[Opinions] Re: Auburn
in reply to a message by Quill
Besides towns and the Alabama school, I've never heard it used non-poetically to describe anything but hair. So it seems color-list-y. Also, slightly evokes college football. So, nms.But it wouldn't be all that farfetched nowadays. Better than Crimson or Velvet, about on par with Lyric or Indigo, not as namey as Autumn or Sienna. Seems about 70% masculine / 30% feminine.
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Auburn  ·  Quill  ·  11/17/2013, 8:13 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Hola123  ·  11/18/2013, 9:31 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Anneza  ·  11/18/2013, 12:28 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Rachel Shaina  ·  11/18/2013, 9:05 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  Anneza  ·  11/19/2013, 4:43 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  humblebee  ·  11/17/2013, 6:15 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  Gracie  ·  11/17/2013, 2:21 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  girlPadawan782  ·  11/17/2013, 1:23 PM
Meant for OP  ·  Ismene  ·  11/17/2013, 3:23 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  mirfak  ·  11/17/2013, 12:43 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  number1212  ·  11/17/2013, 11:55 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  blaaaarg  ·  11/18/2013, 6:48 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  number1212  ·  11/18/2013, 5:20 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  blaaaarg  ·  11/17/2013, 10:31 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  11/17/2013, 6:35 PM
Re: Auburn  ·  blaaaarg  ·  11/18/2013, 6:48 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Beth0808  ·  11/17/2013, 11:44 AM
Re: Auburn  ·  Mar  ·  11/17/2013, 9:01 AM