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[Games] CAF Generation
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss, Lake, Murphy, Burleigh, Sigurd, Page / Thorwald, Carlisle, Nellie, Weaver, Barnard, Adlai (LN: Southworth)
W: [80] Clio, Lorelei, Althea, Irene, Apollonia, Athena / Lucretia, Valentina, Elodie, Philomena, Xanthe, Jacinta (LN: Carpenter)S1: [58] Stanislaus, Laurie, Gaston, Claudie, Bayard, Louis / Adolph, Job, Con, Owen, Herbert, Gilbert
S2: [54] Albert, Elgin, Sheridan, Welby, Holland, Corbett / Claude, Griffith, Anatole, Oliver, Cam, Edmond2ndH: [80] Isaac, Malcolm, Gaylord, Polk, Vernie, Vane / Auburn, Bernard, Algernon, Rafferty, Pascal, Ebert (LN: Bradford) S3: [46] Hobert, Felix, Carrie, Armand, Magnus, Newman / Spurgeon, Collier, Godfrey, Ezra, Henry, Merritt
D1: [43] Aurora, Hermione, Pandora, Hestia, Amaryllis, Penelope / Ivy, Violet, Serafina, Cassandra, Sybil, Eudora
S4: [40] Hurbert, Percival, Montgomery, Mortimer, Ruff, Duke / Oscar, Boone, Cassius, Guilford, Giles, Verner******
S1: [58]
W: [52] Anastasia, Maia, Persephone, Iris, Daphne, Ianthe / Cleo, Astrid, Iolanthe, Colette, Charlotte, Chloris (LN: Collier)D: [30] Evadne, Magdalen, Eugenia, Sapphira, Leocadia, Afton / Doris, Zena, Leda, Melia, Ursula, Eleanor
-H: [32] Maceo, Frederic, Oakley, Simon, Silas, Sinclair / Ellie, Reinhard, Thaddeus, Buell, Mercer, Burgess (LN: Freeman)
-S: [8] Whitfield, Bertrand, Philo, Alwin, James, Vick / Evander, Verne, Rowland, Cornell, Guthrie, Moe
-D: [4] Isadora, Cordelia, Juno, Bronwyn, Aida, Artemisia / Caedmon, Aurelia, Daria, Adelaide, Veronica, Guinevere
-S: [1] Archibald, Inigo, Augustin, Burke, Livingston, Al / Virgil, Marshall, Alphonse, Haven, Noah, Arthur
-D: [exp] Alice, Hadley, Linnea, Josephine, Anais, Olympia / Jocasta, Electra, Portia, Melisande, Halia, SibylD: [28] Helena, Beatrix, Viva, Elizabeth, Scarlett, Zola / Germaine, Tallulah, Marcella, Delilah, Siobhan, Oona
S: [26] Alston, Hartley, Mansfield, Lindley, Ellery, Augustus / Cecil, Son, Basil, Ambrose, Gray, Alfred D: [24] Eris, Marina, Thomasina, Christabel, Leilani, Augusta / Luna, Verena, Phoebe, Flavia, Octavia, Aoife
-H: [30] Cordell, Lowell, Dexter, Noel, Fay, Wheeler / Camille, Merrill, Waverly, Fenton, Erland, Daryl (LN: Church)
-S: [exp] Milo, Ernest, Emil, Russell, Bailey, Fraser / Orris, Norman, Conrad, Rupert, Cornelius, BarnettS: [21] Hubert, Willis, Derrell, Guillaume, Campbell, Zollie / Kurtis, Samuel, Horace, Boyce, Emile, Guy
D: [16] Despina, Rhiannon, Dominica, Drusilla, Diana, Mehitabel / Chantal, Olivia, Zilla, Edith, Winifred, Ida
S: [11] Mason, Valentin, Clarence, Beauregard, Edwin, Theodore / Shelley, Leopold, Davin, Tyson, Pembroke, Marion
D: [9] Zita, Filomena, Serena, Paloma, Anna, Zelda / Aine, Tatiana, Gemma, Belina, Candida, Raphaela

S2: [54]
W: [54] Cecilia, Alexandria, Amara, Andrea, Sabina, Matilda / Anthea, Chiara, Grace, Arianna, Ariane, Ava (LN: Reyner)D: [26] Agnes, Aleta, Vivian, Amelia, Ellie, Rose / Angelia, Dottie, Angela, Alisa, Alethea, Camilla
-H: [30] Regis, Clark, Gottlieb, Florian, Winston, Vincent / Trent, Quentin, Severin, Monte, Sylvester, Granville (LN: Howland)
-S: [2] Forrest, Herman, Hiram, Delano, Francis, Bruce / Firman, Charles, George, Brighton, Troy, Gage
-S: [1] Lancelot, Montague, Garrison, Emmett, Robert, Destin / Garland, Sidney, Orville, Coty, Bastien, Cannon
-D: [exp] Ronnie, Araminta, Acacia, Alessandra, Agatha, Alesia / Madeline, Delphine, Alysa, Myrtle, Alex, Katherine******
S3: [46]
W: [41] Eugenie, Corinne, Alexandra, Nelle, Elle, Clara / Catherine, Terese, Corrine, Ophelia, Zoe, Harper (LN: Richards)S: [18] Beau, Deon, Prescott, Liam, Warner, Emerson / Lamar, Calvin, Ethan, Yannick, Delmar, Chester
S: [16] Russ, Jean, Wallace, Walter, Julien, Everett / Lafayette, Salomon, Oswald, Roland, Lyle, Elroy
S: [13] Casper, Julius, Marty, Didier, Tristan, Wyatt / Neville, Darcy, Mort, Gustave, Brigham, Remy
D: [11] Sandrine, Katlyn, Christophe, Candace, Monserrate, Dionne / Catharine, Delfina, Bernice, Eunice, Dodie, Lenore
D: [10] Mindy, Marlene, Lydia, Glynis, Catrina, Sonya / Marjorie, Stevie, Catherine, Isolde, Molly, Anatolia
D: [8] Elaine, Delta, Eloise, Tiffany, Kathy, Kristin / Eleni, Tabitha, Ella, Celina, Kari, Sandra
S: [6] Dean, Evan, Mathias, Leverett, Rudolph, Raymond / Dax, Barry, Randolph, Edmund, Etienne, Harold
S: [3] Chase, Christophe, Clifford, Noe, Curtis, Earnest / Norris, Seymour, Amon, John, Profit, Vere
D: [2] Rhoda, Kira, Margie, Margery, Niamh, Monica / Lia, Melina, Theresa, Tianna, Dorothy, Isla
D: [exp] Karis, Melinda, Magnolia, Christina, Leena, Evangelina / Peggy, Margaret, Cassia, Talia, Hermia, Dora******
D1: [43]
H: [46] Cyrus, Melville, Byron, Jacob, Averill, Abie / Hannibal, Ryan, Yann, Atticus, Laban, Bertram (LN: Vermayes)******
S4: [40]
W: [27] Eliza, Ishara, Lexi, Pippa, Georgia, Stacy / Kyra, Barbara, Melissa, Sondra, Noreen, Cory (LN: Hobart)S: [5] Archer, Junious, Newell, Gorman, Howell, Baxter / Drury, Linus, Rollin, Thornton, Hervey, Ennis
S: [1] Nimrod, Claus, Pryor, Leonard, Asher, Lawton / Crawford, Wilhelm, Mertin, Marcellus, Brown, Theophilus
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1stH: Murphy Carlisle Southworth [deceased, aged 31]
W: Athena Elodie Carpenter Southworth Bradford [80]S1: Louis Owen Southworth [58]
S2: Albert Oliver Southworth [54] 2ndH: Malcolm Rafferty Bradford [80] S3: Magnus Ezra Bradford [46]
D1: Penelope Cassandra Bradford [43]
S4: Montgomery Oscar Bradford [40] Murphy & Athena; Louis and Albert.
