[Games] Re: [4-5] Create a Family
in reply to a message by Belphoebe
DH: Frederick Samson Crawford, Sr.
DW: Lillian Winifred {Morgan} Crawford
DS: Frederick Samson Crawford, Jr.
DS: Desmond Dorian Crawford
DD: Georgiana Beatrix Crawford
DS: Tristram Laurent Crawford
DS: Ezekiel Phineas Crawford
DD/DD: Susannah Faith Crawford / Elizabeth Hope Crawford
DD: Katharine Allison Crawford
Freddy & Lilly Crawford
- Ricky, Des, Gigi, Tris, Zeke, Susie, Liza, & Kate Crawford
We are all connected in the great circle of life.
- Mufasa, The Lion King
DW: Lillian Winifred {Morgan} Crawford
DS: Frederick Samson Crawford, Jr.
DS: Desmond Dorian Crawford
DD: Georgiana Beatrix Crawford
DS: Tristram Laurent Crawford
DS: Ezekiel Phineas Crawford
DD/DD: Susannah Faith Crawford / Elizabeth Hope Crawford
DD: Katharine Allison Crawford
Freddy & Lilly Crawford
- Ricky, Des, Gigi, Tris, Zeke, Susie, Liza, & Kate Crawford
- Mufasa, The Lion King