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[Games] LadyBug's Name Trivia & Puzzle Congrats - Round 8
Welcome to Round 8 of LadyBug's Name Trivia & Puzzle Congrats!
This round every family had triplets. Naming theme this round is Initials. If you want a third name use one that honors a family member. Previous Rounds:
Sign-up Round:
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:
Round 7:
-Name your new triplets using the initials next to your new additions.
-Please use initials as given, do not switching the orders the letters appear in.

-Nicknames are fine.
-Don't forget to answer the Name Trivia Question (NTQ) and Name Puzzle! Remember no searching for answers! Round 8 Questions:
Round 8 Name Trivia Question: Which of these names is not related to Sarah?
Sadie / Sally / Suri / SashaRound 8 Name Puzzle: Fill in - _or_el_us
Round 7 Answers:
The answer to the Round 7 Name Trivia Question Which of these Biblical names means "my messenger"? is Malachi.
The answer to the Round 7 Name Puzzle Unscramble - allmica is Camilla.
Aderyn Azula
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Cronin
DH: Milo Gideon
DW: Sarah Rose (Lightwood)
DD: Adrienne Kate
DD: Lily Serenity
DS: Adam Leon
DS/DS: Emory Chaz/ Ethan Cody
DD: Mina Alecia
DS: Cesar Claude
DD: Marina Ellinor
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: AnnaMarie
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 2
LN: Edwards
DH: Noah Lincoln
DW: Rose Penelope (Lightwood)
DS: Flynn Declan
DD: Serenity Rose "Seren"
DD: Astrid Isabella
DS/DS: Cullen Evander/ Everett Cooper "Rett"
DD: Delaney Elizabeth "Dela"
DS: Sebastian Robert "Seb"
DD: Ellinor Helene
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Catalina
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Merchant
DH: Gideon David
DW: Lilias Margaret (Edwards)
DD: Aileen Rose
DD: Violet Bryony
DS: Oliver Fabian
DD/DS: Elodie Corinne / Calhoun Emmett
DD: Scarlett Grace
DS: Ralph Amadeus
DS: See Round 7 Rules
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Edith Therese
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
LN: Tremaine
DH: Jonah "Jonny" Damian Tremaine
DW: True-Rose Bridget (Lightwood) Tremaine
DD: Margaret "Maggie" Fiona Tremaine
DD: Glory-Rose Liberty Tremaine
DS: Maximilian "Max" Leo Tremaine
DS/DD: Cedar-Earl Clovis Tremaine / Evangeline "Eva" Cecilia Tremaine
DS: Leo-Jasper Eugene Tremaine
DS: Pachelbel "Paco" Amadeus Tremaine
DD: Agnes-Camilla Hildegard Tremaine
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Eris
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Edwards
DH: Brody Jonah Edwards
DW: Petra Claire Bridger
DS: Ronan Fergus Edwards
DD: Serene Bryony Edwards
DD: Tindra Alicia Edwards
DS/DS: Elias Conan Edwards / Callum Everett Edwards
DD: Riona Caitlin Edwards
DS: Alexander Sebastian Edwards
DD: Julia Karine Edwards
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: estel
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Milo Jedidiah
DW: Hannah Jessamine (Jones)
DD: Erin Colleen
DD: Faith Magnolia
DS: Noah Lucas
DD/DS: Elena Charlotte and Elijah Charles
DD: Victoria Eve
DS: Joseph Alexander "Joey"
DD: Marina Karine
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Jessamine
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Rydell
DH: Jeffrey Addison Rydell
DW: Meredith Genevieve (McPhearson) Rydell
DS: Kieran Terrence Rydell
DD: Grace Lily Rydell
DS: Alexander Lucas Rydell
DD/DD: Cecilia Elizabeth Rydell / Corinne Emily Rydell
DS: Benjamin Owen Rydell
DS: William Charles Rydell
DD: Camilla Helene Rydell
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: jessica_p
NTQ: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Townsend
DH: Damian Lazarus
DW: Gabrielle Margaret (Edwards)
DD: Eileen Bridget
DD: Lily Prudence