Athena & Malcolm (Colm); Magnus, Penelope, and Montgomery.******
S1: Louis Owen Southworth [58]
W: Maia Charlotte Collier Southworth [52] Louis & Maia; Eugenia, Beatrix (Bea), Augustus (Augie), Marina, Diana, Theodore (Theo), and Zelda.D: Eugenia Eleanor Southworth Freeman [30]
-H: Simon Thaddeus Freeman [32]
-S: James Evander Freeman [8]
-D: Isadora Veronica Freeman [4]
-S: Archibald Virgil Freeman [1]
-D: Josephine Portia Freeman [exp] Eugenia (Genie) & Simon; James, Isadora, Archibald (Archie), and Josephine (Josie).D: Beatrix Tallulah Southworth [28]
S: Augustus Ambrose Southworth [26] D: Marina Phoebe Southworth Church [24]
-H: Dexter Merrill Church [30]
-S: Milo Conrad Church [exp] Marina & Dexter; Milo.D: Diana Olivia Southworth [16]
S: Theodore Leopold Southworth [11]
D: Zelda Raphaela Southworth [9] ******
S2: Albert Oliver Southworth [54]
W: Matilda Grace Reyner Southworth [54] Albert & Matilda; Vivian.D: Vivian Camilla Southworth Howland [26]
-H: Vincent Quentin Howland [30]
-S: Francis George Howland [2]
-S: Robert Sidney Howland [1]
-D: Agatha Madeline Howland [exp] Vivian & Vincent; Francis (Frankie), Robert (Robbie), and Agatha.******
S3: Magnus Ezra Bradford [46]
W: Clara Zoe Richards Bradford [41] S: Liam Calvin Bradford [18]
S: Walter Roland Bradford [16]
S: Julius Darcy Bradford [13]
D: Lydia Catherine Bradford [10]
D: Eloise Tabita Bradford [8]
S: Raymond Edmund Bradford [6]
D: Niamh Theresa Bradford [2]
D: Christina Margaret Bradford [exp] Magnus (Gus) & Clara; Liam, Walter (Walt), Julius (Jules), Lydia (Lydie), Eloise (Ellie), Raymond (Ray), Niamh, and Christina (Chrissy).******
D1: Penelope Cassandra Bradford Vermayes [43]
H: Cyrus Bertram Vermayes [46]Penelope (Penny) & Cyrus (Cy).******
S4: Montgomery Oscar Bradford [40]
W: Eliza Melissa Hobart Bradford [27] S: Linus Archer Bradford [5]
S: Asher Wilhelm Bradford [1]Montgomery (Monty) & Eliza; Linus and Asher.
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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Murphy Carlisle Southworth “Murphy”
W: [80] Irene Elodie (Carpenter) Southworth “Irene”S1: [58] Stanislaus Gilbert Southworth “Stan”
S2: [54] Albert Edmond Southworth “Al”2ndH: [80] Isaac Rafferty Bradford “Isaac”S3: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford “Felix”
D1: [43] Penelope Violet Bradford “Penny”
S4: [40] Percival Oscar Bradford “Percy”
Murphy & Irene Southworth: Stan, & AlIsaac & Irene Bradford: Felix, Penny, & Percy
S1: [58] Stanislaus Gilbert Southworth “Stan”
W: [52] Daphne Charlotte (Collier) Southworth “Daphne”D: [30] Magdalen Eleanor (Southworth) Freeman “Maggie”
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman “Simon”
-S: [8] James Rowland Freeman “Jay”
-D: [4] Cordelia Guinevere Freeman “Delia”
-S: [1] Archibald Noah Freeman “Archie”
-D: [exp] Josephine Portia Freeman “Josie”D: [28] Elizabeth Delilah Southworth “Eliza”
S: [26] Hartley Alfred Southworth “Hartley”D: [24] Christabel Phoebe (Southworth) Church “Christa”
-H: [30] Dexter Fenton Church “Dexter”
-S: [exp] Milo Rupert Church “Milo”S: [21] Willis Samuel Southworth “Will”
D: [16] Rhiannon Olivia Southworth “Rhia”
S: [11] Theodore Davin Southworth “Theo”
D: [9] Anna Raphaela Southworth “Anna”
Stan & Daphne Southworth: Maggie, Eliza, Hartley, Christa, Will, Rhia, Theo, & Anna
Maggie & Simon Freeman: Jay, Delia, Archie, & Josie
Christa & Dexter Church: Milo
S2: [54] Albert Edmond Southworth “Al”
W: [54] Cecilia Grace (Reyner) Southworth “Cece”D: [26] Amelia Camilla (Southworth) Howland “Mia”
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin Howland “Vince”
-S: [2] Forrest Charles Howland “Forrest”
-S: [1] Emmett Sidney Howland “Emmett”
-D: [exp] Acacia Madeline Howland “Acacia”Al & Cece Southworth: Mia
Mia & Vince Howland: Forrest, Emmett, & Acacia
S3: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford “Felix”
W: [41] Clara Ophelia (Richards) Bradford “Clara”S: [18] Prescott Ethan Bradford “Scott”

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1stH: Moss Weaver Southworth [deceased, aged 31]
W: Lorelei Elodie Bradford née Carpenter [80]S1: Louis Owen Southworth [58]
S2: Corbett Oliver Southworth [54]2ndH: Isaac Rafferty Bradford [80]S3: Felix Collier Bradford [46]
D1: Aurora Violet Vermayes née Bradford [43]
S4: Percival Boone Bradford [40]******
S1: Louis Owen Southworth [58]
W: Maia Astrid Southworth née Collier [52]D: Afton Eleanor Freeman née Southworth [30]
-H: Silas Mercer Freeman [32]
--S: James Rowland Freeman [8]
--D: Juno Aurelia Freeman [4]
--S: Archibald Noah Freeman [1]
--D: Alice Melisande Freeman [exp]D: Beatrix Tallulah Southworth [28]
S: Hartley Gray Southworth [26]D: Leilani Luna Church née Southworth [24]
-H: Noel Fenton Church [30]
--S: Milo Barnett Church [exp]S: Campbell Boyce Southworth [21]
D: Rhiannon Zilla Southworth [16]
S: Beauregard Davin Southworth [11]
D: Zelda Aine Southworth [9]******
S2: Corbett Oliver Southworth [54]
W: Matilda Grace Southworth née Reyner [54]D: Vivian Alethea Howland née Southworth [26]
-H: Clark Quentin Howland [30]
--S: Forrest Charles Howland [2]
--S: Garrison Bastien Howland [1]
--D: Acacia Madeline Howland [exp]******
S3: Felix Collier Bradford [46]
W: Clara Harper Bradford née Richards [41]S: Liam Calvin Bradford [18]
S: Everett Roland Bradford [16]
S: Wyatt Brigham Bradford [13]
D: Katlyn Lenore Bradford [11]
D: Mindy Catherine Bradford [10]
D: Eloise Tabitha Bradford [8]
S: Evan Harold Bradford [6]
S: Chase John Bradford [3]
D: Niamh Theresa Bradford [2]
D: Leena Margaret Bredford [exp]******
D1: Aurora Violet Vermayes née Bradford [43]
H: Cyrus Bertram Vermayes [46]******
S4: Percival Boone Bradford [40]
W: Georgia Melissa Bradford née Hobart [27]S: Archer Rollin Bradford [5]
S: Lawton Mertin Bradford [1]
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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Adlai Southworth
W: [80] Althea Lucretia (Carpenter) BradfordS1: [58] Louis "Louie" Gilbert Southworth
S2: [54] Albert "Al" Claude Southworth2ndH: [80] Malcolm Bernard BradfordS3: [46] Felix Henry Bradford
D1: [43] Penelope "Penny" Violet Bradford
S4: [40] Duke Oscar BradfordMoss Southworth & Althea Bradford: Louie and AlMalcolm & Althea Bradford: Felix, Penny and Duke******
S1: [58] Louis "Louie" Gilbert Southworth
W: [52] Daphne Cleo (Collier) SouthworthD: [30] Afton Eleanor (Southworth) Freeman
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] James Cornell Freeman
-D: [4] Bronwyn Guinevere Freeman
-S: [1] Burke Marshall Freeman
-D: [exp] Linnea Sibyl FreemanD: [28] Scarlett Marcella Southworth
