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Louise Odile Catherine - beautiful!
Mama-Diara - sounds African.
Noé Aimé - he's got the same MN as me! :D
Anakyne - (facepalm)
Macéo Mohamed - I've been seeing Macéo a lot. Must be due to Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry using it on their son.
Clotaire - haven't heard this name in years. It's so cool to see it used.

This message was edited 5/26/2014, 8:09 AM

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My favorite traditional combos-
Louise Odile Catherine
Léonie Brigitte Denise
Estelle Jeanne Françoise
Louise Manon
Axel Maurice Emile Jean-Jacques
Valentin Bernard Patrice
Arthur NicolasMost wtf -
Blandine Eloïne
Anakyne DavyMy favorite combo-
Macéo MohamedLol-
ClotaireMost difficult to say-
Eliott LionelAnd I'm always a fan of Mahé.
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My favorites:
Zoë Cécile Maëlys --I don't much like Zoë or Maëlys but for some reason I find this combo appealing.
Alexis (only with the French pronunciation, though)
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Eloïne! Never seen it before but I think I love it. Estelle Jeanne Françoise and Elisa Françoise Geneviève are beautiful combos. I love to see Guy used so much. I secretly think it's an awesome name especially with the French pronunciation. Timéo is super cute. Noé is probably my favorite No-name instead of Noah, Noel et al.
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