[Opinions] Liberty?
me again, but just a thought,
Opinions on the name Liberty? (nn = Libby) i actually like it, i could imagine it on a strong woman, it sounds very forceful when said aloud, more so than pretty Serenity.
Like freedom, but that's a bit much maybe for a name! A little revolutionary. Saoirse is nice too (sayr-sha/seer-sha) means freedom in irish.
Opinions on the name Liberty? (nn = Libby) i actually like it, i could imagine it on a strong woman, it sounds very forceful when said aloud, more so than pretty Serenity.
Like freedom, but that's a bit much maybe for a name! A little revolutionary. Saoirse is nice too (sayr-sha/seer-sha) means freedom in irish.
I like it for either sex, but better for female because of nn Libby. The nn could take the "force" out of it when appropriate. I'd be considering using this name for my daughter, if our last name didn't start with Be--- (whole name sounds like Liberty Bell, kinda, and Libby B. is just baaad)
Revolutionary, forceful? What the heck. I see what you mean, but the idea that it's in-anyone's-face is fascinating, and a reason it ought to be used .. the statement being, why is this name a statement at all? It shouldn't be. It's just a normal value-name, like Faith...
- chazda

Revolutionary, forceful? What the heck. I see what you mean, but the idea that it's in-anyone's-face is fascinating, and a reason it ought to be used .. the statement being, why is this name a statement at all? It shouldn't be. It's just a normal value-name, like Faith...
- chazda

I love Liberty asa name it will be one of my future kids names
I know a cat named Liberty. While I think it's great for a cat, I'd stick with real names for a kid. Saiorse is very nice, although it'll get mispronounced a lot, unless you're in Ireland.
Liberty is ok. I would have to have a special reason to use it, though, as I don't feel that it's a name to be used arbitrarily.

I actually kind of like it. It's...different.
It's too much of a word to me. I just can't think of it as a name.
I agree.
Yah I see a strong woman too. I would use the nn for her friends but when in business situations Liberty.
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