DS: Benjamin Oliver
DS/DD: Emil Christopher / Cassandra Eloise
DS: Michael Henry
DS: Sebastian Robert
DD: Nora Johanna
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: JN316
NTQ: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Alec Jeffrey
DW: Hannah Claire (Rydell)
DS: Flynn Reilly
DD: Evangeline Calla "Eva"
DS: Theo Gabriel
DD/DD: Cadence Eliesse / Cecilia Esme "Lia"
DS: Luca James
DS: Haydn Vaughan
DD: Nora Helene
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Keepskuh
NTQ: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Coyle
DH: Dominic Seth Coyle
DW: Penelope Peace Merchant-Coyle
DD: Nora Rose Coyle
DD: Lily Hope Coyle
DS: Aron Benjamin Coyle
DS/DS: Evan Cullen Coyle and Cody Emerson Coyle
DD: Emma Grace Coyle
DS: Erik Strauss Coyle
DD: Maja Gull Coyle
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: LadyBug
LN: McPhearson
DH: Ian Casey McPhearson
DW: Avery Claire (Kitchen) McPhearson
DS: Liam Pierce McPhearson
DD: True Primrose McPhearson
DD: Ella Novalie McPhearson
DS/DD: Casey Emlyn McPhearson / Christa Enid McPhearson
DS: Shea Gavin McPhearson
DS: Grieg Purcell McPhearson
DD: Agnes Alexandra McPhearson "Aggie"
DS/DD/DD: BE, IN, GA luvmonkeezz
NTQ: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 5
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Lightwood
DH: Gideon Kaleb Lightwood
DW: Nicolette Heidi "Niki" (Saylor) Lightwood
DS: Shane Killian Brody Lightwood
DD: Violet Remembrance Lightwood
DS: William Lucas "Will" Lightwood
DD/DD: Emmeline Colette "Emma" Lightwood / Elizabeth Claire "Ella" Lightwood
DS: James Benjamin Lightwood
DS: Alexander Nikolai "Xander" Lightwood
DD: Olivia Karin "Livi" Lightwood
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: miakendall
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
LN: Oakes
DH: Nicholas Samuel
DW: Genevieve Rose
DD: Cassidy Megan "Cassy"
DD: Mercy Violet
DS: Daniel Milo "Danny"
DD/DS: Caroline Elissa "Carrie" / Charles Ethan "Charlie"
DS: Oliver James
DS: Alexander Richard "Alex"
DD: See Round 7 Rules
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: PrincessLeia
NTQ: Correct- 2 Incorrect- 6
Puzzle: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
LN: Saylor
DH: Noah Dominic Saylor (39)
DW: Meredith Rose (Lightwo3d) Saylor (43)
DS: Martin Patrick Saylor (13)
DD: Grace Violet Saylor (10)
DD: Alice Klara Saylor (8)
DS/DS: Caleb Edison / Eli Clark (4)
DD: Charlotte Elodie (3)
DS: William Sebatian (1)
DS: Simon Viktor (nb)
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: renygirl7257
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Jones
DH: Travis Conrad
DW: Bridget Claire (McPhearson)
DD: Claire Mackenzie
DD: Grace Lily "Gracie"
DS: William Alexander
DS/DD: Cody Everett/ Ella Claire
DS: Forrest Alexander
DS: Couperin Alexander
DD: Julia Marie
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: RowenaRavenclaw
NTQ: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 4
LN: Lightwood
DH: Conrad Nicholas Lightwood
DW: Olive Tabitha (Pritchard) Lightwood
DS: Barnaby Desmond Lightwood
DD: Tulip Joy Lightwood
DD: See Round 3 Rules
DS/DS: See Round 4 Rules
DD: See Round 5 Rules Martha Johanna Flora Elsa Genevieve Alice Millicent Elizabeth Grace Charlotte Samantha Ava Cordelia Ella Violet Lucy Lesley Ida Betsy Gretchen Winifred Joy Eva Amelia Summer Audrey Cara Olivia Lena Willa
DS: See Round 6 Rules
DS: See Round 7 Rules
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: SamJr
NTQ: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 5
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Rydell
DH: Jedidiah Addison Rydell
DW: Petra Lilias (Jenkins) Rydell
DD: Darby Taryn Rydell
DD: Temperance Dahlia Rydell
DS: Milo Elias Rydell
DS/DD: Emlyn Caleb / Cordelia Elspeth
DS: Levi Alistair Rydell
DS: Dmitri Nikolai
