[Opinions] Salinger
A friend of a friend on facebook has a daughter named Salinger. Thoughts?

Better than naming her Barbara Cartland! But there must be better ways of having a daughter called Sally.
It reminds me of salivating, but it's interesting. I'd love to know the middle name, and if she ever calls her Sal (which I totally would).
Better than being named after a soap opera character.
I don't enjoy the sound of it as something to call a person, particularly a girl. Guessing they liked the idea of Sally as a nickname. I'd have no problem with it in the middle slot; I wouldn't like it, but I'd not balk at it and she'd still have the option to go by it if *she* was a fan or thought it cool.
All I can think of is that it rhymes with "bellringer" and "gunslinger"! And I don't like surname names for girls, they sound too masculine.
Wow. Hate it on a girl, and feels quite pretentious.
It sounds more masculine to me. I would think it's pretty awesome on a boy. I don't think I'm necessarily biased due to loving the author, either - I don't care much for Hemingway but that would make a pretty sweet first name.
Anyway, yes. Salinger on a boy = great; Salinger on a girl = okay.
Anyway, yes. Salinger on a boy = great; Salinger on a girl = okay.
I...like it? Kind of?
Salinger was one of my favorite writers, so I think it's a cool way to honor him, but it doesn't sound very feminine. Would have been better on a boy.
...or did they name her after the family from "Party of Five"?
Salinger was one of my favorite writers, so I think it's a cool way to honor him, but it doesn't sound very feminine. Would have been better on a boy.
...or did they name her after the family from "Party of Five"?
It's awful. I never liked "Catcher in the Rye" even though everybody else seems to love it. Salinger is just ugly as a first name, even on a boy. It sounds like a utensil if anything, like something to spit grape seeds or olive pits into.
He wrote more than Catcher in the Rye, you know.
Yeah, but that's the novel people are most familiar with. If you told someone a couple named their daughter Salinger they're not going to say "Why? 'Franny & Zooey' was a horrible book."
This message was edited 1/21/2014, 3:41 PM
True but it annoys me that he tends to be solely judged on that book.
True but it annoys me that he tends to be solely judged on that book.
His other works are much better.
I agree Salinger is a terrible first name.
If they are fans of the author then I feel like naming her after one of the characters would have been preferable. I am not a big fan parents pushing their interests on their children in such an obvious way.
At least Sally is there to fall back on.
I agree Salinger is a terrible first name.
If they are fans of the author then I feel like naming her after one of the characters would have been preferable. I am not a big fan parents pushing their interests on their children in such an obvious way.
At least Sally is there to fall back on.
No, no, no, no...it's liking 'Catcher' that's the unpopular opinion. Trust me, I know.
Depends on who your friends with.
With people I know it's an equal split.
With people I know it's an equal split.
...but I've met WAY more people who hate it than people who love it. In real life, online, whatever, the number isn't even close.
...but I've met WAY more people who hate it than people who love it. In real life, online, whatever, the number isn't even close.
This message was edited 1/21/2014, 3:29 PM
I've never seen that.
I've never seen that.
In one of my college classes we were instructed to read something he wrote and literally everyone in the class groaned and the teacher acted sympathetic, if a little amused.
I've met very few people who actually like him and I've lived in English departments and libraries my whole life lol.
In one of my college classes we were instructed to read something he wrote and literally everyone in the class groaned and the teacher acted sympathetic, if a little amused.
I've met very few people who actually like him and I've lived in English departments and libraries my whole life lol.