S: [26] Ellery Basil SouthworthD: [24] Marina Phoebe (Southworth) Church
-H: [30] Dexter Merrill Church
-S: [exp] Milo Conrad ChurchS: [21] Willis Samuel Southworth
D: [16] Rhiannon Olivia Southworth
S: [11] Edwin Davin Southworth
D: [9] Paloma Tatiana SouthworthLouie & Daphne Southworth: Afton, Scarlett, Ellery, Marina, Willis, Rhiannon, Edwin and Paloma
--Afton & Simon Freeman: James, Bronwyn, Burke and Linnea
--Marina & Dexter Church: Milo******
S2: [54] Albert "Al" Claude Southworth
W: [54] Andrea Grace (Reyner) SouthworthD: [26] Ellie Angelia (Southworth) Howland
-H: [30] Vincent "Vince" Sylvester Howland
-S: [2] Forrest Charles Howland
-S: [1] Emmett Sidney Howland
-D: [exp] Alesia Madeline HowlandAl & Andrea Southworth: Ellie
--Ellie & Vince Howland: Forrest, Emmett and Alesia******
S3: [46] Felix Henry Bradford
W: [41] Corinne Harper (Richards) BradfordS: [18] Beau Calvin Bradford
S: [16] Everett Lyle Bradford
S: [13] Tristan Remy Bradford
D: [11] Candace Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Mindy Catherine Bradford
D: [8] Tiffany Ella Bradford
S: [6] Evan Randolph Bradford
S: [3] Chase Norris Bradford
D: [2] Kira Theresa Bradford
D: [exp] Leena Margaet BradfordFelix & Corinne Bradford: Beau, Everett, Tristan, Candace, Mindy, Tiffany, Evan, Chase, Kira and Leena ******
D1: [43] Penelope "Penny" Violet (Bradford) Vermayes
H: [46] Byron Atticus VermayesPenny & Byron Vermayes:******
S4: [40] Duke Oscar Bradford
W: [27] Stacy Melissa (Hobart) BradfordS: [5] Archer Ennis Bradford
S: [1] Asher Marcellus BradfordDuke & Stacy Bradford: Archer and Asher
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DH: {D, 31} Page Carlisle Southworth
DH: {80} Malcolm Pascal Bradford
DW: {80} Althea Valentina {Carpenter / Southworth} BradfordDS1: {58} Louis Gilbert Southworth
DS2: {54} Albert Griffith Southworth
DS3: {46} Felix Henry Bradford
DD1: {43} Penleope Violet {Bradford} Vermayes
DS4: {40} Duke Cassius Bradford*DS1: {58} Louis Gilbert Southworth
DW: {52} Anastasia Colette {Collier} SouthworthDD: {30} Eugenia Doris {Southworth} Freeman
- DH: {32} Silas Mercer Freeman
- DS: {8} James Evander Freeman
- DD: {4} Isadora Veronica Freeman
- DS: {1} Burke Marshall Freeman
- DD: {exp} Anais Melisande FreemanDD: {28} Elizabeth Tallulah Southworth
DS: {26} Lindley Alfred SouthworthDD: {24} Christabel Verena {Southworth} Church
- DH: {30} Noel Fenton Church
- DS: {exp} Milo Barnett ChurchDS: {21} Campbell Horace Southworth
DD: {16} Rhiannon Edith Southworth
DS: {11} Theodore Marion Southworth
DD: {9} Serena Raphaela Southworth*DS2: {54} Albert Griffith Southworth
DW: {54} Cecilia Grace {Reyner} SouthworthDD: {26} Vivian Camilla {Southworth} Howland
- DH: {30} Regis Granville Howland
- DS: {2} Bruce Brighton Howland
- DS: {1} Emmett Cannon Howland
- DD: {exp} Acacia Katherine Howland*DS3: {46} Felix Henry Bradford
DW: {41} Corinne Terese {Richards} BradfordDS: {18} Beau Calvin Bradford
DS: {16} Everett Lyle Bradford
DS: {13} Tristan Remy Bradford
DD: {11} Candace Lenore Bradford
DD: {10} Sonya Marjorie Bradford
DD: {8} Tiffany Celina Bradford
DS: {6} Dean Edmund Bradford
DS: {3} Chase Seymour Bradford
DD: {2} Kira Dorothy Bradford
DD: {exp} Leena Margaret Bradford*DD1: {43} Penleope Violet {Bradford} Vermayes
DH: {46} Jacob Ryan Vermayes*DS4: {40} Duke Cassius Bradford
DW: {27} Eliza Noreen {Hobart} BradfordDS: {5} Archer Ennis Bradford
DS: {1} Pryor Mertin Bradford
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DH: Page Barnard Southworth (deceased, 31)
DW: Lorelei Elodie [Carpenter, Southworth] Bradford (80)DS: Louis Gilbert Southworth (58)
DS: Albert Edmond Southworth (54) Page Southworth and Lorelei Carpenter have Louis Southworth and Albert Southworth DH: Malcolm Rafferty Bradford (80)DS: Magnus Henry Bradford (46)
DD: Hermione Violet [Bradford] Vermayes (43)
DS: Montgomery Giles "Monty" Bradford (40) Lorelei Carpenter and Malcolm Bradford have Magnus Bradford, Hermione Vermayes and Monty Bradford ---*---DH: Louis Gilbert Southworth (58)
DW: Iris Charlotte [Collier] Southworth (52)DD: Magdalene Eleanor [Southworth] Freeman (30)
-DH: Silas Mercer Freeman (32)
--DS: Bertrand Evander Freeman (8)
--DD: Cordelia Adelaide Freeman (4)
--DS: Augustin Arthur Freeman (1)
--DD: Linnea Melisdande Freeman (expecting) Magdalene Southworth and Silas Freeman have Bertrand Freeman, Cordelia Freeman, Augustin Freeman and Linnea Freeman DD: Beatrix Marcella Southworth (28)
DS: Augustus Cecil Southworth (26)DD: Marina Octavia [Southworth] Church (24)
-DH: Dexter Waverly Church (30)
--DS: Milo Conrad Church (expecting) Marina Southworth and Dexter Church have Milo Church DS: Campbell Guy Southworth (21)
DD: Dominica Edith Southworth (16)
DS: Beauregard Leopold Southworth (11)
DD: Paloma Tatiana Southworth (9) Louis Southworth and Iris Collier have Magdalene Freeman, Beatrix Southworth, Augustus Southworth, Marina Church, Campbell Southworth, Dominica Southworth, Beauregard Southworth and Paloma Southworth ---*---DH: Albert Edmond Southworth (54)
DW: Sabina Arianna [Reyner] Southworth (54)DD: Rose Angela [Southworth] Howland (26)
-DH: Winston Granville Howland (30)
--DS: Francis George Howland (2)
--DS: Emmett Orville Howland (1)
--DD: Alexandra Myrtle Howland (expecting) Rose Southworth and Winston Howland have Francis Howland, Emmett Howland and Alexandra Howland Albert Southworth and Sabina Reyner hvae Rose Howland

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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Carlisle (LN: Southworth)
W: [80] Irene Lucretia (LN: Carpenter)S1: [58] Stanislaus Job
S2: [54] Albert Claude 2ndH: [80] Isaac Bernard (LN: Bradford) S3: [46] Felix Godfrey
D1: [43] Hermione Ivy
S4: [40] Percival Oscar ******
S1: [58]
W: [52] Iris Colette (LN: Collier)D: [30] Magdalen Doris
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus (LN: Freeman)
-S: [8] James Rowland
-D: [4] Isadora Adelaide
-S: [1] Archibald Noah
-D: [exp] Alice SibylD: [28] Helena Germaine
S: [26] Hartley Cecil D: [24] Marina Phoebe
-H: [30] Noel Camille (LN: Church)
-S: [exp] Ernest Norman S: [21] Hubert Samuel
D: [16] Diana Edith
S: [11] Clarence Leopold
D: [9] Anna Candida ******
S2: [54]
W: [54] Cecilia Grace (LN: Reyner)D: [26] Agnes Alethea
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin, (LN: Howland)
-S: [2] Hiram Charles
-S: [1] Lancelot Sidney
-D: [exp] Acacia Myrtle ******
S3: [46]
W: [41] Alexandra Catherine (LN: Richards)S: [18] Liam Calvin
S: [16] Walter Oswald
S: [13] Casper Neville
D: [11] Candace Eunice
D: [10] Lydia Catherine
