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[Opinions] Caroline.....
First, if you had to choose between the combos Caroline Rose and Caroline Grace, which one would you choose? Yes I know they are MAJOR filler middle names lol.Second, what personal middle would you pair with Caroline if you were naming the combo?
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Caroline Grace flows better. My favorite combo is Caroline Audrey.
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I'd choose Caroline Grace because it sounds prettier.Then the name combo for me would be Caroline Therese.
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Caroline Rose. It just sounds better.I would choose Caroline Ann (Ann is my mother's name and my middle name.)
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Ha, I considered both when I was pregnant with my youngest. That was 14 years ago so I don't recall either name being that common then or perhaps it's just that I didn't pay attention to popularity then. Eventually, someone named Grace turned me off the name forever so I definitely preferred Caroline Rose at that time (still do). Today, if I could rename my daughter, I think I'd go with Caroline Susanna.

This message was edited 8/2/2012, 9:59 AM

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Prefer Grace of yours... mine would be LouisePrefer Grace of yours... mine would be Louise
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I'm prefering the repeat of the long "o" over the long "a", so Caroline Rose wins. My first thoughts for pairing are Caroline Ailsa followed by Caroline Georgina.
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Caroline Rose definately! Grace is so... blah to me. Rose still has substance. I'd also love love love Rose Caroline! I've considered using Caroline as a middle to honor my grandma Carole. My combo would be: Margot Caroline or Caroline Margot. Which would honor both of my Grams. Another that I love is Caroline Ivy.
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I'd pick Caroline Grace. As middle names, Rose and Grace are equal in my eyes, but there's something about Caroline Rose that's bugging me. Maybe it's the matching "ro" found in each name. My Caroline combo is Caroline Bridget. Today, anyway.
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I like Rose, but I find Grace flimsy and insubstantial, so Caroline Rose would be my pick. Despite being a filler name, Rose is pretty.Caroline Octavia or Caroline Phaedra would be my combo.
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I prefer Caroline Rose to Caroline Grace.I would go with Caroline Adele.
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Caroline Rose. Yes, they are filler middle names, but I love them anyway. Both of them. But I don't like the C in Caroline paired with the G in Grace for some reason. Also I like the image I get for Caroline Rose better.Caroline Juliet or Caroline Violet.
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I like Caroline Rose better than Caroline Grace.Right now I would choose Caroline Matilda.
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I named our first daughter Caroline Beatrice Mary; Beatrice and Mary are family names, and when she was born she surprised me by looking like a Caroline instead of like the name I'd picked out for her. Lovely name; good combination.Of your choices, I prefer Caroline Rose. I like the sound of it, and the way both names contain ro. I prefer Anne to Grace, but not with Caroline.
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They're about the same for me, but maybe I'd go with Caroline Rose only because the names are both elegant for me and click more. I'm not too confident with the name but I could work with Caroline Maeve, Caroline Agnes, Caroline Niamh, Caroline Willow.

This message was edited 8/1/2012, 11:32 PM

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I love Caroline Agnes. :)
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Both combos are lovely, but I think I prefer Caroline Grace. It just seems to flow that little bit better. I like the sound of Caroline Ivy, Caroline Phoebe, Caroline Amy, Caroline Sadie and Caroline Eva.
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Caroline Eva is lovely, and I also like Caroline Phoebe. :)
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Caroline Phoebe is darling!! :) Also Caroline Eva - v sounds seem to work well for this.
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From your two combinations, I like Caroline Rose! My favorite combinations with Caroline being the first name is Caroline Winona, Caroline Yvette, Caroline Philippa and Caroline Océan.
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