[Games] congrats round 3
Sorry it took so long to post, i couldnt get on the computer. for this round anybody who wants twins gets twins, if you dont want twins just choose 1. you choose the gender(s). please choose names from round 3 bank
Girls: Erlea, Anja, Annika, Anouk, Antonia, Isabella, Emma, Inka, Imma, Olivia, Aulay, Effie, Aleksandrina, Elisaveta, Emiliya, Evangeline, Ekaterine, Aleksandra, Adrianna, Angelike, Aurelia, Annoushka, Anya, Ealasaid, Effie
Boys: Annick, Andreu, Edvard, Elias, Evander, Ewan, Ian, Irving, Aeron, Eduard, Aleksandar, Edmund, Aleksei, Avgust, Ari
Girls: Benedikte, Dagney, Greta, Gretchen, Bridget, Finley, Bella, Brigida, Chiara, Gabriella, Gerda, Gwendoline, Bianka, Brigitta, Diana, Danijela
Boys: Bikendi, Christoffer, Gustav, Gunther, Brady, Brennan, Brodie, Cody, Desmond, Donovan, Finley, Dante, Gasparo, Daniel, Chrysanthos, Darius, Damian, Dmitri, Avgust
Round 3 names:
Girls: Katalin, Katell, Hilda, Klara, Margarethe, Mia, Kaija, Katja, Leonore, Lili, Lydia, Maja, Margareta, Marita, Hana, Keeva, Kiera, Marina, Luciana, Madalena, Keitha, Kenna, Lorna, Hanna, Halina, Masha, Lilijana, Kamaria
Boys: Katell, Kai, Ludvig, Markus, Kasper, Lukas, Mathias, Liam, Leonardo, Matteo, Marius, Leandro, Lucas, Hamish, Leopold,
LN: Lanteigne
DH: Eric William
DW: Christine Joséane
DD: Isabella Effie
DS: Evander Brennan
LN: McCarter
DH: William Robert
DW: LeAnna Marie
DD: Emma Adrianna
DS: Daniel Brady “Dan”
LN: Meana
DH: Xavier David
DW: Katrine Elizabeth
DS: Evander Aleksei
DD: Gabriella Brigitta
LN: DeGrott
DH: Lee Anton
DW: Vivien Jane
DS: Andreu Evander
DD: Dagny Brigida
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Brigette Gabriella
LN: O'Hara
DH: John Patrick "Jackie," 24
DW: Lillian Hattie "Lillie," 22
DD: Evangeline Emma “Effie”
DD: Bridget Gwendoline “Bitty”
Ash J
LN: Mase
DH: John Christopher
DW: Ashlee Jayne
DD: Isabella Annoushka Anya
DD: Danijela Bianka Dagney
LN: Seton
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Evangeline Isabella “Evie”
DS: Finley Brennan
LN: Horvath
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Aleksei Evander “Alek”
DD: Gabriella Diana
DH: Salvatore Joseph
DW: Francesca Maria
DD/DS: Adrianna Olivia/ Ian Aleksander
DS: Brennan Daniel
LN: Wilkinson
DH: Anton Damien
DW: Louisa Naomi
DS: Aleksander Annick
DD: Gwendoline Chiara
LN: Ripley
DH: Edwin Jack
DW: Laura Ivy
DS: Ari Edmund
DD: Diana Gabriella
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Daddysdancer
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Finley Donovan
LN: Silva
DH: Luke Preston
DW: Jennifer Nicole *Jen*
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Evangeline Aurelia
LN: Eaton
DH: William Fitzhugh
DW: Elisabeth Agnethe
DS/DS: Ewan Edmund/ Aeron Elias
DD: Gretchen Benedikte
LN: Walters
DH: Jadon Mordecai
DW: Prudencia Isolde "Pru"
DD: Evangeline Antonia
DS: Dante Christoffer Darius
LN: Jenson
DW: Sarah Elizabeth
DH: Robert Lee
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Round 2 name
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DS: Elias Aleksei
