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[Opinions] Re: Petra
Peter is my #1 favorite for a boy. So I'm predisposed to like / love Petra as well. It's just the sort of underrated classic that I love seeing reborn. It's known, but not overly used. And it has a gorgeous sound. What's not to like / love? :-)My stock combinations for it are Petra Vivien and Petra Linden. From your list I'm loving:Petra Dorothy
Petra Lucy
Petra Margaret (would Petra Margot be of interest?)
Petra MelodyI wouldn't use a mn that starts with an "r." It's too close to the "r" in Petra.
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Peter is such a handsome name! I'm liking Petra more and more now, even though it is the feminine form of Peter it does have a gorgeous sound! :)Petra Margot is of interest, I really like it. Usually I like Margot better than Margaret but I was thinking of that to honor an elderly Alzheimer's patient I cared for recently, she and her daughter were very special to me. Thanks for the comment! :)
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The only Petra I've ever heard of was a college roommate of my sister's, but she went by Peach. Peach is what everyone called her, except her mother, who called her Petra, so evidently Peach was a nickname that she chose herself and wasn't bestowed upon her by her parents. There had to be something about Petra that she didn't like.
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