[Opinions] Hugh
I've always had a soft spot for the name Hugh and lately I like it more and more. What do you think? Is it too dated/stuffy? What middle names would sound pleasing with Hugh, suggestions are welcome!
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A good name, I like it.Oddly enough it's reasonably popular where I live(French-speaking for new posters).i say odd, because the H isn't pronounced, thus, "uu".I once knew a woman named Hughina.Named for her father, Hugh.
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I love Hugh, it has such a nice sound and meaning! If I had gotten pregnant with another son last year, I would have named him Hugh. Since then I've discovered a few names that I like more but my combos for Hugh were a lot of double middle names and longish names:
Hugh David Anthony
Hugh Ross Patrick
Hugh Solomon
Hugh Douglas
Hugh Malcolm
Hugh Keith Patrick
Hugh Leonard
there were more but I cannot remember
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There's something warm and cuddly about Hugh, to me. It's easy to overlook him because he's one syllable, and lacks any hard consonants. But that's part of his charm, too. I find stuffy names adorable if they are something P.G. Wodehouse would have used -- so I may not be the best person to ask.Hugh Gregory
Hugh Thomas
Hugh Cedric
Hugh Sebastian
Hugh Alexander
Hugh Malcolm
Hugh Gabriel
Hugh Lawrence
Hugh August
Hugh Graham
Hugh Malachy
Hugh Ronan
Hugh Matthias
Hugh Pellinore
Hugh Cormac
Hugh Roderick
Hugh Cornelius
Hugh Morgan (hat tip to Huw Morgan of "How Green was My Valley")
Hugh Randolph
Hugh Kendrick
Hugh Ambrose
Hugh Desmond
Hugh Kenneth
Hugh MaximilianAnything that doesn't have a "j" sound at the beginning. You don't want it to blend with Hugh and sound like "huge." :-P
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It gives me a picture of a kindly, soft-spoken older man, but I really don't like the name. It is just a breath of air, a sigh, nothing substantial behind it. And it sounds so much like "you" that the temptation is to make silly combos like Hugh Wynn, Hugh Next, that kind of thing. Same deal with Hugo: Hugo Greyhound, Hugo North.
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