[Opinions] Eden?
What do you think of the name?
Boy, Girl or Either?
Boy, Girl or Either?
I think it's lovely for a girl, not that great for a boy. Though the right boy could probably make it work. I think at first, people would think of the Biblical meaning and only that, but once they got know her they would start thinking of it as her name. It just has this beautiful ring to it, and reminds me of simpler times.
I really like the name Eden and I actually prefer it for a girl.
Very much a girls' name to me. I think it's lovely, but perhaps too religious for me.
"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah."
~ Dubya, at a White House menorah lighting ceremony. Gotta love him ;-)
"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah."
~ Dubya, at a White House menorah lighting ceremony. Gotta love him ;-)
I don't like it. It's kind of high drama.
I like it for a boy.
Definitely girl. On this site it only lists it as feminine. I know a little girl named Eden-Rose. I've always thought that was very pretty.
The one Eden I know is a girl, so I tend to think of it as a girl's name.
I would never use it. The religious overtones are a bit too much for me. But it is pretty!
I would never use it. The religious overtones are a bit too much for me. But it is pretty!
I only like it for a girl. It's pretty but I always think of eatin'.
I love it for a girl, it's so pretty, and hate it for a boy, as I just can't picture it as masculine
I love the name Eden. For a BOY ONLY
I like it on girl ,pretty name
I think of Eden as a girl's name. I've known two Edens and they were both female. I think it's a very pretty and somewhat unique name.

It used to be my favourite boy's name until I found out about Caspar, Felix and Finlay. On Animal Hospital, a show much-loved my moi previously, there was a presenter called Eden Gaha and that made me think of it as a boy's name.
I think it's pretty on a girl, actually. Layla Eden would go nicely. So would Olivia Eden. I'm starting to like it!
I think it's pretty on a girl, actually. Layla Eden would go nicely. So would Olivia Eden. I'm starting to like it!
Very pretty, it's a girls name to me.

That's not the Gaelic spelling.
Oh, sorry! I thought it was!

funnily enough i new a boy called eden. fits for a girl or a boy (but part of the charm is what the name means)
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Horses Love Me. Cowboys Fear Me.