DD: Gweddoline Chiara
LN: Benson
DH: Marcus Anthony
DW: Erin Deanna
DD: Evangeline Anya
DS: Sorry, round 2 name
Jean Genie
LN: Brakhauff
DH: Nicodemus Francis "Nico"
DW: Allegra Elena
DD: Aurelia Evangeline
DS: Christoffer Bikendi
LN: Foster
DH: Michael John
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DS/DD: Aleksander Elias/ Evangeline Aulay
DD: Finley Gwendoline
LN: Thornton
DH: John Francis
DW: Margaret Maria
DD: Antonia Evangeline “Tonia”
DS: Finley Donnovan “Finn”
LN: Otte
DH: Cullen Graham
DW: Neve Ariadne
DS: Irving Elias
DD: Dagney Chaira
LN: Mikels
DH: Andrew Jacob
DW: Elizabeth Carly
DS: Evander Edward
DD: Emma Angelike
LN: Shephard
DH: Jack Christian
DW: Lara Katherine
DS: Ian Evander
DD: Finley Bella
LN: Rutherford
DH: Adrian
DW: Juliana
DD: Evangeline Annika “Evie”
DS: Desmond Gasparo
LN: Davies
DH: Jonathan Caleb
DW: Mariah Louise
DS: Edmund Ari
DD: Bridget Gabriella
Miss Lissa<
LN: Swenger
DH: Ryan Alexander
DW: Isabel Grace
DD: round 1 name
DS: round 2 name
Miss Natla
LN: Jolson
DH: Charlie
DW: Suzie
DS: Irving Aleksander
DD: Gretchen Gerda
LN: Renault
DH: Jared Joseph
DW: Monika Emilija
DD/DD: Emiliya Adrianna/ Olivia Isabella
DS: Damian Christoffer
LN: O'Sullivan
DH: Brady Edward
DW: Bevin Anastasia
DS: Elias “Eli” Evander
DD: Gretchen Finley
LN: Sinclair
DH: Nicholas Alexander
DW: Rachel Danae
DD: Adrianna Olivia
DS: Darius Brennan
LN: McLean
DH: Johnny James
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Emma Antonia
DS: Damian Christoffer
LN: Zareei
DH: Sabri Naveen
DW: Khalilah Muna-Pera
DS: Elias Evander
DD: Bella Brigitta
LN: Cheville
DH: Casey Patrick
DW: Tara Crystal
DD: Evangeline Emma “Angel”
DS: Brennan Cody
Skye Morgan
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurelia Isabella
DS: Desmond Daniel
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Chiara Bridget
LN: Wallace
DH: Brendan Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Aleksei Elias/ Anya Anouk
DD: Gabriella Finley “Ella”
LN: Browne
DH: Sean Daniel
DW: Stacey Lynn
DD: Emma Evangeline
DS: Cody Donnovan
LN: Scott
DW: Sophie
DS: Aleksei Eduard
DD: Evangeline Emiliya “Evie” (you were suppose to pick a name from round 2 list, but if you want to keep this name its ok or you can change it to one from round 2 name bank)
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Annika Isabella Angelike
DS: Damian Cody Gunther
The Toser's
Colin Daniel
Katherine Michelle "Kate"
DS: Ian Evander
DD: Chiara Gretchen
Triwizard Champ
LN: Ross
DH: Brian Joshua (38)
DW: Julie Nicole (39)
DD: Emma Olivia
DS: Daniel Brody “Dan”
X Mar
LN: Lasher
DH: Mannix James "Max"
DW: Eleri Josephine Lucienne
DD: Annika Evangeline
DS: Christoffer Dante “Christoff”
Girls: Erlea, Anja, Annika, Anouk, Antonia, Isabella, Emma, Inka, Imma, Olivia, Aulay, Effie, Aleksandrina, Elisaveta, Emiliya, Evangeline, Ekaterine, Aleksandra, Adrianna, Angelike, Aurelia, Annoushka, Anya, Ealasaid, Effie
Boys: Annick, Andreu, Edvard, Elias, Evander, Ewan, Ian, Irving, Aeron, Eduard, Aleksandar, Edmund, Aleksei, Avgust, Ari
