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[Opinions] Re: Dinah
in reply to a message by guru
Dinahs don't blow where I live! So that wouldn't be an issue at all.I like it very much; I had a great-great aunt Dinah back in the middle of the 19th century, and she flickers through the records, sometimes appearing as Dinah and at other times as Diana - but it's always her, all right. That suggests to me that there might be a possibility of confusion, especially in today's world when Diane, Dianne, Dina and Deanna are also in the mix.I had an old tabby cat that we named Alice (Alice the Alley Cat), and when we got a new kitten I named it Dinah in honour of Alice in Wonderland's cat. Eight years later, Dinah is still going strong and her name gets compliments, even from unexpected humans.For a human, Dinah Lucy, Dinah Louise, Dinah Margaret, Dinah Suzanne, Dinah Helen and Dinah Clare would all work for me.
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