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[Opinions] Re: Petra
I've liked Petra for a few years now but a few months ago it really dawned on me how much I like it and that I might actually consider using it for a daughter some day. Petra is has a short sound that I like but it's also rather sweet and spunky. I like that it's not too popular but yet it's not totally uncommon. It's nice that is has the strong meaning "rock" and could be used to honor someone named Peter (or even the surname Peters) but yet it has a more pleasing sound with the softer E sound in the beginning. I also think it would age quite well from little girl to grown woman.My current favorite Petra combo is Petra Felicity because it balances strength and softness, and both names are rather spunky.Other Petra combos:
Petra Evelyn
Petra Eleanor
Petra Frances
Petra Sadie
Petra Louise
Petra Violet
Petra Constance
Petra Josephine
Petra Janette
Petra Georgina
Petra Ruby
Petra Rosalyn / Rosamond
Petra Sylvie
Petra Caroline
Petra Madeleine
Petra Margot / Margaux
Petra Hermione
Petra Naomi
Petra Dorcas
Petra Sage
Petra Justine
Petra Margaret
Petra Adeline
Petra Eugenie
Petra Lilias / Lillias
Petra Colleen
Petra RosemaryNot sure what your naming style is really so just went with names that seemed to match Petra.
Do you like any of these?
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