Girls: Benedikte, Dagney, Greta, Gretchen, Bridget, Finley, Bella, Brigida, Chiara, Gabriella, Gerda, Gwendoline, Bianka, Brigitta, Diana, Danijela
Boys: Bikendi, Christoffer, Gustav, Gunther, Brady, Brennan, Brodie, Cody, Desmond, Donovan, Finley, Dante, Gasparo, Daniel, Chrysanthos, Darius, Damian, Dmitri, Avgust
Round 3 names:
Girls: Katalin, Katell, Hilda, Klara, Margarethe, Mia, Kaija, Katja, Leonore, Lili, Lydia, Maja, Margareta, Marita, Hana, Keeva, Kiera, Marina, Luciana, Madalena, Keitha, Kenna, Lorna, Hanna, Halina, Masha, Lilijana, Kamaria
Boys: Katell, Kai, Ludvig, Markus, Kasper, Lukas, Mathias, Liam, Leonardo, Matteo, Marius, Leandro, Lucas, Hamish, Leopold,
LN: Lanteigne
DH: Eric William
DW: Christine Joséane
DD: Isabella Effie
DS: Evander Brennan
LN: McCarter
DH: William Robert
DW: LeAnna Marie
DD: Emma Adrianna
DS: Daniel Brady “Dan”
LN: Meana
DH: Xavier David
DW: Katrine Elizabeth
DS: Evander Aleksei
DD: Gabriella Brigitta
LN: DeGrott
DH: Lee Anton
DW: Vivien Jane
DS: Andreu Evander
DD: Dagny Brigida
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Brigette Gabriella
LN: O'Hara
DH: John Patrick "Jackie," 24
DW: Lillian Hattie "Lillie," 22
DD: Evangeline Emma “Effie”
DD: Bridget Gwendoline “Bitty”
Ash J
LN: Mase
DH: John Christopher
DW: Ashlee Jayne
DD: Isabella Annoushka Anya
DD: Danijela Bianka Dagney
LN: Seton
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Evangeline Isabella “Evie”
DS: Finley Brennan
LN: Horvath
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Aleksei Evander “Alek”
DD: Gabriella Diana
DH: Salvatore Joseph
DW: Francesca Maria
DD/DS: Adrianna Olivia/ Ian Aleksander
DS: Brennan Daniel
LN: Wilkinson
DH: Anton Damien
DW: Louisa Naomi
DS: Aleksander Annick
DD: Gwendoline Chiara
LN: Ripley
DH: Edwin Jack
DW: Laura Ivy
DS: Ari Edmund
DD: Diana Gabriella
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Daddysdancer
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Finley Donovan
LN: Silva
DH: Luke Preston
DW: Jennifer Nicole *Jen*
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Evangeline Aurelia
LN: Eaton
DH: William Fitzhugh
DW: Elisabeth Agnethe
DS/DS: Ewan Edmund/ Aeron Elias
DD: Gretchen Benedikte
LN: Walters
DH: Jadon Mordecai
DW: Prudencia Isolde "Pru"
DD: Evangeline Antonia
DS: Dante Christoffer Darius
LN: Jenson
DW: Sarah Elizabeth
DH: Robert Lee
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Round 2 name
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DS: Elias Aleksei
DD: Gweddoline Chiara
LN: Benson
DH: Marcus Anthony
DW: Erin Deanna
DD: Evangeline Anya
DS: Sorry, round 2 name
Jean Genie
LN: Brakhauff
DH: Nicodemus Francis "Nico"
DW: Allegra Elena
DD: Aurelia Evangeline
DS: Christoffer Bikendi
LN: Foster
DH: Michael John
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DS/DD: Aleksander Elias/ Evangeline Aulay
DD: Finley Gwendoline
LN: Thornton
DH: John Francis
DW: Margaret Maria
DD: Antonia Evangeline “Tonia”
DS: Finley Donnovan “Finn”
LN: Otte
DH: Cullen Graham
DW: Neve Ariadne
DS: Irving Elias
DD: Dagney Chaira
LN: Mikels
DH: Andrew Jacob
DW: Elizabeth Carly
