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[Facts] And Invite The Royals While We're At It...
After four days off work, I ran out of excuses today not to do household chores, so I'm in the mood for a wee rant. Here goes:The foot-and-mouth disease thing is only the bloody disaster it is thanks to the European Union. And it wouldn't surprise me if Tony's government takes the fall for the Frogs and Belgies.Lessee - the Brits have already destroyed over a million head of livestock, scheduled another half-mil for slaughter, raised great stinking heaps of rotting carcasses in the pristine countryside, decimated their agricultural economy, put their tourism in the toilet, and all for a disease that affects only 5-10% of the animals exposed, doesn't render the meat inedible, and doesn't kill or harm humans??!! (Except the bloody poor ruined farmers who've been driven to suicide.) What kind of insanity is this?!!Blame the cursed Belgie bureaucrats who want to control the world and the arse-sucking French Farmers Union which looks for any excuse to zap the Brits! Am I missing something, or is the remedy far worse than the disease?!Welcome to Europa Unie, my brothers! This and the wretched Brit greengrocer who's currently being fined heavily under EU regulations for having the cheek to sell produce by the pound instead of the kilo are just the beginning.Sweet Jaysus, I only hope that the good working people of Manchester, Minehead, and Middlesbrough, among others, will come to their senses, rise up, and restore Britain to her own people before it's too late. Oh yeah, and flood the Channel Tunnel, too -- with Elaine and the EU Commissioners in it.Thanks for your time. I feel better now, thank you.
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Gotta agree with you on all the current foot'n'mouth hysteria over in England. John tells me that he can remember at least two other foot'n'mouth outbreaks in his lifetime, but there was never (as far as he can recall) this amount of slaughter in the past.By the way, has your brother-in-law ever told you about Plum Island and what kind of research they're *really* doing over there? I ask, because Plum Island has been in the news recently, as being the only depository of the foot'n'mouth virus in North America, for "agricultural" research purposes. But of course, those of us who grew up on Long Island during the Cold War have another idea as to what kind of research has really been going on over on Plum Island all these years...And then there's The Montauk Project, too... Our own Long Island X-File. :)-- Nanaea
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I've always heard of Plum Island in the context of anthrax research, and for all I know Ebola and dengue fever too. Whatever's going on out there, the rumble is it's bio-warfare related.Haven't heard about the Montauk Project. I'll hafta ask my man Carl (who, by the way, is far from being a wild-eyed radical, but still staunchly maintains that TWA 800 was taken out by a missile).Did I ever tell you about our little neighborhood apocalyptic menace? It's called the Blue Grass Chemical Activity, and it's a humongous (miles across) fenced expanse of rolling farmland, much bigger than our small city, just on the edge of town.Didja ever wonder where old nerve gas delivery systems (artillery shells, etc) go to die? Right here. You vant noive gas? Vat kind noive gas you vant? GB? VX? The back of our phone book has a detailed 6-page evacuation plan by city sector "in the unlikely event of blah blah blah". Go Zone 5-A! We rool!Funny thing is, people joke about being "upwinders" or "downwinders" but it doesn't affect property values one bit. This is the fastest growing city and county in Kintuckie. Go figure.
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Zone 5-A? Cooooool! :)Oh, and you don't have to ask yo' man Carl about the Montauk Project. Just do a Google search for "Montauk Project" and you'll turn up the most amazing stuff. :)I'll have to tell you about the time I brought out-of-state visitors out there to see the place, and we were set all set to go through the fence and walk the some-odd miles to the old facility and break in. But John wussed out and wouldn't get out of the car. And then a government-type car came from out of NOWHERE, and John hollered for us to pile back in the car and then he burned rubber outta there. :)-- Nanaea
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