D: [8] Elaine Tabitha
S: [6] Evan Barry
S: [3] Chase John
D: [2] Rhoda Dorothy
D: [exp] Christina Margaret ******
D1: [43]
H: [46] Cyrus Bertram (LN: Vermayes)******
S4: [40]
W: [27] Eliza Noreen (LN: Hobart)S: [5] Archer Linus
S: [1] Leonard Theophilus
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1stH [deceased, aged 31]: Murphy Carlisle Southworth
W [80]: Lorelei Jacinta Bradford [nee Carpenter]S1 [58]: Louis Owen Southworth
S2 [54]: Albert Claude Southworth2ndH [80]: Isaac Rafferty BradfordS3 [46]: Magnus Ezra Bradford
D1 [43]: Aurora Sybil Bradford
S4 [40]: Montgomery Giles Bradford-----
S1 [58]: Louis Owen Southworth
W [52]: Anastasia Colette Southworth [nee Collier]D [30]: Evadne Melia Freeman [nee Southworth]
-H [32]: Simon Thaddeus Freeman
--S [8]: James Evander Freeman
--D [4]: Isadora Guinevere Freeman
--S [1]: Archibald Noah Freeman
--D [exp]: Linnea Sybil FreemanD [28]: Elizabeth Oona Southworth
S [26]: Augustus Gray SouthworthD [24]: Thomasina Phoebe Church [nee Southworth]
-H [30]: Noel Fenton Church
--S [exp]: Milo Rupert ChurchS [21]: Willis Guy Southworth
D [16]: Diana Edith Southworth
S [11]: Theodore Davin Southworth
D [9]: Anna Belina Southworth-----
S2 [54]: Albert Claude Southworth
W [54]: Matilda Ariane Southworth [nee Reyner]D [26]: Amelia Dottie Howland [nee Southworth]
-H [30]: Vincent Trent Howland
--S [2]: Francis George Howland
--S [1]: Emmett Sidney Howland
--D [exp]: Acacia Madeline Howland-----
S3 [46]: Magnus Ezra Bradford
W [41]: Clara Zoe Bradford [nee Richards]S [18]: Liam Yannick Bradford
S [16]: Julien Lyle Bradford
S [13]: Tristan Neville Bradford
D [11]: Katlyn Lenore Bradford
D [10]: Lydia Catherine Bradford
D [8]: Eloise Tabitha Bradford
S [6]: Dean Edmund Bradford
S [3]: Christoph John Bradford
D [2]: Niamh Dorothy Bradford
D [exp]: Melinda Peggy Bradford-----
D1 [43]: Aurora Sybil Vermayes [nee Bradford]
H [46]: Jacob Ryan Vermayes-----
S4 [40]: Montgomery Giles Bradford
W [27]: Eliza Noreen Bradford [nee Hobart]S [5]: Archer Linus Bradford
S [1]: Leonard Wilhelm Bradford
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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Page Carlisle Southworth
W: [80] Irene Lucretia CarpenterS1: [58] Louis Gilbert
S2: [54] Corbett Griffith2ndH: [80] Malcolm Auburn BradfordS3: [46] Magnus Henry
D1: [43] Amaryllis Serafina
S4: [40] Ruff Cassius******
S1: [58] Louis Gilbert Southworth
W: [52] Iris Astrid Collier D: [30] Sapphira Eleanor
-H: [32] Maceo Burgess Freeman
-S: [8] Philo Evander
-D: [4] Juno Adelaide
-S: [1] Augustin Arthur
-D: [exp] Alice HaliaD: [28] Zola Marcella
S: [26] Augustus Gray D: [24] Eris Leilani Octavia
-H: [30] Lowell Fenton Church
-S: [exp] Milo CorneliusS: [21] Zollie Kurtis
D: [16] Dominica Chantal
S: [11] Valentin Pembroke
D: [9] Paloma Raphaela******
S2: [54] Corbett Griffith Southworth

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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Page Carlisle (LN: Southworth)
W: [80] Clio Lucretia (LN: Carpenter)S1: [58] Louis Gilbert (Louie)
S2: [54] Albert Edmond (Bertie)2ndH: [80] Malcolm Bernard (LN: Bradford)S3: [46] Felix Ezra
D1: [43] Hermione Serafina
S4: [40] Percival Cassius (Percy)******
S1: [58]
W: [52] Persephone Charlotte (LN: Collier)D: [30] Eugenia Ursula
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus (LN: Freeman)
-S: [8] James Evander (Jem)
-D: [4] Isadora Adelaide
-S: [1] Augustin Virgil (Gus)
-D: [exp] Olympia PortiaD: [28] Elizabeth Tallulah (Libby)
S: [26] Augustus AmbroseD: [24] Thomasina Octavia
-H: [30] Noel Merrill (LN: Church)
-S: [exp] Milo RupertS: [21] Willis Samuel (Wills)
D: [16] Dominica Winifred (Nika)
S: [11] Clarence Leopold
D: [9] Zelda Gemma******
S2: [54]
W: [54] Matilda Grace (LN: Reyner)D: [26] Rose Camilla
-H: [30] Florian Quentin (LN: Howland)
-S: [2] Forrest George
-S: [1] Emmett Sidney
-D: [exp] Araminta Delphine******
S3: [46]
W: [41] Alexandra Catherine (LN: Richards) (Xanthe)S: [18] Emerson Calvin
S: [16] Walter Lyle (Walt)
S: [13] Julius Neville
D: [11] Sandrine Catharine (Sandra)
D: [10] Marlene Isolde (Lena)
D: [8] Eloise Tabitha
S: [6], Raymond Edmund (Ray)
S: [3] Clifford John (Cliff)
D: [2] Niamh Dorothy
D: [exp] Magnolia Cassia******
D1: [43]
H: [46] Cyrus Atticus (LN: Vermayes)******
S4: [40]
W: [27] Pippa Noreen (LN: Hobart)S: [5] Archer Linus
S: [1] Leonard Wilhelm (Leo)
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Page Adlai Southworth
W: [80] Athena Valentina (Carpenter) BradfordS1: [58] Louis Owen Southworth
S2: [54] Albert Griffith Southworth2ndH: [80] Isaac Rafferty BradfordS3: [46] Felix Henry Bradford
D1: [43] Aurora Cassandra Bradford
S4: [40] Percival Oscar Bradford******
S1: [58] Louis Owen Southworth
W: [52] Anastasia Astrid (Collier) SouthworthD: [30] Leocadia Eleanor (Southworth) Freeman
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] James Evander Freeman
-D: [4] Isadora Aurelia Freeman
-S: [1] Inigo Arthur Freeman
-D: [exp] Josephine Jocasta FreemanD: [28] Zola Delilah Southworth
S: [26] Augustus Gray SouthworthD: [24] Leilani Flavia Southworth-Church
-H: [30] Dexter Fenton Church
-S: [exp] Bailey Cornelius ChurchS: [21] Willis Samuel Southworth
D: [16] Rhiannon Olivia Southworth
S: [11] Mason Leopold Southworth
D: [9] Anna Raphaela Southworth******
S2: [54] Albert Griffith Southworth
W: [54] Amara Ava (Reyner) SouthworthD: [26] Amelia Angelia (Southworth) Howland
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin Howland
-S: [2] Forrest Charles Howland
-S: [1] Lancelot Cannon Howland
-D: [exp] Alessandra Katherine Howland******
S3: [46] Felix Henry Bradford
W: [41] Clara Terese (Richards) BradfordS: [18] Liam Chester Bradford
S: [16] Everett Lyle Bradford
S: [13] Casper Darcy Bradford
D: [11] Katlyn Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Catrina Isolde Bradford
D: [8] Tiffany Eleni Bradford
S: [6] Dean Edmund Bradford
S: [3] Chase Amon Bradford
D: [2] Kira Dorothy Bradford
D: [exp] Evangelina Talia Bradford******
D1: [43] Aurora Cassandra (Bradford) Vermayes
H: [46] Jacob Yann Vermayes******
S4: [40] Percival Oscar Bradford
W: [27] Eliza Barbara (Hobart) BradfordS: [5] Archer Linus Bradford
S: [1] Asher Wilhelm Bradford
vote up1
Lake Weaver D
Athena XantheLouis Owen
Albert OliverMalcolm AuburnFelix Henry
Aurora Cassandra "Rory"
Percival Oscar "Percy"--
Louis Owen
Anastasia Charlotte "Tacy"Sapphira Eleanor
- Simon Mercer
-- James Evander
-- Isadora Guinevere "Dora"
-- Archibald Arthur "Archie"
-- Alice Portia "Lissie"Elizabeth Delilah "Beth"
Augustus Gray "August"Marina Phoebe
- Dexter Fenton
