[Opinions] Re: Grey...on a boy
Grey > Grayson > Greyson / Gray (can't pick between those two). Isn't grey the British spelling of the color and gray the American? I just kind of see it as the difference between Honour and Honor. I like the look of Grey more, the a in Gray makes it too dark for me. Grey is lighter. I like Grayson though, I knew a Grayson growing up so it doesn't seem newly trendy to me. It's hard to see names you grew up with be anything but normal in a way.
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Grey...on a boy  ·  Shadowfax  ·  11/1/2012, 9:02 AM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Lumiereslove  ·  11/5/2012, 5:36 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Alcyone  ·  11/2/2012, 6:35 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Millie  ·  11/2/2012, 9:45 AM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Anneza  ·  11/1/2012, 11:16 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Cherish  ·  11/1/2012, 7:59 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  ACL  ·  11/1/2012, 2:31 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  kudriashkajo  ·  11/1/2012, 1:30 PM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  Shiply  ·  11/1/2012, 10:38 AM
Re: Grey...on a boy  ·  mirfak  ·  11/1/2012, 10:10 AM