[Opinions] Re: Scheherazade
I don't think it's useable in real life. It's just so overcomplicated in both spelling and pronounciation and I think it would be really annoying having to spell it out to everyone. Even if it wasn't so complicated, I don't really like it.I've never heard that story.
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Scheherazade  ·  tellytubby deity  ·  7/28/2011, 7:17 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  Norah Namenerd  ·  7/29/2011, 9:25 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  insane romantic  ·  7/29/2011, 2:53 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  7/28/2011, 6:37 PM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  Alcyone  ·  7/28/2011, 5:39 PM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  Orsino  ·  7/28/2011, 10:59 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  guru  ·  7/30/2011, 8:41 PM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  yasmine  ·  7/28/2011, 10:54 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  Pie  ·  7/28/2011, 8:27 AM
*Swoon*  ·  Xenokleia  ·  7/28/2011, 7:51 AM
Re: Scheherazade  ·  New_Chloe  ·  7/28/2011, 7:26 AM