-- Bailey NormanCampbell Samuel "Cam"
Diana Olivia
Theodore Tyson "Teddy"
Anna Gemma--
Albert Oliver
Alexandria Grace "Lexa"Rose Angela
- Vincent Quentin
-- Francis Charles
-- Emmett Sidney
-- Acacia Madeline "Casey"--
Felix Henry
Alexandra Catherine "Alex"Liam Ethan
Everett Lyle "Rhett"
Tristan Darcy
Sandrine Lenore
Catrina Molly "Cat"
Eloise Tabitha
Evan Edmund
Chase John
Niamh Lia
Evangelina Margaret "Eva"--
Aurora Cassandra "Rory"
Jacob Ryan--
Percival Oscar "Percy"
Georgia Melissa "Gigi"Archer Linus "Archie"
Asher Wilhelm
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Weaver Southworth
W: [80] Lorelei Elodie CarpenterS1: [58] Louis Owen Southworth
S2: [54] Corbett Edmond Southworth2ndH: [80] Malcolm Auburn BradfordS3: [46] Felix Collier Bradford
D1: [43] Hestia Ivy Bradford
S4: [40] Percival Boone Bradford******
S1: [58] Louis Owen Southworth
W: [52] Daphne Astrid CollierD: [30] Afton Eleanor Southworth
-H: [32] Simon Reinhard Freeman
-S: [8] James Evander Freeman
-D: [4] Artemisia Guinevere Freeman
-S: [1] Inigo Haven Freeman
-D: [exp] Hadley Sibyl FreemanD: [28] Beatrix Germaine Southworth
S: [26] Lindley Basil Southworth D: [24] Christabel Phoebe Southworth
-H: [30] Noel Waverly Church
-S: [exp] Milo Rupert ChurchS: [21] Campbell Emile Southworth
D: [16] Dominica Edith Southworth
S: [11] Theodore Shelley Southworth
D: [9] Paloma Raphaela Southworth******
S2: [54] Corbett Edmond Southworth
W: [54] Alexandria Grace ReynerD: [26] Ellie Camilla Southworth
-H: [30] Winston Severin Howland
-S: [2] Francis Brighton Howland
-S: [1] Robert Bastien Howland
-D: [exp] Ronnie Katherine Howland******
S3: [46] Felix Collier Bradford
W: [41] Corinne Zoe RichardsS: [18] Liam Delmar Bradford
S: [16] Julien Roland Bradford
S: [13] Tristan Darcy Bradford
D: [11] Candace Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Lydia Catherine Bradford
D: [8] Elaine Tabitha Bradford
S: [6] Dean Harold Bradford
S: [3] Chase John Bradford
D: [2] Niamh Theresa Bradford
D: [exp] Magnolia Dora Bradford******
D1: [43] Hestia Ivy Bradford
H: [46] Jacob Bertram Vermayes******
S4: [40] Percival Boone Bradford
W: [27] Georgia Kyra HobartS: [5] Archer Ennis Bradford
S: [1] Pryor Wilhelm Bradford
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] -- Murphy Adlai Southworth
W: [80] -- Apollonia Valentina (Carpenter) BradfordS1: [58] -- Louis Gilbert Southworth
S2: [54] -- Albert Edmond Southworth2ndH: [80] -- Malcolm Bernard BradfordS3: [46] -- Felix Henry Bradford
D1: [43] -- Aurora Serafina (Bradford) Vermayes
S4: [40] -- Montgomery Oscar Bradford******
S1: [58] Louis Gilbert Southworth
W: [52] -- Daphne Cleo (Collier) SouthworthD: [30] -- Evadne Eleanor (Southworth) Freeman
-H: [32] -- Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] -- James Evander Freeman
-D: [4] -- Cordelia Veronica Freeman
-S: [1] -- Augustin Noah Freeman
-D: [exp] -- Olympia Melisande FreemanD: [28] -- Zola Delilah Southworth
S: [26] -- Ellery Basil Southworth

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vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Burleigh Barnard Southworth
W: [80] Irene Philomena Bradford (nee Carpenter)S1: [58] Louis Gilbert Southworth (Lou)
S2: [54] Albert Claude Southworth (Al)2ndH: [80] Malcolm Bernard Bradford (Mac) S3: [46] Newman Henry Bradford (Manny)
D1: [43] Penelope Violet Bradford (Penny)
S4: [40] Montgomery Giles Bradford (Monty)******
S1: [58]
W: [52] Iris Charlotte Southworth (nee Collier)D: [30] Afton Doris Freeman (nee Bradford)
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] James Rowland Freeman
-D: [4] Bronwyn Veronica Freeman
-S: [1] Augustin Marshall Freeman (Gus)
-D: [exp] Anais Melisande FreemanD: [28] Scarlett Marcella Southworth
S: [26] Ellery Gray SouthworthD: [24] Eris Verena Southworth-Church
-H: [30] Cordell Erland Church
-S: [exp] Milo Conrad ChurchS: [21] Campbell Boyce Southworth
D: [16] Rhiannon Edith Southworth
S: [11] Beauregard Pembroke Southworth (Beau)
D: [9] Paloma Raphaela Southworth******
S2: [54]
W: [54] Cecilia Grace Southworth (nee Reyner)D: [26] Vivian Camilla Howland (nee Southworth)
-H: [30] Vincent Granville Howland
-S: [2] Forrest Charles Howland
-S: [1] Emmett Sidney Howland
-D: [exp] Araminta Katherine Howland (Minnie)******
S3: [46]
W: [41] Corinne Catherine Bradford (nee Richards)S: [18] Liam Chester Bradford
S: [16] Julien Roland Bradford
S: [13] Tristan Neville Bradford
D: [11] Katlyn Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Lydia Catherine Bradford
D: [8] Eloise Celina Bradford
S: [6] Evan Randolph Bradford
S: [3] Chase Norris Bradford
D: [2] Niamh Theresa Bradford
D: [exp] Karis Margaret Bradford******
D1: [43]
H: [46] Byron Bertram Vermayes******
S4: [40]
W: [27] Stacy Noreen Hobart (nee Bradford)S: [5] Archer Linus Hobart
S: [1] Asher Crawford Hobart
vote up1
DW - Apollonia Valentina {Carpenter} Bradford [80]
DH - Moss Barnard Southworth [Deceased, aged 31]
DH - Isaac Rafferty Bradford [80]DS1 - Bayard Gilbert Southworth [58]
-DW - Maia Iolanthe {Collier} Southworth [52]
-DD - Leocadia Eleanor {Southworth} Freeman [30]
--DH - Silas Reinhard Freeman [32]
--DS - James Cornell [8]
--DD - Aida Veronica [4]
--DS - Augustin Noah [1]
--DD - Linnea Jocasta [Expecting]
-DD - Beatrix Marcella [28]
-DS - Ellery Ambrose [26]
-DD - Augusta Octavia {Southworth} Church [24]
--DH - Dexter Merrill Church [30]
--DS - Milo Cornelius [Expecting]
-DS - Hubert Samuel [21]
-DD - Despina Winifred [16]
-DS - Valentin Pembroke [11]
-DD - Zelda Candida [9]DS2 - Albert Anatole Southworth [54]
-DW - Sabina Anthea {Reyner} Southworth [54]
-DD - Rose Alethea {Southworth} Howland [26]
--DH - Florian Quentin Howland [30]
--DS - Bruce Charles [2]
--DS - Emmett Orville [1]
--DD - Acacia Delphine [Expecting]DS3 - Magnus Godfrey Bradford [46]
-DW - Clara Zoe {Richards} Bradford [41]
-DS - Beau Delmar [18]
-DS - Walter Roland [16]
-DS - Casper Neville [13]
-DD - Sandrine Bernice [11]
-DD - Lydia Catherine [10]
-DD - Eloise Tabitha [8]
-DS - Dean Randolph [6]
-DS - Curtis Seymour [3]
-DD - Kira Dorothy [2]
-DD - Melinda Hermia [Expecting]DD1 - Aurora Serafina {Bradford} Vermayes [43]
-DH - Averill Bertram Vermayes [46]DS4 - Montgomery Cassius Bradford [40]
-DW - Georgia Noreen {Hobart} Bradford [27]
-DS - Archer Thornton [5]
-DS - Leonard Wilhelm [1]Apollonia and Moss Southworth - Bayard, and Albert Southworth.
-Bayard and Maia Southworth - Leocadia, Beatrix, Ellery, Augie, Hugh, Despina, Val, and Zelda Southworth.
--Leocadia and Silas Freeman - Jim, Aida, Gus, and Linnea Freeman.
--Augie and Dexter Church - Milo Church.