DS: Evander Edward
DD: Emma Angelike
LN: Shephard
DH: Jack Christian
DW: Lara Katherine
DS: Ian Evander
DD: Finley Bella
LN: Rutherford
DH: Adrian
DW: Juliana
DD: Evangeline Annika “Evie”
DS: Desmond Gasparo
LN: Davies
DH: Jonathan Caleb
DW: Mariah Louise
DS: Edmund Ari
DD: Bridget Gabriella
Miss Lissa<
LN: Swenger
DH: Ryan Alexander
DW: Isabel Grace
DD: round 1 name
DS: round 2 name
Miss Natla
LN: Jolson
DH: Charlie
DW: Suzie
DS: Irving Aleksander
DD: Gretchen Gerda
LN: Renault
DH: Jared Joseph
DW: Monika Emilija
DD/DD: Emiliya Adrianna/ Olivia Isabella
DS: Damian Christoffer
LN: O'Sullivan
DH: Brady Edward
DW: Bevin Anastasia
DS: Elias “Eli” Evander
DD: Gretchen Finley
LN: Sinclair
DH: Nicholas Alexander
DW: Rachel Danae
DD: Adrianna Olivia
DS: Darius Brennan
LN: McLean
DH: Johnny James
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Emma Antonia
DS: Damian Christoffer
LN: Zareei
DH: Sabri Naveen
DW: Khalilah Muna-Pera
DS: Elias Evander
DD: Bella Brigitta
LN: Cheville
DH: Casey Patrick
DW: Tara Crystal
DD: Evangeline Emma “Angel”
DS: Brennan Cody
Skye Morgan
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurelia Isabella
DS: Desmond Daniel
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Chiara Bridget
LN: Wallace
DH: Brendan Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS/DD: Aleksei Elias/ Anya Anouk
DD: Gabriella Finley “Ella”
LN: Browne
DH: Sean Daniel
DW: Stacey Lynn
DD: Emma Evangeline
DS: Cody Donnovan
LN: Scott
DW: Sophie
DS: Aleksei Eduard
DD: Evangeline Emiliya “Evie” (you were suppose to pick a name from round 2 list, but if you want to keep this name its ok or you can change it to one from round 2 name bank)
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Annika Isabella Angelike
DS: Damian Cody Gunther
The Toser's
Colin Daniel
Katherine Michelle "Kate"
DS: Ian Evander
DD: Chiara Gretchen
Triwizard Champ
LN: Ross
DH: Brian Joshua (38)
DW: Julie Nicole (39)
DD: Emma Olivia
DS: Daniel Brody “Dan”
X Mar
LN: Lasher
DH: Mannix James "Max"
DW: Eleri Josephine Lucienne
DD: Annika Evangeline
DS: Christoffer Dante “Christoff”
LN: Cheville
DH: Casey Patrick
DW: Tara Crystal
DD: Evangeline Emma “Angel”
DS: Brennan Cody
DD: Mia Katalin
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Cheville
DH: Casey Patrick
DW: Tara Crystal
DD: Evangeline Emma “Angel”
DS: Brennan Cody
DD: Mia Katalin
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Annika Isabella Angelike
DS: Damian Cody Gunther
DS/DD: Mathias Lucas Kai "Matty" / Kiera Lili Marina
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Annika Isabella Angelike
DS: Damian Cody Gunther
DS/DD: Mathias Lucas Kai "Matty" / Kiera Lili Marina
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DS: Elias Aleksei
DD: Gwendoline Chiara
DD/DS: Katja Luciana "Kitty" and Lucas Kai
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Chiara Bridget
DD/DS: Lydia Marina & Lucas Matteo
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Chiara Bridget
DD/DS: Lydia Marina & Lucas Matteo
Miss Natla
LN: Jolson
DH: Charlie
DW: Suzie
DS: Irving Aleksander
