[Opinions] Faolan
How would you pronounce this name the proper Irish way? If different, how would you pronounce it?
I have a 3 month old husky puppy that I gave this name because btn says it means "little wolf" and we pronounce it "fay-oh-lahn" which I bet is not the correct Irish pronunciation, hahah. Here is the pup:
I have a 3 month old husky puppy that I gave this name because btn says it means "little wolf" and we pronounce it "fay-oh-lahn" which I bet is not the correct Irish pronunciation, hahah. Here is the pup:

This message was edited 8/30/2011, 9:15 AM
That puppy is adorable! I don't care what the true pronunciation is. I like your pronunciation best of all. :)
Aww, what a pretty puppy!
I'm pretty sure the Irish pronunciation of Faolan is Fwail - ahn; I looked it up some time ago. The Fw sound makes it sound like three syllables to me.
I'd say you're close enough!
I'm pretty sure the Irish pronunciation of Faolan is Fwail - ahn; I looked it up some time ago. The Fw sound makes it sound like three syllables to me.
I'd say you're close enough!
Faelan is fail-un and means the same thing but is more anglicised.
Faelan is fail-un and means the same thing but is more anglicised.
Yes, close enough! I don't plan on changing how we pronounce it as we're not Irish, I am just curious about the actual Irish pronunciation. :P
Here's a Forvo audio link (it's really soft, so you might have to crank up the volume a bit): http://www.forvo.com/word/faol%C3%A1n/
I think it's fee-lun. What a totally gorgeous pup!
Here you go: http://www.babynamesofireland.com/irish-boy-names-d-f.
fwail + awn.
fwail + awn.
My first thought of how to pronounce it was Fal-un, but i'm guessing thats not the correcty spelling. Fee-lan maybe