[Opinions] Birth Announcements - What do you think?
Here are some local birth announcements from a "throw away" newspaper. What do you think of these names?
Jaclyn Marie
Charlize Izabella
Jasmine Elizabeth
Alana Martha
Jadah Bryanna
Bailey Marie
Cristina Loren
Nevaeh Nicole
Dana Rene
Alexis Monique
Christopher Lee
Matthew Andrew
Jeremy Tyler
Joshua Raphael
Jeremiah Larnell
Mason Anthony
Gavin Grant
Shane Paul
Francesco Paul
Miles Jeffrey
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Marie (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Izabella (I prefer the spelling Isabella)
Jasmine Elizabeth
Bryanna (I prefer the spelling Brianna)
Christopher Lee
Matthew Andrew
Jeffrey (I prefer the spelling Geoffrey)
Jaclyn Marie
Charlize Izabella
Jasmine Elizabeth
Alana Martha
Jadah Bryanna
Bailey Marie
Cristina Loren
Nevaeh Nicole
Dana Rene
Alexis Monique
Christopher Lee
Matthew Andrew
Jeremy Tyler
Joshua Raphael
Jeremiah Larnell
Mason Anthony
Gavin Grant
Shane Paul
Francesco Paul
Miles Jeffrey
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Marie (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Izabella (I prefer the spelling Isabella)
Jasmine Elizabeth
Bryanna (I prefer the spelling Brianna)
Christopher Lee
Matthew Andrew
Jeffrey (I prefer the spelling Geoffrey)

Jaclyn Marie - Like, but prefer the spelling Jacqueline Marie
Charlize Izabella - Dislike both
Jasmine Elizabeth - Like Elizabeth, really dislike Jasmine
Alana Martha - I don't like Alana, but it's not terrible, and I like Martha, but I would be more likely to use it for a pet.
Jadah Bryanna - Dislike both
Bailey Marie - Dislike Bailey, like Marie
Emma - Prefer Emily
Cristina Loren - Dislike both
Nevaeh Nicole - Dislike both
Dana Rene - Both are OK, but I prefer the spelling Renee
Alexis Monique - I like Alexis, but not Monique. I prefer Monica.
Christopher Lee - Boring
Matthew Andrew - Do not sound good together, but I like both names separately.
Jeremy Tyler - Dislike both
Joshua Raphael - Dislike both
Jeremiah Larnell - I love Jeremiah, dislike Larnell
Mason Anthony - Mason is my nephew's name and I think it's cute, but a bit trendy, and I have always loved Anthony.
Jaclyn Marie - Like, but prefer the spelling Jacqueline Marie
Charlize Izabella - Dislike both
Jasmine Elizabeth - Like Elizabeth, really dislike Jasmine
Alana Martha - I don't like Alana, but it's not terrible, and I like Martha, but I would be more likely to use it for a pet.
Jadah Bryanna - Dislike both
Bailey Marie - Dislike Bailey, like Marie
Emma - Prefer Emily
Cristina Loren - Dislike both
Nevaeh Nicole - Dislike both
Dana Rene - Both are OK, but I prefer the spelling Renee
Alexis Monique - I like Alexis, but not Monique. I prefer Monica.
Christopher Lee - Boring
Matthew Andrew - Do not sound good together, but I like both names separately.
Jeremy Tyler - Dislike both
Joshua Raphael - Dislike both
Jeremiah Larnell - I love Jeremiah, dislike Larnell
Mason Anthony - Mason is my nephew's name and I think it's cute, but a bit trendy, and I have always loved Anthony.
Jaclyn Marie- Prefer Jacqueline Mary or Jacqueline Maria
Charlize Izabella- I see Charlize as in Charlize Theron, so the parents are probably big fans, prefer Isabel or Isabella
Jasmine Elizabeth- Like it!
Alana Martha- Not bad
Jadah Bryanna- NMS
Bailey Marie- Dislike Bailey, prefer Mary or Maria
Emma- my Mom's name- nice!
Cristina Loren- Prefer Lauren Christina
Nevaeh Nicole- Don't Like Nevaeh at all!
Dana Rene- Dana's fine, Rene's a guys name, so I prefer Dana Renee
Alexis Monique- like it
Christopher Lee -Not Bad, I've heard this before
Matthew Andrew- I ¢¾ it!
Jeremy Tyler- prefer Tyler Jeremiah
Joshua Raphael- Dislike Raphael as a mn for Joshua
Jeremiah Larnell- like Jeremiah, Larnell is nmsaa
Charlize Izabella- I see Charlize as in Charlize Theron, so the parents are probably big fans, prefer Isabel or Isabella
Jasmine Elizabeth- Like it!
Alana Martha- Not bad
Jadah Bryanna- NMS
Bailey Marie- Dislike Bailey, prefer Mary or Maria
Emma- my Mom's name- nice!
Cristina Loren- Prefer Lauren Christina
Nevaeh Nicole- Don't Like Nevaeh at all!
Dana Rene- Dana's fine, Rene's a guys name, so I prefer Dana Renee
Alexis Monique- like it
Christopher Lee -Not Bad, I've heard this before
Matthew Andrew- I ¢¾ it!
Jeremy Tyler- prefer Tyler Jeremiah
Joshua Raphael- Dislike Raphael as a mn for Joshua
Jeremiah Larnell- like Jeremiah, Larnell is nmsaa