[Opinions] Sol
I've been thinking about this name for a bit now, on a girl. I like its meaning of "sun" in Spanish and Portuguese and I think it has a nice sound. I think it sounds like the name of a movie star or celebrity of some sort. I wonder thought if it's a little too short though...like it should be a nn for something. WDYT? Also, what middle names would you pair with it?
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I think Sol is cute but it's a bit too short for a full name. Luckily there are plenty of names it can be short for.Solange
Soljana - "sol-JAH-nuh" this isn't in the database but I know someone with this name. I think she was Czech or something.
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Solveig is intriguing to me. It might be an issue where I live though due to pronuciation issues. Maybe Solvay/Solvey would work. Although I think it's the 'g' in the name that I find interesting. I'll think about it, thanks! :)
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Yes, I definitely think the pronounciation of Solveig is unintuitive. I originally thought it was pronounced sol-vig!Solvay would work but it doesn't look a good as Solveig.
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I like it too, with the sun meaning - for a guy. I don't like Solomon though. I could see it as short for Soleil, I guess; it would work and Soleil is a cool name. But Sol doesn't sound "stellar" to me unless it's on a guy.

This message was edited 7/19/2011, 11:40 AM

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I haven't really thought about it for a guy...I think I like it. It could grow on me.
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I like it as a name, though I'd pair it with Maria. Maria Sol sounds pretty.In Italian, the name is rendered as Sole, though it's much more likely to be found as Maria Sole than just plain Sole.

This message was edited 7/19/2011, 11:31 AM

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I really like the sound of that...Maria Sol :) Very pretty and sophisticated.
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I love Marisol and I can easily see Sol as a nn for it. Marisol Ava, Marisol Eva, Marisol Iris? Or perhaps the French word for sun, Soleil ("so-LAY") with a nn of Sol? I used to like Solana alot too. That could also work as a formal name for Sol. Isolde? Is there a feminine form of Solomon that might work? On its own it feels too short / abrupt. But I love a challenge. So how about:Sol Victoria
Sol Phoebe (sun and moon)
Sol Artemis / Artemisia (ditto)
Sol Diana (ditto)
Sol Anjali
Sol Parvati
Sol Indira
Sol Apollonia (sun and sun)
Sol Apollinariya / Apollinaria
Sol Vesna (sun and spring)
Sol Hestia / Vesta (sun and hearth)
Sol Consuelo
Sol Isidora
Sol Evadne
Sol Vanessa
Sol Helena (sun and light)
Sol Oriana (golden sun)

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This message was edited 7/19/2011, 11:07 AM

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I'm not a fan of Marisol or Isolde. I have thought about Soleil but I think it's a bit too cheesy for me. I'm not sure why I find Soleil cheesy and not Sol haha. Solana actually crossed my mind...I don't hate it but I'm not big on "ana" names in general. Wow, thank you so much for all your suggestions! I honestly think all your combos are great! These are the ones that jumped out at me...Sol Anjali
Sol Diana
Sol Indira (which has now made me think about Sol Indiana)
Sol Graciela
Sol EdinaThanks again! :)
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Yay, team Sol. :-)I saw above where someone started a Sollemnia thread. That (and Solange / Solene) might work as a formal name for Sol.

This message was edited 7/20/2011, 12:26 PM

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Solene...that just made me think of Solena (so-LAY-na). I kind of like it! Sollemnia seems a little too much for me and I'm not a huge fan of the sound of Solange.
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