[Games] Re: Family-builder CAF
in reply to a message by Dracotorix
H: Anders Wilhelm
W: Matilda Jane
D: Dahlia Katherine
S: Johannes Tiberius
D: Thora Megan
Cat: Shira
Anders & Matilda; Dahlia, Johannes, and Thora.
H: Dominic Griffin
W: Fiona Holly
S: Liam Tristan
S: Lachlan Dane
D: Lucasta Jade
Cat: Shakespeare
Dog: Rocco
Dominic & Fiona; Liam, Lachlan, and Lucasta.
H: Anton Silas
W: Rose Alexandria
S: Simon David
D: Iris Diana
S/D: Julian Hayden & Vivien Judith
Dog: Wendy
Anton & Rose (Rosie); Simon, Iris, Julian, and Vivien.