[Opinions] Callum or Alastair?
Baby boy is almost a month old. His first name is Llyr, which I'm still not loving but it seems wrong to change it at this point. Which of these middle names is better?Llyr Callum, or
Llyr Alastair
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Just like on my facebook poll, an equal number of people like either name :(
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I think Llyr Callum flows better, but they are both nice.
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Llyr Alastair. :)
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Congrats! (Maybe you've already posted about Llyr's birth, but I missed it.)Llyr Alastair makes my tongue feel a little funny. I'd go with Llyr Callum/ Freya, Ronan, and Llyr make a very nice set of names, indeed!
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I prefer Alastair because I don't like Callum but admittedly it doesn't sound great with Llyr.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 9:20 AM

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I like Llyr Callum (or Calum) better, but I am not sure if I pronounce Llyr right. (I am from Germany)
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Definitely Llyr Alastair. The flow is so much nicer, imo. Also, I just prefer Alastair to Callum.
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I like the name Callum. Prefer the spelling Calum though
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Llyr is a cool name.I prefer the combo Llyr Callum even though I prefer Alastair when on their own.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 3:44 AM

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Llyr Callum. Alastair is too close to Alexandra.
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They're both nice, but Llyr Alastair has a better flow, I think.
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I'd have said Alastair, but that would give him essentially the same mn as big sister Freya. Most kids wouldn't mind, but if yours might - if Ronan felt left-out or less loved or whatever - then Callum might be the way to go. It's getting tired as a fn, but in the mn position, why not? Except that, rhythmically, a three-syllable mn seems to work better.I rather enjoy Llyr, but I'd be much more likely to use Marinus instead.
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