[Opinions] Re: Leven
in reply to a message by Fleur
1. Meh.
2. I'd say masculine, but wouldn't be surprised at all if I found it on a girl. Seems unisex.
3. Dislike it. Sounds like "leavened" or a contracted form of "eleven," neither of which I'm particularly enamored with in regards to naming.
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Leven  ·  Fleur  ·  9/4/2012, 2:45 PM
Re: Leven  ·  PantheraVirgo  ·  9/4/2012, 6:57 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Tiggs  ·  9/4/2012, 3:58 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Bear  ·  9/4/2012, 3:48 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Fleur  ·  9/4/2012, 3:54 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Llewella  ·  9/4/2012, 3:16 PM