DD: Gretchen Gerda
DD/DS: Margareta Lili & Leopold Mathias "Marge" and "Butters" (spot the South Park fan! ^ ^)
LN: Jolson
DH: Charlie
DW: Suzie
DS: Irving Aleksander
DD: Gretchen Gerda
DD/DS: Margareta Lili & Leopold Mathias "Marge" and "Butters" (spot the South Park fan! ^ ^)
Skye Morgan
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurelia Isabella
DS: Desmond Daniel
DD: Kiera Lily
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurelia Isabella
DS: Desmond Daniel
DD: Kiera Lily
LN: Sinclair
DH: Nicholas Alexander
DW: Rachel Danae
DD: Adrianna Olivia
DS: Darius Brennan
DD/DS: Lili Hanna / Liam Mathias

LN: Sinclair
DH: Nicholas Alexander
DW: Rachel Danae
DD: Adrianna Olivia
DS: Darius Brennan
DD/DS: Lili Hanna / Liam Mathias
LN: Davies
DH: Jonathan Caleb
DW: Mariah Louise
DS: Edmund Ari
DD: Bridget Gabriella
DD: Lydia Madalena
"Substitution mass confusion
Clouds inside your head
Involving all my energies
Until you visited
With your eyes of porcelain and of blue
They shock me into sense
You think you're so illustrious
You call yourself intense"
-Bye Bye Love, The Cars
LN: Davies
DH: Jonathan Caleb
DW: Mariah Louise
DS: Edmund Ari
DD: Bridget Gabriella
DD: Lydia Madalena
Clouds inside your head
Involving all my energies
Until you visited
With your eyes of porcelain and of blue
They shock me into sense
You think you're so illustrious
You call yourself intense"
-Bye Bye Love, The Cars
LN: Walters
DH: Jadon Mordecai
DW: Prudencia Isolde "Pru"
DD: Evangeline Antonia
DS: Dante Christoffer Darius
DD: Katalin Luciana
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
LN: Walters
DH: Jadon Mordecai
DW: Prudencia Isolde "Pru"
DD: Evangeline Antonia
DS: Dante Christoffer Darius
DD: Katalin Luciana
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
This message was edited 1/22/2006, 5:59 PM
LN: Meana
DH: Xavier David
DW: Katrine Elizabeth
DS: Evander Aleksei
DD: Gabriella Brigitta
DS/DS: Marius Kai/ Kasper Lucas
Mum to Ryan Lawrence, Daniel James and bub-on-the-way!
LN: Meana
DH: Xavier David
DW: Katrine Elizabeth
DS: Evander Aleksei
DD: Gabriella Brigitta
DS/DS: Marius Kai/ Kasper Lucas
Mum to Ryan Lawrence, Daniel James and bub-on-the-way!
LN: Jenson
DW: Sarah Elizabeth
DH: Robert Lee
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Bella Gwendolen
LN: Jenson
DW: Sarah Elizabeth
DH: Robert Lee
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Bella Gwendolen
LN: Silva
DH: Luke Preston
DW: Jennifer Nicole *Jen*
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Evangeline Aurelia *Eva*
DD/DS: Liam Lucas / Marina Mia
Ian and Eva are thrilled to introduce their little brother and sister to the world! Liam Lucas and Marina Mia came into our lives on August 8th. Liam was born at 8:04 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. He was joined by Marina at 8:18 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. Both babies are absolute angels, and their big brother and sister love having them at home. Welcome to the world Liam and Marina...Daddy, Mommy, Ian, and Eva love you both very much!

