[Opinions] Kirstin
I'm really loving Kirstin at the moment. (KIR-stin or KUR-stin) Wdyt? I also secretly love Kirstyn, but is it too kre8iv?
I also quite like Kirstie as a nn, though I'm not sure I'd use one.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
I also quite like Kirstie as a nn, though I'm not sure I'd use one.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
This message was edited 1/10/2006, 6:12 AM
I've gone hot-cold with this name, though I don't remember hating it. Mostly because it was so overused here till recently. (In the form Kirsten, but still.) Now I rarely hear it, so it's growing on me again. Thanks for the feedback :-)
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
This message was edited 1/10/2006, 8:28 AM
I don't think she's as popular, but she's certainly famous because of Cheers / Frasier. But because Kirsty is such a common name here, I don't know if people think of her especially.
I saw some diet advert she did when I was in the US, and I agree - she is so irritating! Lol.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
I saw some diet advert she did when I was in the US, and I agree - she is so irritating! Lol.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
This message was edited 1/10/2006, 8:50 AM
I like it too. I have known Kirstins who were KUR, and ones who were KEER. So I'd just ask the prn if I met one, no big deal. I'd automatically say KUR myself if I had to guess because Kirsty is a fave of mine. (Personally I'd avoid sp Kirstie because it reminds me of American TV actress K. Alley, but otherwise I'd probably favor it)
Well, Kirstyn is not too creative in the US anyway. I've seen this name spelled more ways than I could tell you about, because it was really popular in the SF Bay Area in 1971, along with Kristin - there were any number of spellings for each. I went to school with lots of Kirstins etc and there were many, many spellings. Besides, -yn endings for femme names are pretty darned conventional, at least here. I wouldn't use it myself because it isn't THE conventional spelling and it'd require her to spell it all the time -- but then again, I don't really have a strong preference for it. If I did, I'd probably go ahead and use it.
I think nn's just happen if they're suitable and it's hard to plan them for most names. Kirstyn doesn't really need a nick, but you might meet a Kirstyn who seemed very Kirstie.
- chazda
eta - great quote in the sig.

Well, Kirstyn is not too creative in the US anyway. I've seen this name spelled more ways than I could tell you about, because it was really popular in the SF Bay Area in 1971, along with Kristin - there were any number of spellings for each. I went to school with lots of Kirstins etc and there were many, many spellings. Besides, -yn endings for femme names are pretty darned conventional, at least here. I wouldn't use it myself because it isn't THE conventional spelling and it'd require her to spell it all the time -- but then again, I don't really have a strong preference for it. If I did, I'd probably go ahead and use it.
I think nn's just happen if they're suitable and it's hard to plan them for most names. Kirstyn doesn't really need a nick, but you might meet a Kirstyn who seemed very Kirstie.
- chazda
eta - great quote in the sig.

This message was edited 1/10/2006, 7:52 AM
I like Kirsten with the nn Kiki. But it may be a little outdated now.
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy