[Opinions] Shania...
I really, really don't like Shania Twain, so I really can't say I like the name Shania at all. I'm assuming it's pronounced the same -- shah-NYE-ah. I also just don't care for the sound of it in general. But if I had to pick, I like Shania Claire better than Shania Jade. I also have an aversion to the name Jade, though I'm not sure why. :b Some other 'short but sweet' mn suggestions: Hope, Joy, Pearl, Paige.


If it wasn't for Shania Twain, I'd probably like it heaps more. But if it wasn't for Shania Twain, I'd probably would've never heard of it, lol.
Of the two combos you've listed, Shania Claire has a better ring to it. I once saw a birthday announcement for a little Shania Camille. I thought that was a somewhat nice combo.

Anastasia, Alix and Maria
Of the two combos you've listed, Shania Claire has a better ring to it. I once saw a birthday announcement for a little Shania Camille. I thought that was a somewhat nice combo.

Anastasia, Alix and Maria