazing name site on the internet. Its amazing how far you've come in ten years (What was the internet *like* ten years ago? o_0)
Bravo, Mike!

And I hope it will live on for at least 10 years more
Or as we sing in Sweden "May it live for a 100 years!"
I think this website is great and one of the best. If I want to know the meaning or origin of a non-Scandinavian name, I go here.
Of course BtN is accurate on Scandinavian names too, I just have other sources with more names in this case.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Or as we sing in Sweden "May it live for a 100 years!"
I think this website is great and one of the best. If I want to know the meaning or origin of a non-Scandinavian name, I go here.
Of course BtN is accurate on Scandinavian names too, I just have other sources with more names in this case.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
It should be fixed now. There was a problem with the accent translation.