[Opinions] Olive???
What are your opinions for using Olive for a girl name?
It sounds a bit stale, but anything is better than knackered Olivia these days. I like it just because it's different.
I absolutely adore this name. This is my second choice for as a girl's name, right after Greta. If I were to have a two daughters, I would name my second one Olive Catherine. I cannot even express how much I prefer Olive over Olivia.
I think that people tend to let their associations get in the way of the overall sound and symbolism that can exist behind the name. I think that if most people were able to separate the sound and the appearance of the word from the other connotations that they have, they would find it a very beautiful, sensual sounding name.
I think that people tend to let their associations get in the way of the overall sound and symbolism that can exist behind the name. I think that if most people were able to separate the sound and the appearance of the word from the other connotations that they have, they would find it a very beautiful, sensual sounding name.
I think it's a fabulous name. Underused and unassumingly pretty. It's one of my favourites.
I don't like it at all, and it's just asking for teasing. To me, it's only slightly better than Apple. I prefer Olivia by a mile.
I like it. I like tree-names, Olive is associated with peace ("olive branch"), and the name is uncommon, yet the popularity of Olivia endorses it. It sounds gentle and has the "liv" sound which is terribly fashionable at the moment. And it's the right age for a comeback. A person would have to be fairly self-assured to be among the first to use a name that's been gathering dust for so long, but I'm pretty sure it'll be done - quietly -if it hasn't already.
- chazda

I think Olive is a great alternative to the very popular Olivia.
No. Just no.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
I'm reminded of Pop-Eye's "bean pole" girlfriend, Olive. I like Olivia!
I know an Olive. She's Irish, in her 60's or 70's.
I like it, although it' won't be everyone's cup of tea.
I like it, although it' won't be everyone's cup of tea.
I think it's kinda cool but I don't know.