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
LN: Silva
DH: Luke Preston
DW: Jennifer Nicole *Jen*
DS: Ian Elias
DD: Evangeline Aurelia *Eva*
DD/DS: Liam Lucas / Marina Mia
Ian and Eva are thrilled to introduce their little brother and sister to the world! Liam Lucas and Marina Mia came into our lives on August 8th. Liam was born at 8:04 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. He was joined by Marina at 8:18 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. Both babies are absolute angels, and their big brother and sister love having them at home. Welcome to the world Liam and Marina...Daddy, Mommy, Ian, and Eva love you both very much!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
LN: McLean
DH: Johnny James
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Emma Antonia
DS: Damian Christoffer
DS/DD: Leopold Matteo "Leo" / Keira Luciana
J & Claire; Emma, Damian, Leo + Keira
LN: McLean
DH: Johnny James
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Emma Antonia
DS: Damian Christoffer
DS/DD: Leopold Matteo "Leo" / Keira Luciana
J & Claire; Emma, Damian, Leo + Keira
LN: McCarter
DH: William Robert
DW: LeAnna Marie
DD: Emma Adrianna
DS: Daniel Brady “Dan”
DD/DS: Mia Katell / Lukas Leandro "Luke"
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not smashing it. (Arnold H. Glasow)
LN: McCarter
DH: William Robert
DW: LeAnna Marie
DD: Emma Adrianna
DS: Daniel Brady “Dan”
DD/DS: Mia Katell / Lukas Leandro "Luke"
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not smashing it. (Arnold H. Glasow)
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Brigette Gabriella
DD:Marina Luciana
DS: Elias Aleksander
DD: Brigette Gabriella
DD:Marina Luciana
LN: Foster
DH: Michael John
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DS/DD: Aleksander Elias/ Evangeline Aulay
DD: Finley Gwendoline
DS: Kai Leandro
LN: Foster
DH: Michael John
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DS/DD: Aleksander Elias/ Evangeline Aulay
DD: Finley Gwendoline
DS: Kai Leandro
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Finley Donovan
DD: Madalena Lili
"Bob Loblaw's law blog."- Say that 5 times fast
LN: Burke
DH: Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD/DD: Olivia Evangeline/ Emma Anouk
DS: Finley Donovan
DD: Madalena Lili
"Bob Loblaw's law blog."- Say that 5 times fast
LN: O'Sullivan
DH: Brady Edward
DW: Bevin Anastasia
DS: Elias “Eli” Evander
DD: Gretchen Finley
DD/DS: Clara Margarethe / Liam Casper
LN: O'Sullivan
DH: Brady Edward
DW: Bevin Anastasia
DS: Elias “Eli” Evander
DD: Gretchen Finley
DD/DS: Clara Margarethe / Liam Casper
LN: Otte
DH: Cullen Graham
DW: Neve Ariadne
DS: Irving Elias
DD: Dagney Chaira
DD/DD: Lorna Madalena/Lydia Margareta

LN: Otte
DH: Cullen Graham
DW: Neve Ariadne
DS: Irving Elias
DD: Dagney Chaira
DD/DD: Lorna Madalena/Lydia Margareta

LN: Lanteigne
DH: Eric William
DW: Christine Joséane
DD: Isabella Effie
DS: Evander Brennan
DD/DD: Lili Katell & Kiera Hana
LN: Lanteigne
DH: Eric William
DW: Christine Joséane
DD: Isabella Effie
DS: Evander Brennan
DD/DD: Lili Katell & Kiera Hana
LN: Browne
DH: Sean Daniel
DW: Stacey Lynn
DD: Emma Evangeline
DS: Cody Donnovan
DD/DD: Hanna Madalena/ Keira Katalin
Proud Adopter of 28 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana" and #2... Due March 31st, 2006!
LN: Browne
DH: Sean Daniel
DW: Stacey Lynn
DD: Emma Evangeline
DS: Cody Donnovan
DD/DD: Hanna Madalena/ Keira Katalin
Proud Adopter of 28 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana" and #2... Due March 31st, 2006!
Ash J
LN: Mase
DH: John Christopher
DW: Ashlee Jayne
DD: Isabella Annoushka Anya
DD: Danijela Bianka Dagney
DD/DS: Lilijana Halina Hanna/Lukas Markus Leopold

LN: Mase
DH: John Christopher
DW: Ashlee Jayne
DD: Isabella Annoushka Anya
DD: Danijela Bianka Dagney
DD/DS: Lilijana Halina Hanna/Lukas Markus Leopold