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Ynesse Andrea Perle has a pretty flow... So does Hermione Elizabeth Mae Camille Paul Marceau is neato, I really like Marceau. Also, love love love Noam Wesley Matthieu. Valentin Maurice is quite dashing as well
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Hermione Elizabeth May could hardly be less French! I had the impression years ago - must have been reading something in the dentist's waitingroom - that children born in France had to have French given names, regardless of anything. If the parents were holidaying there and wanted a Henry son, then if he arrived early he'd have to be Henri. But now I'm seeing increasing numbers of Breton and Basque names in French contexts. And now little Hermione, an Evan and two Ethans ... what would Napoleon have made of it all? Has the law changed, or been allowed to lapse?
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To confuse you even further, little Hermione had a Dutch last name.:)
Since 1993 there have been no naming restrictions at all, but foreign names were in use before that - my French cousin Kévin was born in 1982. The top French names for 2013 were Emma and Nathan.
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How is it that even the "weird" names in France are so cool? Even the repeated twin names seem perfectly reasonable and lovely.Thiméo, Siloé, Enaïlys, Adxiya... what do these mean? I don't know, but it's awesome.Also super excited to see Palmyre!
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Possibly more than you rly wanted to know...
Thiméo is a version of Timaeus. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing from its rarity & lack of data that Enaïlys is a creative mashup of Enora + Maëlys. Siloé is apparently a Hebrew name meaning 'messenger' & I've moved Adixya into a special gender-unsure category of its own, as from poking around I suspect it might be male - probably a version of Aditya which seems to be a Hindu name for a sun god:
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Some interesting ones on here! Adixya is weird... I've never seen anything like it. Enaïlys is strange too. I tried googling them but didn't really find anything.I like Enora a lot. Added it to my PNL. I think it's quite pretty!
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