[Opinions] Miriam
What do you think of the name Miriam?

I like it a lot; definitely one of the prettier biblical girl names. It's most uncommon where I live, which I find surprising.
I like it. It's not a usual choice and I think it has a lovely sound. I went to school with a Miriam so I grew up thinking it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, she went by "Mim" often, which I think is really cute.
Beautiful, exotic but familiar - being Biblical. Lovely to hear, say, and look at. Mimi and Miri make great nns. Totally usable.
Pretty and warm. It's not on my personal list but I like it. If I had a significant other who wanted to use it I could envision it growing on me.
It's a spineless, whiny-sounding hipster favorite. Even Mary has more spine than that even if Miriam is more uncommon.
I love Miriam! It's been one of my favorites for a long time. I can easily picture it on a young girl. I feel like it's one of those names rarely seen on youth but that it could definitely work.
It's quiet, serious, and quite pretty. I don't love it enough for it to ever make my short list, but I really do like it.
It's nms but it's not great or awful. I think it sounds a bit dated, though it looks rather pretty and I like the nn Miri. Miriam as a whole though sounds more fitting of a old lady than a kid imo If I met a young woman with it, I think I'd expect her to be a bit like Claudia from The Babysitter's Club.
It's okay. I neither love it nor hate it. I don't love it because it has an image for me of a middle-aged spinster. Not that "spinster" is in any way a meaningful word in today's society, but we're talking about images here, and all I can think of is a fussy middle-aged woman in a flowered shirt with a lacy collar and a sweater over that who never married and wishes she had. But I don't hate it because it sounds kind of nice and it's a classic and it's Biblical and it's actually a gem compared to so many of the names that are used on girls these days.
I love it. I think it sweet and timeless, underused but not uncommon. Lots of great nickname potential (important for us)... Mira, Mimi, Miri. It was a top contender had our son been a girl. It's fallen a bit on our list, (lately it feels a bit to prim...) but it's still in the running for next baby.
This message was edited 4/16/2014, 9:06 AM
I like it, but it's not the type of name I would ever use. I think the NN Miri is cute.
I love it, I think it's beautiful.
Love it!
I like Miriam with the nn Miri(e).
I love Miriam. I think it sounds so sweet and I like how it is old as the hills and wonderfully underused. I feel the same way about Naomi.
I love the name Miriam actually and we have a niece with this name who will be 4 years old in August (born 3 days after our DS!). I believe it's a name that suits a baby, a child, a teenager, and an elderly lady.