[Opinions] Pascal
What do you think of the name Pascal? I've started to like it more and more. The thing is, everyone pronounces the name as pas-KAL, which is all well and good, but I recently met a Brit named Pascal who pronounced his name as PAS-cal, rhyming with the word "rascal," and I've got to admit I like that pronunciation a little bit better. So what do you think? I like the name regardless of which pronunciation is used, but what are your thoughts on Pascal and how would you pronounce it?
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Pascal and Pascale are on my favorites list (as mns).
I pronounce them both pasCAL.PAScal is more butch sounding to me (I've noticed most masculine names in English are accented on the first syllable, while femme names are the other way more frequently). Until you said this about the British guy, I thought it sounded "too American" to me -- sort of rustic.Pronouncing it PAScal is an Anglicization, and I have nothing against that. In principle, I always approve of that..So maybe I'll change my mind. But then I'll still have to pronounce the unit of pressure, pascal (for French scientist Blaise P.), the other way. But kiloPAScal is smoother than kilopasCAL.. Hmmm. - chazda
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DH's dad's real name was Pascal, although he went by Patrick here in the US.I think its really a nice name, although I prefer it pronounced Pas-CAL. DH's dad was Italian, and his family all pronounces it that way too. The other prn puts me off a little because it rhymes with rascal.
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I prn Pascal PAS-kuhl. I hear Pascale as pas-KEL or pas-KUHL. I quite like both names but prefer them on children born near Easter.
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I really like the name, it's pretty unusual which is good. I'd pronounce it pas-kal myself but either is nice
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