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[Opinions] alike twin names
Do you think twin/sibling names should sound alike or would it be more meaningful if twin /sibling names had a special meaning like Grace and Hannah?
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Neither! Keep twinny names for a pair of pet hamsters. Children aren't toys, and will want to be taken seriously one day. Not easy, if they have to introduce themselves as Kaylee and Haylee or some such._____________________________________________________________________Elinor
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I personally don't like it when twin names are all matchy matchy. Like Grace and Hannah or Aidan and Braden.I much perfer parents to use names they love and still allow their children to be individules.
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I don't think they should sound alike, just confusing.But I don't mind a theme, for twins or other siblings. Hannah and Grace are fine b/c they could be names of sister who are not twins."But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
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I prefer it if twins had different sounding names i.e Grace and Hannah as aposed to same sounding names i.e Genevieve and Guinevere or Jade and Jane etc. Just because twins may look the same doesn't mean they have the same personalities and doesn't mean they have to have the same (or similar) names. If I ever had twins I don't even know if I'd dress them the same let alone give them similar names. :)Mum to Hayley Anne
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Neither! Although they are born at about the same time they are still individuals!
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Twins have to share such a lot especially identical twins, Birthdays looks, first day at school excetra, they are connected enough, why should they be expected to basically share a name, most of the twins I know, my younger sisters included, have all expressed horror at the idea of having similar names.
Of corse a subtle connection like a meaning, say Selene and Diana or David and Amy isnt too bad but Gracie and Lacie, Sally and Cally are sickening, at least to me
Every child is an individual and should be treated as such I would hate it if my parents had chosen my name simply because it sounded similar to my siblings.
I think siblings names should have a similar feel to them, thats to say I wouldnt call one child Elizabeth and another Pocahontas, but I wouldnt go to the other end of the scale and call them Marie and Maria either.Image hosted by


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I think having some connection within the names for twins/siblings is really great. However, I think that using names that sound alike can be very confusing.~Lully Lulla~
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NeitherI think sibling names should sound sensible together (I wouldn't name siblings Susan and Cleopatra, for example), but I don't think they should match. They're individials, and should be named as such. That goes for twins too. I am strongly against giving twins matching names, because it just perpetuates the stereotype that twins are carbon copies of each other. Someone I know named her twins Jasmine and Yasmine. Her explaination was, "I thought it would be cute because, you know, they're twins!" Yes. Yes they are. I don't think they're going to forget that fact. They really don't need names that scream it.Personally, if I had a sibling with a name that matched mine, I would feel rather cheated because I would feel as though my parents had chosen my name just because it matched, not because they loved it.

Sometimes I just feel like smacking people with the dictionary, just to see if they absorb any intelligence through osmosis.
-My friend Emma
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I agree, well said.
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The dogs on main street howl
`Cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister, I ain't a boy--no I'm a man,
And I believe in a promised land.
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I think names that sound alike sound silly, and people get the twins or siblings confused more. Using names with similar meanings is NMS, it seems like the parents didn't realize they named their kids the same meaning!I like names that are connected through other properties, even cheesy ones like Lily and Rose or maybe even opposites like Melanie and Lucy.
"Biography lends to death a new terror." -Oscar Wilde--See my profile for my adopted PP's--
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