[Opinions] Jinx
Sometimes I think about this name. I think it's pretty fun. But is it TOO fun? It does have mythological roots, you know.
Tell me all your thoughts on Jinx, because I'd really like to see them.
Is it better as a nickname?
A middle name?
An animal name?
If you were to use it, how would you?
Tell me all your thoughts on Jinx, because I'd really like to see them.
Is it better as a nickname?
A middle name?
An animal name?
If you were to use it, how would you?
Reminds me of Jynx the Pokemon (which my cousin made a joke about it looking like Nicki Minaj). Plus jinx isn't really something you'd want to be naming your kid.
This message was edited 10/4/2014, 6:51 AM
Its a cat's name. Also a pokemon. It's stupid as a human name - sounds like a name a goth wannabe teenager would start using!
The word itself doesn't have very good connotations, so I'd steer clear of Jinx as a given name. In fact, I feel like even as a nickname, it could give a kid a complex. I know for me as a kid, shy and nervous and self-conscious, I know a nickname like that would have made me hyper-aware everytime I was the cause of something going wrong.
But yes, it does have a fun sound.
But yes, it does have a fun sound.
(do you remember that game?)
Animal name, cartoon character name, or entertainer pseudonym.
Better as first than middle, though, because in the middle it just looks ashamed of itself. As a first name it just looks audaciously gimmicky, like a typical celeb babyname.
Jinx, sisters Pixel and Gypsy, brothers Aeon and Zeus.
(do you remember that game?)
Animal name, cartoon character name, or entertainer pseudonym.
Better as first than middle, though, because in the middle it just looks ashamed of itself. As a first name it just looks audaciously gimmicky, like a typical celeb babyname.
Jinx, sisters Pixel and Gypsy, brothers Aeon and Zeus.
*looks up etymology on wikipedia* Those birds are cool.
I wouldn't want to be a Jinx in case it was a self-perpetuating thing - it's a bit like Calamity, calamities could happen.
It is cute and perky though. Maybe if your last name was Jenks? Or for something like Jacintha. Or Jasmine Isabellina Normanetta Xanthe.
I wouldn't want to be a Jinx in case it was a self-perpetuating thing - it's a bit like Calamity, calamities could happen.
It is cute and perky though. Maybe if your last name was Jenks? Or for something like Jacintha. Or Jasmine Isabellina Normanetta Xanthe.
One of my parents' late best friends was called Jenks, short for Jenkins, which was her first name, because Southern people are strange namers.
Anyway, my whole life I thought her name was Jinx until I saw it written out.
I don't really care for it. It sounds like some kind of tricky stripper. That doesn't sound nice but I can't think of a better way to say it.
Anyway, my whole life I thought her name was Jinx until I saw it written out.
I don't really care for it. It sounds like some kind of tricky stripper. That doesn't sound nice but I can't think of a better way to say it.
I think it's really cute. I regularly call a friend of mine Jinx, as a character in a story by another of my friends, named Jinx, was based on her. However, I don't think it's a conceivable first name for a real person. A nickname, yes.
Isn't a jinx someone unfortunately cursed with bad luck? I dunno. It seems like it might be a depressing name to have, I think, like your parents cursed you with lifelong bad luck. It reminds me of Jinx from the Teen Titans, a villainess who did end up reforming, so there's a bit of a good association there (though I've heard she's wildly different in the comics). Honestly, I don't think I'd use this name at all, not even as a nickname. I might use it on a black cat, though. I've entertained the idea of Binks as a nickname for Bianka before, which sounds similar but doesn't carry the negative association.
Cute for a pet. Cute for a middle name. Not so nice for a given name. A little too fun/frivolous, too many negative connotations.
What about Jenks?
What about Jenks?
I knew a cat named Jinx. Perfect fit.
I also think there is a couple of Marvel Comic characters with this name (or related name). It fits in that genre too.
However, on a person I don't find it pleasant. A nickname... sure. But, where I live... the nickname jinx would mean that you always make things go wrong.
Jinks might fly - but Jinx means that something bad happened, or is about to happen. Not a nice connotation for a baby (or adult).
I also think there is a couple of Marvel Comic characters with this name (or related name). It fits in that genre too.
However, on a person I don't find it pleasant. A nickname... sure. But, where I live... the nickname jinx would mean that you always make things go wrong.
Jinks might fly - but Jinx means that something bad happened, or is about to happen. Not a nice connotation for a baby (or adult).
It would be cute on a cat or dog. But on a person in everyday life it seems ridiculous. I can sort of see it as a nn, but in this day and age it would seem very self-conscious.
My friend's grandmother was called Jinx by her husband and friends. Her real name is Jennie, but she's Polish and her parents called her Jinka. Her husband heard this and shortened it to Jink or Jinx.
My friend's grandmother was called Jinx by her husband and friends. Her real name is Jennie, but she's Polish and her parents called her Jinka. Her husband heard this and shortened it to Jink or Jinx.

I knew about the pokemon Jynx before I was even aware Jinx was a word, so it's my first association. So I'd rather see it as a nickname, middle name, or pet name than a first name.
*chuckles* Oh, I love to hate that Pokémon. xD Always kinda disturbed me, in a fun way.
I would use it maybe for a cat
Jinx is a word. Very silly to use if your from an english_-speaking country
Jinx is a word. Very silly to use if your from an english_-speaking country
It's definitely fun, but I would only use it as a nickname. For what, I do not know...Genevieve? Ginger? Ginnifer?