[Surname] Meaning of Houle?
Hi, I've been looking all over the place for the meaning of my surname, Houle, but I've never had any luck. As far as I know, it's French, but that's all I can tell you.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
A translation site for French/English says that it means "swell" ...
"Swell"? Wow, that's interesting... Thanks.
'Swell' as in 'the swell of the sea' of course... It also means 'brothel'. The placename (which is thought to be the main origin of the surname) derives from 'houle' with the meaning 'une cavité, un creux', in other words a cave, a hollow. The surname Houle is mostly found in Normandy.
Ahh, that IS interesting. Thanks a lot!
Hi im not sure we're related but im named houle has well im in canada and got it from my dads side he's aboriginal
I’m am also a houle and I’ve been told I have family in Canada
so i should have heritage in welsh and apparently im related to robin hood awesome