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[Surname] Berkin
My friend's last name is Berkin and her father's parents are of proud Russian extraction so I was just wondering if anyone had and info on the surname Berkin? Is it indeed Russian or an angelized form? Thanks in advance! Image hosting by Photobucket
"That tounge of your's is hinged in the middle sister!"
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If your friend's family is from a Jewish background then it's likely to have the same meaning as Berkoff and Berkovitch. It would be from a diminutive form of the Yiddish name Ber, which means "bear" (the animal). Ber and its Hebrew equivalent, Dov, were used as substitute names for the biblical Issachar. I don't know why, and I don't think anyone else knows.
If it isn't Jewish then all I can say is that it's a surname based on the word berka, whatever that means.
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Thanks!No, she's not Jewish that she knows of but thanks for trying! :) Image hosting by Photobucket
"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"
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