-Albert and Sabina Southworth - Rose Southworth.
--Rose and Florian Howland - Bruce, Emmett, and Acacia Howland.Apollonia and Isaac Bradford - Magnus, Aurora, and Monty Bradford.
-Magnus and Clara Bradford - Beau, Walter, Casper, Sandy, Lydia, Eloise, Dean, Curtis, Kira, and Lina Bradford.
-Aurora and Averill Vermayes.
-Monty and Georgia Bradford - Archer, and Leonard Bradford.
vote up1
DW: [80] Irene Philomena {Carpenter} Bradford
DH: [D] Murphy Carlisle SouthworthDS: [58] Louis Gilbert Southworth
DS: [54] Albert Anatole SouthworthDH: [80] Malcolm Bernard Bradford DS: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford
DD: [43] Penelope Sybil {Bradford} Vermayes
DS: [40] Percival Oscar Bradford******
DS: [58] Louis Gilbert Southworth
DW: [52] Anastasia Astrid {Collier} SouthworthDD: [30] Eugenia Eleanor {Southworth} Freeman
-DH: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-DS: [8] James Evander Freeman
-DD: [4] Bronwyn Adelaide Freeman
-DS: [1] Augustin Noah Freeman
-DD: [exp] Alice Portia FreemanDD: [28] Helena Germaine Southworth
DS: [26] Alston Cecil SouthworthDD: [24] Marina Phoebe {Southworth} Church
-DH: [30] Noel Fenton Church
-DS: [exp] Emil Rupert ChurchDS: [21] Campbell Horace Southworth
DD: [16] Diana Edith Southworth
DS: [11] Theodore Leopold Southworth
DD: [9] Serena Raphaela Southworth******
DS: [54] Albert Anatole Southworth
DW: [54] Andrea Grace {Reyner} SouthworthDD: [26] Amelia Dottie {Southworth} Howland
-DH: [30] Vincent Severin Howland
-DS: [2] Francis Troy Howland
-DS: [1] Emmett Sidney Howland
-DD: [exp] Agatha Katherine Howland******
DS: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford
DW: [41] Alexandra Corrine {Richards} BradfordDS: [18] Emerson Calvin Bradford
DS: [16] Julien Roland Bradford
DS: [13] Tristan Remy Bradford
DD: [11] Candace Lenore Bradford
DD: [10] Lydia Marjorie Bradford
DD: [8] Eloise Kari Bradford
DS: [6] Dean Edmund Bradford
DS: [3] Chase John Bradford
DD: [2] Monica Theresa Bradford
DD: [exp] Leena Margaret Bradford******
DD: [43] Penelope Sybil {Bradford} Vermayes
DH: [46] Jacob Bertram Vermayes******
DS: [40] Percival Oscar Bradford
DW: [27] Pippa Noreen {Hobart} BradfordDS: [5] Archer Thornton Bradford
DS: [1] Asher Wilhelm Bradford
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Throwald Southwort
W: [80] Apollonia Philomena Carpenter-Southwort-BradfordS1: [58] Laurie Owen Southwort
S2: [54] Albert Griffith "Al" Southwort2ndH: [80] Isaac Auburn BradfordS3: [46] Felix Collier Bradford
D1: [43] Penelope Eudora "Penny" Bradford
S4: [40] Duke Guilford Bradford******
S1: [58] Laurie Owen Southwort
W: [52] Daphne Colette Collier-SouthwortD: [30] Evadne Melia Southwort-Freeman
-H: [32] Frederic Mercer Freeman
-S: [8] James Rowland Freeman
-D: [4] Juno Aurelia Freeman
-S: [1] Burke Arthur Freeman
-D: [exp] Olympia Melisande "Oly" FreemanD: [28] Elizabeth Delilah "Elly" Southwort
S: [26] Ellery Gray SouthwortD: [24] Eris Octavia Southwort-Church
-H: [30] Wheeler Waverly Church
-S: [exp] Bailey Barnett ChurchS: [21] Willis Emile "Emile" Southwort
D: [16] Mehitabel Edith "Edie" Southwort
S: [11] Edwin Shelley "Eddy" Southwort
D: [9] Serena Belina "Ena" Southwort******
S2: [54] Albert Griffith "Al" Southwort
W: [54] Andrea Grace Reyner-SouthwortD: [26] Rose Camilla Southwort-Howland
-H: [30] Winston Sylvester Howland
-S: [2] Francis Gage "Gage" Howland
-S: [1] Robert Coty "Coty" Howland
-D: [exp] Alesia Delphine Howland******
S3: [46] Felix Collier Bradford
W: [41] Clara Catherine Richards-BradfordS: [18] Emerson Ethan Bradford
S: [16] Russ Roland Bradford
S: [13] Wyatt Brigham Bradford
D: [11] Dionne Delfina Bradford
D: [10] Mindy Marjorie Bradford
D: [8] Elaine Eleni Bradford
S: [6] Evan Edmund Bradford
S: [3] Chase Seymour Bradford
D: [2] Margery Melina Bradford
D: [exp] Magnolia Margaret "Maggie" Bradford******
D1: [43] Penelope Eudora "Penny" Bradford-Vermayes
H: [46] Jacob Atticus Vermayes******
S4: [40] Duke Guilford Bradford
W: [27] Eliza Noreen Hobart-BradfordS: [5] Archer Rollin Bradford
S: [1] Asher Crawford Bradford
vote up1
stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Adlai
W: [80] Irene JacintaS1: [58] Louis Owen "Owen"
S2: [54] Albert Oliver "Oliver"2ndH: [80] Isaac PascalS3: [46] Felix Henry "Henry"
D1: [43] Aurora Violet "Violet"
S4: [40] Montgomery Oscar "Ari"******
S1: [58] Louis Owen "Owen"
W: [52] Maia CharlotteD: [30] Evadne Eleanor "Eva"
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus
-S: [8] James Evander
-D: [4] Bronwen Adelaide
-S: [1] Augustin Noah "Noah"
-D: [exp] Alice JocastaD: [28] Helena Siobhan
S: [26] Ellery Gray "Eli" D: [24] Marina Octavia
-H: [30] Noel Waverly
-S: [exp] Emil Cornelius "Neil"S: [21] Guillame Samuel "Sam"

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vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Lake Thorwald Southworth
W: [80] Irene Valentina Bradford (nee Carpenter)S1: [58] Bayard Job Southworth
S2: [54] Corbett Anatole Southworth2ndH: [80] Isaac Auburn BradfordS3: [46] Felix Spurgeon Bradford
D1: [43] Aurora Ivy Bradford
S4: [40] Hurbert Boone BradfordLake & Irene Southworth: Bayard & Corbett
Isaac & Irene Bradford: Felix, Aurora, & Hurbert
S1: [58] Bayard Job Southworth
W: [52] Anastasia Cleo Southworth (nee Collier)D: [30] Afton Zena Freeman (nee Southworth) “Zena”
-H: [32] Oakley Reinhard Freeman “Oak”
-S: [8] Alwin Verne Freeman “Al”
-D: [4] Aida Caedmon Freeman
-S: [1] Burke Alphonse Freeman
-D: [exp] Hadley Electra FreemanD: [28] Beatrix Germaine Southworth
S: [26] Alston Cecil SouthworthD: [24] Christabel Verena Church (nee Southworth) “Christa”
-H: [30] Noel Waverly Church
-S: [exp] Bailey Cornelius ChurchS: [21] Campbell Horace Southworth
D: [16] Despina Edith Southworth
S: [11] Edwin Leopold Southworth
D: [9] Filomena Aine Southworth “Aine”Bayard & Anastasia Southworth: Zena, Beatrix, Alston, Christa, Campbell, Despina, Edwin, & Aine
Zena & Oak Freeman: Al, Aida, Burke, & Hadley
Christa & Noel Church: Bailey
S2: [54] Corbett Anatole Southworth
W: [54] Alexandria Grace Southworth (nee Reyner) “Dria”D: [26] Agnes Alisa Howland (nee Southworth)
-H: [30] Clark Severin Howland
-S: [2] Bruce Firman Howland
-S: [1] Destin Orville Howland
-D: [exp] Araminta Delphine HowlandCorbett & Dria Southworth: Agnes
Agnes & Clark Howland: Bruce, Destin, & Araminta
S3: [46] Felix Spurgeon Bradford
W: [41] Alexandra Terese Bradford (nee Richards) “Alex”S: [18] Beau Lamar Bradford
