[Games] CAF
Greek CAF:
You can change spellings.
Aella, Agape, Agathe, Aglaia, Aikaterine, Alcmene, Alexandra, Althea, Amalthea, Ambrosia, Anna, Antigone, Aphrodisia, Aphrodite, Apollonia, Ariadne, Artemis, Artemisia, Calliope, Callisto, Cassiopeia, Chara, Chloe, Chrysanthe, Circe, Cynthia, Danaë, Daphne, Demetria, Despina, Echo, Efrosyni, Eirene, Electra, Eleftheria, Eleni, Eos, Eumelia, Euterpe, Evdokia, Evgenia, Euthalia, Gaia, Georgia, Glykeria, Harmonia, Hestia, Ianthe, Io, Irene, Iris, Ismene, Korë, Kyriaki, Maria, Melaina, Melia, Melissa, Melpomene, Nephele, Nike, Nyx, Olympia, Ourania, Pallas, Paraskeve, Parthenope, Pelagia, Penelope, Petra, Phaedra, Philippa, Philomela, Phyllis, Psyche, Rhea, Sophia, Sotiria, Stamatia, Tasia, Tasoula, Thais, Thalia, Theodora, Theodosia, Varvara, Vasiliki, Xanthe, Zoë.
Adonis, Aesop, Agapios, Aias, Alexandros, Alexis, Anatolius, Andreas, Andronikos, Angelos, Apollo, Aristides, Ariston, Arkadios, Charon, Demetrios, Dion, Dionysios, Draco, Eleftherios, Elias, Eros, Euphranor, Eusebios, Evander, Evangelos, Georgios, Gregorios, Gus, Hermes, Hilarion, Iason, Kallias, Konstantinos, Leander, Leonidas, Matthias, Midas, Myron, Nikias, Nikolas, Nikos, Orestes, Orion, Orpheus, Panagiotis, Panther, Petros, Philon, Plato, Priam, Serafeim, Silas, Spiridon, Stamatis, Thales, Thanos, Theodoros, Timon, Tycho, Vasilis, Zeno.
- - - Kata - - -
You can change spellings.
Aella, Agape, Agathe, Aglaia, Aikaterine, Alcmene, Alexandra, Althea, Amalthea, Ambrosia, Anna, Antigone, Aphrodisia, Aphrodite, Apollonia, Ariadne, Artemis, Artemisia, Calliope, Callisto, Cassiopeia, Chara, Chloe, Chrysanthe, Circe, Cynthia, Danaë, Daphne, Demetria, Despina, Echo, Efrosyni, Eirene, Electra, Eleftheria, Eleni, Eos, Eumelia, Euterpe, Evdokia, Evgenia, Euthalia, Gaia, Georgia, Glykeria, Harmonia, Hestia, Ianthe, Io, Irene, Iris, Ismene, Korë, Kyriaki, Maria, Melaina, Melia, Melissa, Melpomene, Nephele, Nike, Nyx, Olympia, Ourania, Pallas, Paraskeve, Parthenope, Pelagia, Penelope, Petra, Phaedra, Philippa, Philomela, Phyllis, Psyche, Rhea, Sophia, Sotiria, Stamatia, Tasia, Tasoula, Thais, Thalia, Theodora, Theodosia, Varvara, Vasiliki, Xanthe, Zoë.
Adonis, Aesop, Agapios, Aias, Alexandros, Alexis, Anatolius, Andreas, Andronikos, Angelos, Apollo, Aristides, Ariston, Arkadios, Charon, Demetrios, Dion, Dionysios, Draco, Eleftherios, Elias, Eros, Euphranor, Eusebios, Evander, Evangelos, Georgios, Gregorios, Gus, Hermes, Hilarion, Iason, Kallias, Konstantinos, Leander, Leonidas, Matthias, Midas, Myron, Nikias, Nikolas, Nikos, Orestes, Orion, Orpheus, Panagiotis, Panther, Petros, Philon, Plato, Priam, Serafeim, Silas, Spiridon, Stamatis, Thales, Thanos, Theodoros, Timon, Tycho, Vasilis, Zeno.
- - - Kata - - -
This message was edited 2/19/2006, 6:28 AM
H: Nikolaos Alexandros
W: Philomela Kyriaki
D: Ariadne Theodosia
S: Elias Panagiotis
D: Kallista Penelope
D/D: Maria Eleni, Olympia Khrysanthe
S: Basileios Matthias
W: Philomela Kyriaki
D: Ariadne Theodosia
S: Elias Panagiotis
D: Kallista Penelope
D/D: Maria Eleni, Olympia Khrysanthe
S: Basileios Matthias
H: Gregorios Matthias *Greg*
W: Aella Maria *Ella*
D: Alexandra Iris
S: Orion Demetrios *Ryan*
D: Zoë Anna
D/D: Melaina Eleni *Melina* / Melissa Chloe
S: Nikolas Evander *Nick*

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
W: Aella Maria *Ella*
D: Alexandra Iris
S: Orion Demetrios *Ryan*
D: Zoë Anna
D/D: Melaina Eleni *Melina* / Melissa Chloe
S: Nikolas Evander *Nick*
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
H:Leonidas Orpheus
W:Olympia Thalia
D:Ambrosia Penelope
S:Nikolas Evander
D:Chloe Alexandra
D/D:Sophia Daphne/Iris Eumelia
S:Alexandros Leander
W:Olympia Thalia
D:Ambrosia Penelope
S:Nikolas Evander
D:Chloe Alexandra
D/D:Sophia Daphne/Iris Eumelia
S:Alexandros Leander
H: Silas Panagiotis Eleftherios
W: Alcmene Agape Efrosyni
D: Iris Nike Aikaterine
S: Elias Georgios Alexandros
D: Xanthe Anna Maria
D/D: Artemisia Korë Eirene / Phaedra Pelagia Ambrosia
S: Theodoros Stamatis Konstantinos
Silas and Alcmene with Iris, Eli, Xanthe, Missy, Phae and Theo.
- - - Kata - - -
H: Silas Panagiotis Eleftherios
W: Alcmene Agape Efrosyni
D: Iris Nike Aikaterine
S: Elias Georgios Alexandros
D: Xanthe Anna Maria
D/D: Artemisia Korë Eirene / Phaedra Pelagia Ambrosia
S: Theodoros Stamatis Konstantinos
Silas and Alcmene with Iris, Eli, Xanthe, Missy, Phae and Theo.
- - - Kata - - -
This message was edited 2/19/2006, 6:43 AM
H: Tycho Silas "Ty"
W: Petra Melissa
D: Phaedra Hestia
S: Evander Alexandros "Evan"
D: Alexandra Pallas "Alex"
D/D: Sophia Ariadne and Anna Maria
S: Nikolas Iason "Nick"
Ty, Petra, Phaedra, Evan, Alex, Sophia, Anna Maria, and Nick
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
W: Petra Melissa
D: Phaedra Hestia
S: Evander Alexandros "Evan"
D: Alexandra Pallas "Alex"
D/D: Sophia Ariadne and Anna Maria
S: Nikolas Iason "Nick"
Ty, Petra, Phaedra, Evan, Alex, Sophia, Anna Maria, and Nick
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
This message was edited 2/19/2006, 6:36 AM