[Games] Re: [16/02] Namebank CAF
in reply to a message by Belphoebe
DW: Imogen Elizabeth
DH: Jack Matthew
DD: Evangeline Camille "Lina"
DS: Alastair William
DD/DD/DS: Tessa Juliet / Daisy Lucinda / James Gregor
DD: Annabel Mary "Annie"
DS: Lewis David "Lewey"
DD: Frederica Jane "Freddy"
Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
-Shel Silverstein
DH: Jack Matthew
DD: Evangeline Camille "Lina"
DS: Alastair William
DD/DD/DS: Tessa Juliet / Daisy Lucinda / James Gregor
DD: Annabel Mary "Annie"
DS: Lewis David "Lewey"
DD: Frederica Jane "Freddy"
Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
-Shel Silverstein