S: [16] Everett Salomon Bradford
S: [13] Julius Mort Bradford
D: [11] Candace Delfina Bradford “Candy”
D: [10] Glynis Marjorie Bradford
D: [8] Kathy Tabitha Bradford
S: [6] Leverett Dax Bradford “Lev”
S: [3] Noe Seymour Bradford
D: [2] Margie Melina Bradford
D: [exp] Christina Peggy BradfordFelix & Alex Bradford: Beau, Everett, Julius, Candy, Glynis, Kathy, Lev, Noe, Margie, & Christina
D1: [43] Aurora Ivy Vermayes (nee Bradford)
H: [46] Jacob Yann Vermayes “Jake”Aurora & Jake Vermayes
S4: [40] Hurbert Boone Bradford
W: [27] Lexi Sondra Bradford (nee Hobart)S: [5] Archer Linus Bradford
S: [1] Claus Mertin BradfordHubert & Lexi Bradford: Archer & Claus
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Sigurd Carlisle Southworth
W: [80] Lorelei Valentina Carpenter Southworth BradfordS1: [58] Stanislaus Owen Southworth
S2: [54] Holland Oliver Southworth2ndH: [80] Isaac Rafferty BradfordS3: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford
D1: [43] Penelope Ivy Bradford Vermayes
S4: [40] Duke Oscar Bradford[80] Isaac Bradford & Lorelei Carpenter Southworth Bradford[58] Stan Southworth, [54] Holland Southworth, [46] Felix Bradford, [43] Penelope Bradford, [40] Duke Bradford******
S1: [58] Stanislaus Owen Southworth
W: [52] Anastasia Astrid Collier SouthworthD: [30] Evadne Melia Southworth Freeman
-H: [32] Frederic Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] James Evander Freeman
-D: [4] Juno Guinevere Freeman
-S: [1] Augustin Marshall Freeman
-D: [ex] Hadley Electra FreemanD: [28] Helena Delilah Southworth
S: [26] Augustus Gray SouthworthD: [24] Leilani Phoebe Southworth Church
-H: [30] Noel Waverly Church
-S: [ex] Milo Conrad ChurchS: [21] Campbell Samuel Southworth
D: [16] Drusilla Olivia Southworth
S: [11] Beauregard Davin Southworth
D: [9] Serena Gemma Southworth[58] Stan Southworth & [52] [Stasi Collier Southworth][32] [Freddie Freeman], [30] Eva Southworth Freeman, [Noel Church], [28] Helena Southworth, [26] Gus Southworth, [24] Leilani Southworth Church, [21] Cam Southworth, th, [11] Beau Southworth, [9] Serena Southworth

[8] James Freeman, [4] Juno Freeman, [1] August Freeman, [ex] Hadley Freeman, Milo Church
S2: [54] Holland Oliver Southworth
W: [54] Cecilia Chiara Reyner SouthworthD: [26] Vivian Angelia Southworth Howland
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin Howland
-S: [2] Delano Troy Howland
-S: [1] Emmett Coty Howland
-D: [ex] Alesia Madeline Howland[54] [Cece Reyner Bradford] & Holland Southworth[30] [Vince Howland], [26] Vivian Southworth Howland

[2] Delano Howland, [1] Emmett Howland, [ex] Alesia Howland******
S3: [46] Felix Ezra Bradford
W: [41] Alexandra Harper Richards BradfordS: [18] Liam Calvin Bradford
S: [16] Julien Roland Bradford

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vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Lake Carlisle (LN: Southworth)
W: [80] Lorelei Xanthe (LN: Carpenter)S1: [58] Louis Owen
S2: [54] Sheridan Oliver 2ndH: [80] Malcolm Pascal (LN: Bradford) S3: [46] Armand Ezra
D1: [43] Aurora Ivy
S4: [40] Duke Cassius ******
S1: [58]
W: [52] Daphne Colette (LN: Collier)D: [30 Magdalen Eleanor
-H: [32] Simon Mercer (LN: Freeman)
-S: [8] James Evander
-D: [4] Bronwyn Adelaide
-S: [1] Augustin Noah
-D: [exp] Josephine Electra "Josie"D: [28] Helena Tallulah
S: [26] Ellery Gray D: [24] Marina Octavia
-H: [30] Noel Fenton (LN: Church)
-S: [exp] Milo Conrad S: [21] Willis Samuel "Will"
D: [16] Rhiannon Olivia
S: [11] Theodore Leopold "Teddy"
D: [9] Serena Gemma ******
S2: [54]
W: [54] Cecilia Grace (LN: Reyner)D: [26] Vivian Angela
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin (LN: Howland)
-S: [2] Forrest Troy
-S: [1] Emmett Bastien
-D: [exp] Alessandra Madeline "Allie"******
S3: [46]
W: [41] Clara Catherine (LN: Richards)S: [18] Beau Calvin
S: [16] Everett Lyle
S: [13] Tristan Remy
D: [11] Candace Delfina
D: [10] Lydia Catherine
D: [8] Eloise Sandra "Ellie"
S: [6] Evan Edmund
S: [3] Chase John
D: [2] Niamh Theresa
D: [exp] Christina Margaret ******
D1: [43]
H: [46] Jacob Ryan "Jake" (LN: Vermayes)******
S4: [40]
W: [27] Georgia Kyra (LN: Hobart)S: [5] Archer Linus
S: [1] Leonard Wilhelm "Leo"
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Adlai Southworth
W: [80] Althea Lucretia Carpenter S1: [58] Laurence Adolph "Laurie"
S2: [54] Albert Anatole 2ndH: [80] Gaylord Algernon Bradford S3: [46] Armand Henry
D1: [43] Amaryllis Eudora
S4: [40] Percival Oscar ******
S1: [58] Laurence Adolph "Laurie"
W: [52] Iris Cleo Collier D: [30] Eugenia Doris
-H: [32] Frederic Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] Bertrand Guthrie
-D: [4] Cordelia Adelaide
-S: [1] Archibald Alphonse
-D: [exp] Linnea Jocasta D: [28] Beatrix Oona
S: [26] Augustus Alfred D: [24] Thomasina Phoebe
-H: [30] Noel Merrill Church
-S: [exp] Ernest Conrad S: [21] Hubert Emile
D: [16] Drusilla Edith
S: [11] Beauregard Shelley
D: [9] Zelda Raphaela ******
S2: [54] Albert Anatole
W: [54] Matilda Anthea Reyner D: [26] Agnes Camilla
-H: [30] Florian Sylvester Howland
-S: [2] Delano George
-S: [1] Montague Sidney
-D: [exp] Agatha Delphine ******
S3: [46] Armand Henry
W: [41] Nelle Zoe Richards S: [18] Emerson Ethan
S: [16] Wallace Roland
S: [13] Julius Neville
D: [11] Candace Lenore
D: [10] Glynis Marjorie
D: [8] Eloise Tabitha
S: [6] Rudolph Edmund
S: [3] Clifford Seymour
D: [2] Rhoda Dorothy
D: [exp] Melinda Cassia ******
D1: [43] Amaryllis Eudora
H: [46] Cyrus Bertram Vermayes ******
S4: [40] Percival Oscar
W: [27] Stacy Noreen Hobart S: [5] Howell Ennis
S: [1] Pryor Wilhelm
vote up1
1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Carlisle Southworth
W: [80] Irene Lucretia Carpenter Southworth Bradford S1: [58] Bayard Owen Southworth
S2: [54] Sheridan Edmond Southworth2ndH: [80] Isaac Rafferty BradfordS3: [46] Armand Henry Bradford
D1: [43] Aurora Ivy Bradford
S4: [40] Mortimer Cassius Bradford******
S1: [58] Bayard Owen Southworth
W: [52] Maia Charlotte Collier SouthworthD: [30] Evadne Eleanor Southworth Freeman
-H: [32] Maceo Buell Freeman
-S: [8] James Rowland Freeman
-D: [4] Isadora Caedmon Freeman
-S: [1] Augustin Noah Freeman
-D: [exp] Linnea Jocasta FreemanD: [28] Helena Germaine Southworth
S: [26] Alston Gray SouthworthD: [24] Eris Octavia Southworth Church
-H: [30] Lowell Waverly Church
-S: [exp] Milo Norman Church

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This message was edited 12/10/2013, 1:34 AM

