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[Opinions] Re: Dinah
in reply to a message by guru
I mention Dinah occasionally in the manner of "Why don't people like Dinah?" Because it certainly seems like a name that would be popular, in real life as well as here. Not sure what people have against it. "I've Been Working on the Railroad" is the only thing I can imagine stops people. But hey, I'd like to have a folk song with my name in it!I think Dinah has a very sweet simpleness to it. I like pairing it with Puritan-y thing. I always liked Dinah Grace, as unexciting as it is. I'd also like something like Dinah Prudence or Dinah Pleasance. Or Dinah Hopestill, ooh, that's neat.I also have combos Charlotte Dinah and Columbine Dinah.
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