[Surname] Harlan / Harland
Origin of Harland is England, close to Wermouth. In 1687, two of the brothers, George & Michael, came to America, since they would have a far better opportunity to prosper since neither were the 1st-born & would not gain inheritance since at that time only the 1st-born would inherit all. The eldest stayed in England where the Harlands still dwell, but George & Michael dropped the"d" since tbe name meant hard land or possibly was indicitive of those who had hard-working jobs, possibly farmers. For complete history of American Harlans, see TheHarlanFamilyinAmerica.com. Our lineage includes marrying into the Lincoln family & even Supreme court Justices! The Texas annual reunion is Oct. 5th, at BlueRidge Baptist church just outside Marlin, Tx. The next national ReU will be on the East coast, still pending, in 2017. (every 5 yrs)
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