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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Carlisle Southworth
W: [80] Apollonia Elodie ‘Polly’ [Carpenter] Southworth-BradfordS1: [58] Louis Job Southworth
S2: [54] Albert Claude Southworth2ndH: [80] Malcolm Rafferty ‘Mack’ BradfordS3: [46] Magnus Collier ‘Max’ Bradford
D1: [43] Penelope Eudora 'Poppy' Bradford
S4: [40] Montgomery Giles 'Monty' Bradford
Polly & Moss had:
Louis and AlbertPolly & Mack have:
Max, Poppy, and Monty******
S1: [58] Louis Job Southworth
W: [52] Daphne Astrid [Collier] SouthworthD: [30] Eugenia Ursula ‘Genie’ [Southworth] Freeman
-H: [32] Simon Mercer Freeman
-S: [8] Bertrand Cornell ‘Bert’ Freeman
-D: [4] Cordelia Veronica ‘Delia’ Freeman
-S: [1] Archibald Virgil ‘Archie’ Freeman
-D: [exp] Josephine Portia ‘Posy’ FreemanD: [28] Beatrix Tallulah ‘Betsy’ Southworth
S: [26] Alston Basil SouthworthD: [24] Thomasina Octavia ‘Tamsin’ [Southworth] Church
-H: [30] Noel Fenton Church
-S: [exp] Bailey Conrad ChurchS: [21] Willis Emile Southworth
D: [16] Drusilla Winifred ‘Dru’ Southworth
S: [11] Edwin Pembroke Southworth
D: [9] Filomena Raphaela ‘Filly’ Southworth
Louis & Daphne have:
Genie (Simon -- Bert, Delia, Archie, and Posy), Betsy, Alston, Tamsin (Noel -- Bailey), Willis, Dru, Edwin, and Filly******
S2: [54] Albert Claude Southworth
W: [54] Cecilia Anthea [Reyner] SouthworthD: [26] Agnes Camilla ‘Aggie’ [Southworth] Howland
-H: [30] Winston Sylvester Howland
-S: [2] Francis Brighton Howland
-S: [1] Robert Sidney Howland
-D: [exp] Araminta Myrtle Howland
Albert & Cecilia have:
Aggie (Winston -- Francis, Robert, and Araminta)******
S3: [46] Magnus Collier ‘Max’ Bradford
W: [41] Clara Ophelia [Richards] BradfordS: [18] Prescott Calvin ‘Pres’ Bradford
S: [16] Walter Roland ‘Walt’ Bradford
S: [13] Julius Darcy ‘Jules’ Bradford
D: [11] Sandrine Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Glynis Marjorie Bradford
D: [8] Elaine Tabitha Bradford
S: [6] Rudolph Edmund ‘Rudy’ Bradford

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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Murphy Carlisle Southworth
W: [80] Clio Philomena (Carpenter / Southworth) BradfordS1: [58] Bayard Herbert Southworth
S2: [54] Holland Griffith Southworth2ndH: [80] Vane Rafferty BradfordS3: [46] Armand Collier Bradford
D1: [43] Hermione Sybil (Bradford) Vermayes
S4: [40] Montgomery Boone Bradford******
S1: [58] Bayard Herbert Southworth
W: [52] Daphne Charlotte (Collier) SouthworthD: [30] Evadne Leda (Southworth) Freeman
-H: [32] Simon Burgess Freeman
-S: [8] James Evander Freeman
-D: [4] Aida Veronica Freeman
-S: [1] Burke Arthur Freeman
-D: [exp] Alice Electra FreemanD: [28] Helena Tallulah (Southworth)
S: [26] Augustus Basil SouthworthD: [24] Marina Phoebe (Southworth) Church
-H: [30] Noel Fenton Church
-S: [exp] Russell Conrad ChurchS: [21] Willis Emile Southworth
D: [16] Despina Chantal Southworth
S: [11] Theodore Pembroke Southworth
D: [9] Filomena Gemma Southworth******
S2: [54] Holland Griffith Southworth
W: [54] Matilda Grace (Reyner) SouthworthD: [26] Vivian Camilla (Southworth) Howland
-H: [30] Vincent Granville Howland
-S: [2] Forrest Charles Howland
-S: [1] Garrison Sidney Howland
-D: [exp] Acacia Madeline Howland******
S3: [46] Armand Collier Bradford
W: [41] Corinne Zoe (Richards) BradfordS: [18] Liam Delmar Bradford
S: [16] Everett Lyle Bradford
S: [13] Wyatt Darcy Bradford
D: [11] Candace Lenore Bradford
D: [10] Marlene Isolde Bradford
D: [8] Elaine Tabitha Bradford
S: [6] Dean Edmund Bradford
S: [3] Curtis John Bradford
D: [2] Monica Theresa Bradford
D: [exp] Christina Margaret Bradford******
D1: [43] Hermione Sybil (Bradford) Vermayes
H: [46] Cyrus Bertram Vermayes******
S4: [40] Montgomery Boone Bradford
W: [27] Georgia Noreen (Hobart) BradfordS: [5] Archer Linus Bradford
S: [1] Asher Marcellus Badford
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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Moss Barnard Southworth
W: [80] Althea Philomena (nee. Carpenter) Bradford S1: [58] Louis Owen
S2: [54] Albert Edmond2ndH: [80] Isaac Algernon BradfordS3: [46] Magnus Henry
D1: [43] Hermione Violet
S4: [40] Montgomery Oscar ******
S1: [58] Louis Owen Southworth
W: [52] Iris Astrid (nee. Collier) Southworth D: [30] Magdalen Ursula (nee. Southworth) Freeman
-H: [32] Simon Thaddeus Freeman
-S: [8] James Evander
-D: [4] Isadora Adelaide
-S: [1] Augustin Noah
-D: [exp] Josephine HaliaD: [28] Helena Marcella Freeman
S: [26] Augustus Ambrose Freeman D: [24] Marina Octavia (nee. Freeman) Church
-H: [30] Noel Camille Church
-S: [exp] Milo Conrad S: [21] Willis Samuel Freeman
D: [16] Diana Winifred Freeman
S: [11] Theodore Leopold Freeman
D: [9] Paloma Raphaela Freeman ******
S2: [54] Albert Edmund Southworth
W: [54] Matillda Ariane (nee. Reyner) Southworth D: [26] Rose Alethea (nee. Southworth) Howland
-H: [30] Vincent Quentin Howland
-S: [2] Hiram George
-S: [1] Emmett Sidney
-D: [exp] Acacia Madeline ******
S3: [46] Magnus Henry Bradford
W: [41] Clara Terese (nee. Richards) Bradford S: [18] Deon Calvin Bradford
S: [16] Julien Roland Bradford
S: [13] Casper Gustave Bradford
D: [11] Candace Delfina Bradford
D: [10] Lydia Catherine Bradford
D: [8] Eloise Tabitha Bradford
S: [6] Mathias Edmund Bradford
S: [3] Clifford John Bradford
D: [2] Monica Dorothy Bradford
D: [exp] Evangelina Talia Bradford ******
D1: [43] Hermione Violet Bradford
H: [46] Byron Atticus Vermayes ******
S4: [40] Montgomery Oscar Bradford
W: [27] Eliza Melissa (nee. Hobart) Bradford S: [5] Archer Linus Bradford
S: [1] Leonard Wilhelm Bradford
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1stH: [deceased, aged 31] Burleigh Weaver Southworth
W: [80] Athena Elodie CarpenterS1: [58] Bayard Gilbert Southworth
S2: [54] Welby Griffith Southworth2ndH: [80] Malcolm Rafferty BradfordS3: [46] Felix Merritt Bradford
D1: [43] Amaryllis Serafina Bradford
S4: [40] Duke Cassius Bradford******
S1: [58] Bayard Gilbert Southworth
W: [52] Iris Charlotte CollierD: [30] Evadne Melia Southworth
-H: [32] Silas Mercer Freeman
-S: [8] Whitfield Cornell Freeman
-D: [4] Cordelia Adelaide Freeman
-S: [1] Livingston Haven Freeman
-D: [exp] Olympia Melisande FreemanD: [28] Helena Germaine Southworth
S: [26] Lindley Ambrose SouthworthD: [24] Augusta Phoebe Southworth
-H: [30] Lowell Fenton Church
-S: [exp] Milo Barnett ChurchS: [21] Campbell Boyce Southworth
D: [16] Rhiannon Winifred Southworth

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