DD: Lucia Ellinor Rydell
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Sigrid
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Piers Conrad Townsend
DW: Miranda Jessamine (Oakes) Townsend
DS: Declan Martin Townsend
DD: Honor Azalea Townsend
DS: Alexander Vidar Townsend
DD/DD: Cordelia Esther Townsend & Eleonora Celeste Townsend
DS: Sebastian Felix Townsend
DS: Samuel Leonard Townsend
DD: Maja Eleonora Townsend
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Sugar
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Oakes
DH: Nicholas Philip "Cole"
DW: Claire True (Bridger)
DD: Nora Flannery
DD: Zinnia Truth
DS: Sebastian Neo "Bas"
DD/DS: Calliope Ellen "Callie" / Eric Clovis
DD: Alice Meta
DS: Maurice Britten "Moe"
DS: Simon Henning
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Tisiphone
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Lightwood
DH: Seth Dominic Lightwood
DW: Meredith Hannah Lightwood (nee Oakes)
DD: Kathleen Fallon Lightwood "Kate"
DD: Heather Felicity Lightwood
DS: Julian Noah Lightwood
DS/DS: Charles Ezekiel / Emmett Christian
DD: Elizabeth Charlotte
DS: Benjamin Joseph
DD: Rebekka Elise
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Viatrix
NTQ: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Nicholas Fraser
DW: Petra Margaret Laurel (nee Pierce)
DS: Ronan Desmond Pierce ”Ro”
DD: Verity Marigold Pierce “Vera”
DD: Ingrid Matilda Pierce “Indie”
DS/DS: Elias Caspar Pierce “Eli” / Cedric Evander Pierce
DD: Ada Magdalen Pierce
DS: Samuel George Pierce “Sam”
DS: August Marius Pierce “Gus”
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer: Wandering Moon
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Merchant-Coyle
DH: Gideon Travis Coyle
DW: Phoebe Carolyn Merchant
DD: Alana Scarlett
DD: Violet Constance
DS: Sebastian Alfred
DD/DS: Eleonora Caroline & Cassidy Evander
DS: Lucas Alistair
DS: Gabriel William
DD: Olivia Marina
Your NTQ Answer:
Your Puzzle Answer:

This message was edited 9/10/2011, 10:00 PM

Archived Thread - replies disabled
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NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
LN: Oakes
DH: Nicholas Samuel
DW: Genevieve Rose
DD: Cassidy Megan
DD: Mercy Violet
DS: Daniel Milo "Danny"
DD/DS: Caroline Elissa "Cara" / Charles Ethan "Charlie"
DS: Oliver James
DS: Alexander Richard "Alex"
DD: Johanna Marina "Hanna"
DD/DS/DD: Lucy Eleanor / Aiden Henry / Claire Marie
Your NTQ Answer: Suri
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
Wandering Moon
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Merchant-Coyle
DH: Gideon Travis Coyle
DW: Phoebe Carolyn Merchant
DD: Alana Scarlett
DD: Violet Constance
DS: Sebastian Alfred
DD/DS: Eleonora Caroline & Cassidy Evander
DS: Lucas Alistair
DS: Gabriel William
DD: Olivia Marina
DS/DD/DD: Alexander David, Cynthia Laurel & Katherine Rachael
Your NTQ Answer: Suri
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1

Aderyn Azula
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Cronin
DH: Milo Gideon
DW: Sarah Rose (Lightwood)
DD: Adrienne Kate
DD: Lily Serenity
DS: Adam Leon
DS/DS: Emory Chaz/ Ethan Cody
DD: Mina Alecia
DS: Cesar Claude
DD: Marina Ellinor
DS/DD/DS: Grayson Owen / Teresa Ophelia / Hank Thomas
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Jones
DH: Travis Conrad
DW: Bridget Claire (McPhearson)
DD: Claire Mackenzie
DD: Grace Lily "Gracie"
DS: William Alexander
DS/DD: Cody Everett/ Ella Claire
DS: Forrest Alexander
DS: Couperin Alexander
DD: Julia Marie
DS/DD/DS: Colin Heathclif, Kailey Elizabeth , Brayden Connor
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Milo Jedidiah
DW: Hannah Jessamine (Jones)
DD: Erin Colleen
DD: Faith Magnolia
DS: Noah Lucas
DD/DS: Elena Charlotte and Elijah Charles
DD: Victoria Eve
