[Opinions] Royal
Royal, is it too much? I don't mean it in the High and Mighty kind of way but just in the old fashioned, down home kind of way.
For example: Bowen Royal
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I know someone who named her daughter Royalty.
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I think it makes a great middle name. It does have that old-fashioned, down-home sort of thing going on when it's in the middle name spot. I love the combos Richard Royal and David Royal. Bowen Royal is awesome, too.
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I think it is too much. Even if you don't mean it in a "High and Mighty" way, I think that's how people would take it and then it sounds really pretentious.
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I love this. It's a faily name for me, so I would love to see it used.
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Aw, it makes me think of Royal Wilder, (Almanzo's brother from in Farmer Boy) and I like it a lot. Bowen Royal is a bit much. I really like Timothy Royal as a combo, not sure if that's your style at all.
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I thought of him too. Bowen Royal seems like there are too many last names in the name or something.
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AwwTotally forgot about that association and it makes me love it even more! Timothy Royal is perfect!
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That's what I first thought of!!!I can't associate it with anything else... Roy is kind of a cool nn.
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thats why I started liking it!Thats why I started liking it :)
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All I think of is a little boy with a golden Burger King crown on his head -- not sure why. Royal's not bad, I like Michael Royal. :DI knew someone named Royale (roy-ale), and I like that.
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Oh, I love Royal! There's a hallowed and beloved professor at my school whose name is Royal Rhodes. How triumphal is that?
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Much easier to swallow as a middle name. It has a neat sound as part of a combo. I would like it if it had some real significance, though, like it was a family surname. Otherwise it's a little random for me. I once met a man whose name was (I am not joking) Royal Highness [Surname], and it was an uncomfortable combination of sickening and laughable. Ugh. My mother's uncle Rocco, who was called Roy, suggested naming me Royal after himself. :-P Still happy she didn't go for it!
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I wouldn't use it personally... Bowen Royal sounds more like a bank or a cruise ship company than a person's name... If you're going to use Royal (which I would avoid), it's prob'ly best to use something clearly fn-ish to avoid it sounding more like a corporation than a person. Royal is in no way "old fashioned, down home" as a name... Sounds more pretentious than down home.
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As a fn, I think it definitely would be too much. I think it's all right in the middle. Have you ever considered Noble? It's one of my GPs, and it doubles as a virtue name.
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Love Noble too... good one!
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The first thing I thought of was royal pain in the as* :( So no, I wouldn't like to see it used, it's awful. It doesn't sound royal either, just cheap.
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I don't like it. It just has an annoying quality to the sound. I think the "OI" part bothers me. So, not too much. I just don't like it.
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I think it wouldn't be too much as a middle name, but a first name would be too much. I kind of like it, actually. It sorta remind me of the color Royal blue. PS. I don't really like Bowen :)
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