[Opinions] Irene and Sylvia
I am enamored with these two names as a set, to the point where I don't think I can have one but not the other. Oh, what beautiful names for sisters. So stylish, like a fitted gray wool cardigan over a pea green poplin chemise.
One of there middle names should also probably be Margot, and they should have a brother named Jerome.

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One of there middle names should also probably be Margot, and they should have a brother named Jerome.

Visit my Pinterest gallery! http://www.pinterest.com/bhomayou/images-qui-r%C3%A9sonnent/
This message was edited 8/24/2014, 4:42 AM
You're right, Irene, Sylvia, and Jerome would make a handsome sibset. Sylvia's the only one I'm not wild about, because it feels a bit dated, but a little Sylvie would be adorable.
My grandmother is Irene and my mother (her daughter-in-law) is Margot. :)
I think they're okay as sisters, but I'd rather see Sylvia and Margot as sisters. Jerome fits in nicely.
I think they're okay as sisters, but I'd rather see Sylvia and Margot as sisters. Jerome fits in nicely.
I like both names, although it's taken me a long time to come around to Irene. I've always loved Sylvia, but Irene was a different story. I'm of the generation that can remember the middle-aged and old ladies who were named Irene, and only middle-aged and old ladies were named Irene, so I'm sure that colored my perception. I have an aunt-by-marriage named Irene. She must be in her eighties now. She was always a nice lady and all, but she had dentures and they must have been ill-fitting because she always used to move them around in her mouth. I can remember as a kid staring at her, fascinated in a kind of morbid way, because her dentures were moving around in her mouth. She must have had dentures at a fairly young age because when I was a kid less than ten years old, she couldn't have been out of her thirties yet.
Irene always made me think of Aunt Irene and it's only recently I've begun to see some beauty to the name.
But what if you have only one girl? Circumstances might dictate that you can have only a Sylvia and only an Irene. Which would you choose first?
Jerome has got to go.
Irene always made me think of Aunt Irene and it's only recently I've begun to see some beauty to the name.
But what if you have only one girl? Circumstances might dictate that you can have only a Sylvia and only an Irene. Which would you choose first?
Jerome has got to go.