DS: Joseph Alexander "Joey"
DD: Marina Karine
DS/DD/DD: Daniel Robert "Danny", Rebekah Elaine "Bekah", Taylor Quiana
Your NTQ Answer: Sally
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Edwards
DH: Brody Jonah Edwards
DW: Petra Claire Bridger
DS: Ronan Fergus Edwards
DD: Serene Bryony Edwards
DD: Tindra Alicia Edwards
DS/DS: Elias Conan Edwards / Callum Everett Edwards
DD: Riona Caitlin Edwards
DS: Alexander Sebastian Edwards
DD: Julia Karine Edwards
DD/DD/DS: Paige Selena Edwards / Aurelia Scarlett Edwards / Wesley Orion Edwards
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius

vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0LN: Townsend
DH: Alec Jeffrey
DW: Hannah Claire (Rydell)
DS: Flynn Reilly
DD: Evangeline Calla "Eva"
DS: Theo Gabriel
DD/DD: Cadence Eliesse / Cecilia Esme "Lia"
DS: Luca James
DS: Haydn Vaughan
DD: Nora Helene
DS/DD/DS: Shea Isaac / Audrey Natalie / Easton SamuelYour NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1

NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Oakes
DH: Nicholas Philip "Cole"
DW: Claire True (Bridger)
DD: Nora Flannery
DD: Zinnia Truth
DS: Sebastian Neo "Bas"
DD/DS: Calliope Ellen "Callie" / Eric Clovis
DD: Alice Meta
DS: Maurice Britten "Moe"
DS: Simon Henning
DD/DD/DS: Valerie Enid , Romy Tempest, Forrest Luke
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
Note: I accidentally used Eleonora twice so I changed Maja's middle name to Hildegard.Sigrid
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Piers Conrad Townsend
DW: Miranda Jessamine (Oakes) Townsend
DS: Declan Martin Townsend
DD: Honor Azalea Townsend
DS: Alexander Vidar Townsend
DD/DD: Cordelia Esther Townsend & Eleonora Celeste Townsend
DS: Sebastian Felix Townsend
DS: Samuel Leonard Townsend
DD: Maja Hildegard Townsend
DS/DD/DD: Stuart Noel Townsend & Gwendolyn Ingrid Townsend & Bethany Emilia Townsend
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
Round Seven
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 0
LN: Merchant
DH: Gideon David
DW: Lilias Margaret (Edwards)
DD: Aileen Rose
DD: Violet Bryony
DS: Oliver Fabian
DD/DS: Elodie Corinne / Calhoun Emmett
DD: Scarlett Grace
DS: Ralph Amadeus
DS: August Roald
Your NTQ Answer: Malachi
Your Puzzle Answer: Camilla---------------------------------------Round Eight
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Merchant
DH: Gideon David
DW: Lilias Margaret (Edwards)
DD: Aileen Rose
DD: Violet Bryony
DS: Oliver Fabian
DD/DS: Elodie Corinne / Calhoun Emmett
DD: Scarlett Grace
DS: Ralph Amadeus
DS: August Roald
DD/DS/DD: Helena Temperance / Theodore Peter / Edmund Nathaniel
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Lightwood
DH: Seth Dominic Lightwood
DW: Meredith Hannah Lightwood (nee Oakes)
DD: Kathleen Fallon Lightwood "Kate"
DD: Heather Felicity Lightwood
DS: Julian Noah Lightwood
DS/DS: Charles Ezekiel / Emmett Christian
DD: Elizabeth Charlotte
DS: Benjamin Joseph
DD: Rebekka Elise
DS/DD/DD: Sterling Wilson, Rhiannon Calista, Elissa Kathryn
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 5
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Lightwood
DH: Gideon Kaleb Lightwood
DW: Nicolette Heidi "Niki" (Saylor) Lightwood
DS: Shane Killian Brody Lightwood
DD: Violet Remembrance Lightwood
DS: William Lucas "Will" Lightwood
DD/DD: Emmeline Colette "Emma" Lightwood / Elizabeth Claire "Ella" Lightwood
DS: James Benjamin Lightwood
DS: Alexander Nikolai "Xander" Lightwood
DD: Olivia Karin "Livi" Lightwood
DS/DD/DS: Tobiah Alton Lightwood / Heidi Tallulah Lightwood / Oceanus Nathaniel Lightwood
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 3 Incorrect- 5
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Rydell
DH: Jedidiah Addison Rydell
DW: Petra Lilias (Jenkins) Rydell
DD: Darby Taryn Rydell
DD: Temperance Dahlia Rydell
DS: Milo Elias Rydell
DS/DD: Emlyn Caleb Rydell / Cordelia Elspeth Rydell
DS: Levi Alistair Rydell
DS: Dmitri Niko Rydell
DD: Lucia Ellinor Rydell
DS/DS/DD: Galen Aristotle Rydell / Prentice Elias Rydell / Fiona Olivia Rydell
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 2
LN: Edwards
DH: Noah Lincoln
DW: Rose Penelope (Lightwood)
DS: Flynn Declan
DD: Serenity Rose "Seren"
DD: Astrid Isabella
DS/DS: Cullen Evander/ Everett Cooper "Rett"
DD: Delaney Elizabeth "Dela"
DS: Sebastian Robert "Seb"
DD: Ellinor Helene "Ellie"
DS/DD/DD: Isaac Samuel, Liliana Iris "Lily", Nora Katherine
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Coyle
DH: Dominic Seth Coyle
DW: Penelope Peace Merchant-Coyle
DD: Nora Rose Coyle
DD: Lily Hope Coyle
DS: Aron Benjamin Coyle
DS/DS: Evan Cullen Coyle and Cody Emerson Coyle
DD: Emma Grace Coyle
DS: Erik Strauss Coyle
DD: Maja Gull Coyle
DS/DD/DD: Dean Ean Coyle, Zara Yoon Coyle, Leah Anne Coyle

Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
Edith Therese
NTQ: Correct- 4 Incorrect- 4
Puzzle: Correct- 6 Incorrect- 2
LN: Tremaine
DH: Jonah "Jonny" Damian Tremaine
DW: True-Rose Bridget (Lightwood) Tremaine
DD: Margaret "Maggie" Fiona Tremaine
DD: Glory-Rose Liberty Tremaine
DS: Maximilian "Max" Leo Tremaine
DS/DD: Cedar-Earl Clovis Tremaine / Evangeline "Eva" Cecilia Tremaine
DS: Leo-Jasper Eugene Tremaine
DS: Pachelbel "Paco" Amadeus Tremaine
DD: Agnes-Camilla Hildegard Tremaine
DS/DS/DD: Tobias "Toby" Eugene Tremaine / Robert-Taurus Patrick Tremaine / Esther "Essie" Hannelore Tremaine
Your NTQ Answer: Sally
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
Puzzle: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
LN: Townsend
DH: Nicholas Fraser
DW: Petra Margaret Laurel (nee Pierce)
DS: Ronan Desmond Pierce ”Ro”
DD: Verity Marigold Pierce “Vera”
DD: Ingrid Matilda Pierce “Indie”
DS/DS: Elias Caspar Pierce “Eli” / Cedric Evander Pierce
DD: Ada Magdalen Pierce
DS: Samuel George Pierce “Sam”
DS: August Marius Pierce “Gus”
DD/DD/DS: Flora Annabel Pierce / Miriam Ivy Pierce “Mira” / Leopold Yves Pierce “Leo”

Your NTQ Answer: Sasha (Related to Alexander, isn't it? :) )
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius [Don't you just love it when you can look at an anagram and immediately solve it? :D](I'm going to ignore Flora's initials LOL)
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 8 Incorrect- 0
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Townsend
DH: Damian Lazarus
DW: Gabrielle Margaret (Edwards)
DD: Eileen Bridget
DD: Lily Prudence
DS: Benjamin Oliver
DS/DD: Emil Christopher / Cassandra Eloise
DS: Michael Henry
DS: Sebastian Robert
DD: Nora Johanna
DS/DD/DD: Samuel Edward, Tabitha Noelle, Melanie Isabella
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
vote up1
LN: McPhearson
DH: Ian Casey McPhearson
DW: Avery Claire (Kitchen) McPhearson
DS: Liam Pierce McPhearson
DD: True Primrose McPhearson
DD: Ella Novalie McPhearson
DS/DD: Casey Emlyn McPhearson / Christa Enid McPhearson
DS: Shea Gavin McPhearson
DS: Grieg Purcell McPhearson
DD: Agnes Alexandra McPhearson "Aggie"
DS/DD/DD: Brody Ewan McPhearson / Ireleigh Noreen McPhearson / Grayleigh Adeline McPhearson
vote up1
NTQ: Correct- 5 Incorrect- 3
Puzzle: Correct- 7 Incorrect- 1
LN: Rydell
DH: Jeffrey Addison Rydell
DW: Meredith Genevieve (McPhearson) Rydell
DS: Kieran Terrence Rydell
DD: Grace Lily Rydell
DS: Alexander Lucas Rydell
DD/DD: Cecilia Elizabeth Rydell / Corinne Emily Rydell
DS: Benjamin Owen Rydell
DS: William Charles Rydell
DD: Camilla Helene Rydell
DD/DS/DS: Madelyn Brianne Rydell / Thomas Isaiah Rydell / Matthew Christopher Rydell
Your NTQ Answer: Sasha
Your Puzzle Answer: Cornelius
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